
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Human Resources

3 Goals     6 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Provide Staff and Line Services in HR for Enhancing Campus and Community Atmosphere and Culture

Objective Apply Human Resources Policies
Fair and equitable application of Human Resources Policies.
Associated Goals: Provide Staff and Line Services in HR for Enhancing Campus and Community Atmosphere and Culture

Indicator Apply Human Resources Policies
Human Resources will apply all HR policies in a fair and equitable manner.
Criteria Apply Human Resources Policies
Human Resources will apply all HR policies in a fair and equitable manner.
Finding Apply Human Resources Policies
We have determined that HR staff routinely refer employees to the Human Resources policies to provide guidance and direction for needed decisions relating to Human Resources matters.
Actions for Objective:

Action Apply Human Resources Policies
The Human Resources Department used the University staff and faculty policies to direct employees and management relative to the appropriate actions for resolving Human Resources issues and matters in a fair and equitable manner.

GOAL: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Objective File State and Federal Reports
Timely filing of all state and federal reports.
Associated Goals: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Indicator Rate of Filing all State and Federal Reports
Human Resources will be reviewing the rate of completion regarding the filing of all state and federal reports.
Criteria File 100% of all State and Federal Reports
Human Resources will file all state and federal reports by the stated deadlines.
Finding File State and Federal Reports
Human Resources reviewed and analyzed all required state and federal reports by the stated deadlines.
Actions for Objective:

Action File State and Federal Reports
Successfully completed all required state and federal report by the stated deadlines.

GOAL: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Objective Process Payroll Action Forms
Timely Processing of Payroll Action Forms to the Payroll Department by the Payroll deadline.
Associated Goals: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Indicator Rate of Payroll Action Form Processing
Human Resources will be reviewing the rate of completion regarding the processing of Payroll Action Forms to the Payroll Department by the Payroll deadline.
Criteria Process 100% of all Payroll Action Froms
Process 100% of the Payroll Action Forms by the Payroll deadline.
Finding Process Payroll Action Forms
Processing of all the Payroll Action Forms by the Payroll deadline requiring shifting resources to concentrate on this task as many documents arrive shortly before the deadline.
Actions for Objective:

Action Process Payroll Action Forms
Departments are encouraged to process Payroll Action Forms in a timely manner to avoid delays in setting employees up on payroll items. Information is communicated via web and memos regarding cut-off deadline for Payroll Action Forms to engage departments in successfully processing of the Payroll Action Forms.

GOAL: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Objective Process Personnel Requisition Forms
Timely processing of Personnel Requisition Forms to post job openings.
Associated Goals: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Indicator Rate of Processing Personnel Requisition Forms
Human Resources will be reviewing the rate of completion regarding the processing of Personnel Requisition Forms and the posting of job openings.
Criteria Process 100% of the Personnel Requisition Forms
Human Resources will process 100% of the Personnel Requisition Forms received and post the job openings within 3-5 days after receiving a completed and approved Personnel Requisition Form.
Finding Employment Process Review & Initiative
Due to the continued and sustained growth of the university employment has steadily increased.
Actions for Objective:

Action Employment Process Review & Initiative
Worked with Computer Services to develop an employment recordkeeping and tracking system. Reviewing and analyzing the need for a web-based automated applicant application process.

GOAL: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Objective Review And Process Retirement Program Documents
Timely review and processing of Retirement Program documents.
Associated Goals: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support Academic Standards and Programs

Indicator Rate Of Retirement Program Document Processing
Human Resources will be reviewing the rate of completion regarding the processing of Retirement Program documents.
Criteria Process 100% of Retirement Program Documents and Correct any Errors
Human Resources will process 100% of Retirement Program Tax-Sheltered salary reduction agreements and check for compliance, correcting errors as necessary, before finalizing each payroll period.
Finding Benefit Changes to 403b Retirement Plans
Texas Higher Education Board and Federal IRS law resulted in new certification process and creation of a new 403b plan document.
Actions for Objective:

Action Benefit Changes to 403b Retirement Plans
Verified and updated 403b vendor information for Higher Education Coordinator Board certification. Texas State University System created task force comprised of component universities to create and obtain legal review for new IRS required 403b plan document. Target completion date October 2008.

GOAL: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support University Image and Exposure

Objective Update The Human Resources Website
Timely update of the Human Resources Department website.
Associated Goals: Provide Staff and Line Services in Human Resources to Support University Image and Exposure

Indicator Maintain the HR Website with Pertinent and Accurate Information
Human Resources will review the department website and update the information as necessary, in order to maintain pertinent and accurate information.
Criteria Keep HR Website Current
Human Resources will review the department website and make necessary changes/updates based on applicable policy law and rule changes each academic semester and new fiscal year.
Finding Website Maintenance and Utilization Review
Each academic semester and new fiscal year Human Resources will make needed changes and updates to our website information based on applicable policy law and rule changes.
Actions for Objective:

Action Website Maintenance and Utilization Review
Reviewed and analyzed policies, faculty/staff positions and resource information on Human Resources website.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111