
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Health Services

7 Goals     15 Objectives     16 Indicators     16 Criteria     15 Findings     15 Actions

GOAL: Achieve AAAHC Accreditation.

Objective Complete Accreditation Survey
Successfully complete the accreditation survey scheduled for September 11, 2006. The survey will consist of a two day site visit by two surveyors. During the survey, they will compare our operations against the nationally recognized accreditation standards. The report of their findingss will be submitted to review board that will make a decision regarding the department's accreditation. This decision will be communicated to the department in writing.
Associated Goals: Achieve AAAHC Accreditation.

Indicator Accreditation Letter
The receipt of a letter from the AAAHC indicating the accreditation decision.
Criteria Accreditation
Full or three-year level accreditation
Finding Accreditation Letter
A letter indicating that the Health Center was awarded full accreditation was received on January 5, 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Accreditation
The department will maintain compliance with accreditation standards and apply for reaccreditation in 2009.

GOAL: Electronic Medical Records

Objective Feasibility Study
Complete a feasibility study regarding the implementation of electronic medical records.
Associated Goals: Electronic Medical Records

Indicator Feasibility Study
The feasibility study will consist of the gathering and analysis of information regarding the cost, operational impact,and user investment associated with the implementation of electronic medical records. The information sources will include departmental staff members, vendors, and experienced users. This information will be used to determine whether or not the department should implement electronic medical records.
Criteria Feasibility Study
The determination of whether or not the department should proceed with the implementation of electronic medical records.
Finding Feasibility Study
The feasibility study was completed and concluded that the department should solicit vendor presentations while concurrently exploring funding.
Actions for Objective:

Action Feasibility Study
1. Meet with departmental staff and the Vice President for Student Services (VPSS) to present the study. 2. Discuss with the VPSS the possibility of alternate sources of funding. 3. Solicit vendor presentations. 4. Develop a plan for purchase and implementation.

GOAL: Emergency Power Generator

Objective  Approval/Installation Of Generator
Obtain approval of emergency power generator project and facilitate installation.
Associated Goals: Emergency Power Generator

Indicator Approval/Installation Of Generator
The Work Request/Estimate that has been approved by the Vice President of Student Services and has been forwarded to Physical Plant for installation.
Criteria Installation of Generator
The successful installation of the emergency power generator.
Actions for Objective:

Action Approval/Installation of Generator
Carry goals and objectives related to generator installation over to next year.

GOAL: Patient Volume

Objective Funding For Additional Practitioner.
Identify and secure funding for additional expenses related to the procurement of an additional practitioner's services.
Associated Goals: Patient Volume

Indicator Funding For Additional Practitioner
The determination of whether or not the department has the funds for an additional practitioner will be made through the annual budget review process. Upon receipt of the annual budget, the amount of descretionary funds will be quantified. This amount will then be measured against the funds associated with an additional practitioner. The department will procure the services of an additional practitioner if the associated costs do not exceed the amount of discretionary funds available.
Criteria Additional Funding For Practitioner
Budget balance report showing that additional funds have been realized.
Finding Funding for Additional Practitioner
The 2006-2007 budget contained adequate funding to cover the expenses related to the addition of a third practitioner.
Finding Increase Medical Service Fee
A 10% increase in the Medical Service Fee increase was proposed, approved, and implemented for fall 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Funding for Additional Practitioner
Continue efforts to secure additional funding to hire additional practitioners.

GOAL: Patient Volume

Objective Increase Medical Service Fee
Successfully propose a additional a 10% increase in the Medical Service Fee effective fall 2007.
Associated Goals: Patient Volume

Indicator Increase Medical Service Fee
Comparison of the Medical Service Fee from fiscal year 2007 to fiscal year 2008.
Criteria Medical Service Fee
$3 increase in the medical service fee for long semesters and $1.50 increase per summer session.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Medical Service Fee
Propose increases in Medical Service Fee as outlined in strategic plan and modify strategic plan as necessary.

GOAL: Patient Volume

Objective Increase Nursing Staff
Contingent upon the achievement of Objective 10, hire an additional nurse by August 31, 2007.
Associated Goals: Patient Volume

Indicator Increase Nursing Staff
The number of nursing staff FTEs.
Criteria Increase Nursing Staff
Greater than 3 nursing staff full-time equivalents by August 31, 2007.
Finding Increase Nursing Staff
On 08/01/07, a fourth full-time nurse began employment within the department.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Nursing Staff
Assess the need for additional nursing staff when considering additional practitioners.

GOAL: Patient Volume

Objective Increase Practitioner FTEs
Increase medical practitioner FTEs by .60 for the fall and spring semesters.
Associated Goals: Patient Volume

Indicator Increase Practitioner FTEs
The number of medical practitioner FTEs for fall 2006 and spring 2007.
Criteria Increase Practitioner FTEs
At least 2.60 practitioner FTEs for fall 2006 and spring 2007.
Finding Increase Practitioner FTEs
The practitioner FTEs were increassed to 2.6 in the fall semester and 2.7 in the spring semester.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Practitioner FTEs
Develop objective for 2007-2008 to increase practitioner FTEs to 2.8 for the fall and spring semesters.

GOAL: Pharmacy Services

Objective Market Pharmacy Services.
Market pharmacy as a stand alone service.
Associated Goals: Pharmacy Services

Indicator Market Pharmacy Services
The number of marketing activities highlighting pharmacy services.
Criteria Market Pharmacy Services
At least six marketing activities in FY 2007 highlighting pharmacy services.
Finding Market Pharmacy Services
The department conducted 10 marketing activities highlighting pharmacy services. These included an article in the departmental newsletter and the department''s website, development and distribution of flyers and brochures, and presentations.
Actions for Objective:

Action Market pharmacy services
Formulate goals and objectives for 2007-2008 related to the marketing of pharmacy services.

GOAL: Staff Development

Objective Attend ACHA Conference
At least two staff members will attend the American College Health Association National Conference in San Antonio.
Associated Goals: Staff Development

Indicator Attendance At Conference
Travel Applications that have been completed by staff members attending the conference. Travel Vouchers submitted with attendees' expense receipts.
Criteria Attendance at Conference
Two or more staff members attend the ACHA Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Finding Attendance at Conference
Two staff members attended the conference- Lorna Wadsworth, Registered Nurse Michelle Lovering, Health Programming Coordinator
Actions for Objective:

Action Attend Conference
Consider future opportunities for staff to attend the ACHA conferences as the budget allows.

GOAL: Staff Development

Objective Intradepartmental Development Activities
At least four intradepartmental presentations/in-services will be conducted during FY 2007
Associated Goals: Staff Development

Indicator Intradepartmental Development Activities
The number of intradepartmental presentations/in-services conducted during FY 2007.
Criteria Intradepartmental Development Activities
At least four departmental in-services during 2006-2007.
Finding Intradepartmental Developmental Activities
Five intradepartmental in-services were conducted. The topics included fire safety and various technical presentations on health-related topics.
Actions for Objective:

Action Intradepartmental Development Activities
Continue to promote an atmosphere of professional development and learning.

GOAL: Student Choices

Objective Campus Outreach
Conduct or participate in at least 100 campus outreach activities offering students information to assist them in making informed decisions.
Associated Goals: Student Choices

Indicator Campus Outreach
The number of outreach programs that the department conducted or participated in as recorded on the department's performance indicator report.
Criteria Campus Outreach
Conduting or participating in at least 100 campus outreach programs during 2006- 2007.
Finding Campus Outreach
The department conducted or participated in 117 campus outreach programs.
Actions for Objective:

Action Campus Outreach
Formulate goals and objectives for next year related to the number of campus outreach programs as appropriate.

GOAL: Student Choices

Objective Collaborate With The Local Community
Increase collaborative activities with the local community.
Associated Goals: Student Choices

Indicator Local Community Collaborations
The number collaborative activities with the local community for FY 2007 compared to FY 2006 as recorded on departmental monthly reports.
Criteria Community Collaborations
More than 4 collaborative activities with the local community.
Finding Local Community Collaborations
The department participated in 6 collaborative efforts with the community in 2006-2007 compared to 3 efforts in 2005-2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collaborate with Local Community
Continue to collaborate with the local community as appropriate.

GOAL: Student Choices

Objective Educate Patients
Patients will receive education regarding their condition and treatment during their visit.
Associated Goals: Student Choices

Indicator Campus Outreach
The number of campus outreach programs as recorded on the department's monthly reports during FY 2007.
Indicator Educate Patients
The percentage of students that indicate on the post-visit survey that they were educated during their visit and understand about their illness or condition.
Criteria Educate Patients
A higher level of positive responses than last year on the post-visit survey (questions relating to patient education).
Criteria Educate Patients
At least 90 percent of the 2006-2007 post-visit survey respondents will indicate that they were educated during their visit and understand at least "some" about their condition.
Finding Educate Patients
94 percent of the 2006-2007 post visit satisfaction survey respondents indicated that they received education during their visit. 99 percent of the respondents indicated that they understood at least "some'' about their condition (9 percent indicated that they understood some;50 percent indicated that they understood "very much"; and 40% indicated that they understood "everything")
Actions for Objective:

Action Patient Education
Continue to assess the patient education as a component of the Post Visit Satisfaction Survey.

GOAL: Student Choices

Objective Increase Collaborations With University Community
Increase the number of collaborations with the university community on health-related initiatives.
Associated Goals: Student Choices

Indicator University Community Collaboration
The number of collaborative activities with the university community for FY 2007 compared to FY 2006 as recorded on departmental monthly reports.
Criteria University Community Collaboration
More than 87 collaborative efforts with the university community.
Finding University Collaborations
The department collaborated with the campus community on 108 occassions in 2006-2007 compared to 87 occassions in 2005-2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action University Community Collaborations
Continue to collaborate with the campus community.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111