
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Accounts Payable

1 Goals     1 Objectives     1 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     1 Actions

GOAL: Payment Period

Objective Efficiency In Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable's staff will process vouchers for payment efficiency.
Associated Goals: Payment Period

Indicator Annual Report of AP Statistics
An annual report will be provided to the Director of the Business Office with accounts payable statistics after fiscal year end.
Criteria Average number of days to process
A report of the average number of days from the date placement of an encumbrance on an existing order to the processing date of the payment, will be included in a report to the Director of the Business Office.
Finding Number of days to process
The average number of days to process a voucher was 18 days.
Criteria Cash Discounts Received
The total dollar amount of cash discounts received and processed will be included in a report to the Director of the Business Office
Finding Cash Discounts
The amount of cash discounts missed is $1790.74.
Criteria Completed Purchase Orders
The total number of purchase orders completed will be included in the annual report to the Director of the Business Office.
Finding Purchase Orders
The total number of Mail processed is 60,673. The total number of vouchers processed is 19,988.
Actions for Objective:

Action Annual Report of AP Statistics
Annual Report of AP Statistics will continue for FY 2008.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111