
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Lowman Student Center, Director

2 Goals     2 Objectives     2 Indicators     2 Criteria     2 Findings     2 Actions

GOAL: Facilities and Services

Objective Quality Operations
Provide guests with high quality facilities, equipment and services.
Associated Goals: Facilities and Services

Indicator Quality Operations  
Using an assessment survey, measure the quality of the operations for service and the facility. The service portion of the survey is broken into 3 areas: communication, efficiency, and courtesy. Facility issues surveyed were quality of tables, chairs, equipment and special needs. Each of the areas allowed the responder to select a rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. The survey provided space for additional comments from the responder. A copy of the survey is attached.
Criteria Quality Operations
Maintain a 90% rating of good or outstanding in the quality assessment survey
Finding Quality Findings
The LSC Satisfaction Survey found that 98.67% of the respondents rated the facility and service in the Excellent or Good quality. The survey recap and a sample of the returned surveys are attached as supporting documents. The complete file of surveys is available in the LSC Director''s Office.
Actions for Objective:

Action Quality Service
Quality assessment survey is reviewed each semester with staff. Areas of concern are discussed. Any findings of poor are addressed immediately with the respondent and the staff personnel responsible for that area of the LSC.

GOAL: Programs and Events

Objective Program/Event
Provide university community with programs and increase participation in line with university growth.
Associated Goals: Programs and Events

Indicator Program Participation
The programs sponsored by the LSC will increase student participation by a factor equal to the university growth.
Criteria Event participation
The total participation in the programs sponsored by the LSC will increase by 3%.
Finding Program Participation
Last year there were 1894 participants in LSC sponsored programs and this year there were 2112 for am 11.5% increase.
Actions for Objective:

Action Program Participation
Discussed programming with staff. Kat Klub manager is the primary programmer for the LSC. Even though the goal of event participation was exceeded we can increase the participation by better advertising. Kat Klub manager will increase advertising in the university newspaper and will hand out flyers on campus before events.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111