
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Mass Communication BA

3 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Global Media Systems And Information Economies

Objective Knowledge Of Specific Global Concepts & Theories
The MCM Department will graduate students who can use specific concepts and theories to assess global media systems and information economies.
Associated Goals: Global Media Systems And Information Economies

Indicator Assessment By Exit Exam --Global Media
Graduating seniors in MCM 412 will take an exit exam that measures their knowledge of concepts and thoeories used to appraise global media systems and information economies.
Criteria Exit Exam -- Global Media
At least 75% of the students in MCM 412 will score 75 or better (out of 100) on the Global Media Exit Exam.
Finding Exit Exam Results -- Global Media
Sixty-five percent of the students in MCM 412 scored 75 (out of 100) or better on the Exit Exam on Global Communication issues.
Actions for Objective:

Action Adjustments - Global Media Exit Exam
Some students in MCM 412 were taking MCM 493 (Global) concurrently. Some students in MCM 412 were scheduled to take MCM 493 the following semester. Their test scores reflected this situation. In the future students in this situation will be informed that it is their responsibility to access & read appropriate materials. Additionally, faculty will assess and if appropriate adjust Global Exit Exam. A Global Exit Exam will continue to be implemented in MCM 412.

GOAL: Knowledge Of Media Law & Ethics

Objective Knowledge Of Specific Legal Concepts & Theories
The MCM Department will graduate students who can use specific concepts and theories to assess First Amendment, copyright, privacy and libel issues.
Associated Goals: Knowledge Of Media Law & Ethics

Indicator Assessment By Exit Exam--Media Law & Ethics
Graduating seniors in MCM 412 will take an exit exam that measures their knowledge of the First Amendment, copyright, invasion of privacy and libel.
Criteria Exit Exam -- Law & Ethics
At least 75% of the graduating seniors in MCM 412 will score 75 or better (out of 100) on the Mass Media Law & Ethics Exit Exam.
Finding Exit Exam Results -- Law & Ethics
Seventy-five percent of the students in MCM 412 scored at least 75 (out of 100) or higher on the Exit Exam on Media Law & Ethics.
Actions for Objective:

Action Adjustments - Media Law & Ethics Exit Exam
Some students in MCM 412 were taking MCM 471 (Media Law) concurrently. Some students in MCM 412 were scheduled to take MCM 471 the following semester. Their test scores reflected this situation. In the future students in this situation will be informed that it is their responsibility to access & read appropriate materials. Additionally, faculty will assess and if appropriate adjust Media Law Exit Exam. A Media Law & Ethics Exit Exam will continue to be implemented in MCM 412.

GOAL: Student Professional Preparation

Objective Writing Skills
The MCM Department will graduate students with demonstrated writing skills.
Associated Goals: Student Professional Preparation

Indicator Assessment By Writing Skills Exam
Students in MCM 132 will be tested at the beginning and at the end of the semester to assess the development of their writing skills.
Criteria Writing Skills Exam
At least 75% of students in various sections of MCM 132 will show improvement in their writing skills.
Finding Writing Tests in MCM 132
Faculty administered writing skills tests at the beginning and at the end of two sections of MCM 132 and 75% of students scored higher on second test.
Actions for Objective:

Action Review of Instrument
Faculty in MCM 132 will be reviewing the instrument during Fall 2007 Semester and will continue to implement a writing skills test in these introductory classes.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111