
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Student Services, Associate Vice President

2 Goals     2 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Inclusive Community

Objective Community Building Activities
Support institutional wide community building programs and activities
Associated Goals: Inclusive Community

Indicator Collaborative Programming
Develop and participate in collaborative institutional wide programs and activities.
Criteria Program Quantity
Determine the total number of collaborative programs annually.
Finding Community Enhancement Programs
There were four programs identified per semester that fostered a greater sense of insitutional community.
Finding Publicity Avenues
Standard publicity tools include fliers, web announcements, the Houstonian, door hangers, and the student radio/tv stations.
Indicator Program Awareness
Publicize all appropriate programs to include all community members.
Criteria Staff Development
Provide staff with financial resources and knowledge of professional growth opportunities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Community Building
Staff were encouraged and allowed to participate in campus wide social programs fostering a greater sense of community.
Action Program Awareness
Staff were called, emailed, and received information through various university tools promoting staff development opportunities.

GOAL: Program And Services Assesstment

Objective Assessment Process
Provide, develop, or procure assessment tools for staff to evaluate programs and services that will highlight satisfaction levels and perceived needs of the customer.
Associated Goals: Program And Services Assesstment

Indicator Provide Assessment Tools
Develop and/or provide assessment tools for personnel to evaluate customer satisfaction and perceived needs.
Criteria Assesstment
Identify assessment opportunties for program evaluation.
Finding Program Participant Satisfaction Surveys
There were at least two participation satisfaction surveys identified in every program child area.
Actions for Objective:

Action Satisfaction Surveys
Program satisfaction survey were conducted detailing the high satisfaction level of participants in the program.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111