
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Enrollment Management, Assistant Vice President

3 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: GoKatGO Trailer

Objective GoKatGo Trailer
Obtain funding mobile recruiting for trailer.
Associated Goals: GoKatGO Trailer

Indicator GoKatGo Funding
Whether or not we are successful in receiving funding for the trailer
Criteria Funding
Receive grant to fund the purchase of truck and trailer
Finding GoKatGO Trailer funding
We are awaiting funding decision.
Actions for Objective:

Action Funding
If funding is receive we will purchase truck, trailer, equipment and supplies. Also look into staff to work with trailer program. We will also submit prpposal for TG grant to fund operating cost.

GOAL: GoKatGO Trailer

Objective Potential Use Of GoKatGO Trailer
Begin to research potential place to take GoKatGO trailer
Associated Goals: GoKatGO Trailer

Indicator Potential Uses Of GoKatGo Trailer
Find places to take the trailer that have potential prospective students for SHSU that may not have the oportunity to visit campus.
Criteria GoKat Go Trailer Visits
Events should have potential to encourage students to inquire or apply to SHSU.
Finding Place to visit
Over 20 sites were found as recruiting opportunites to take the trailer.
Actions for Objective:

Action Visits
Continue to identify places for GoKatGo trailer to visit with need for higher education recruitmen.

GOAL: Technological Advancement

Objective FA Banner Migration
Migrate FA software to Banner
Associated Goals: Technological Advancement

Indicator FA Banner Implementation
Have the conversion process begin by 2007
Criteria Implementation to begin by 2007
Have the software conversion begin by 2007.
Finding Banner Implementation Progress
Positive progress be made towards the conversion. Pricing, planning and scheduling begin. The conversion si scheduled to me complete by February 2009
Actions for Objective:

Action Maintain Course on FA Banner Migration
Continue to plan for migration by creating timelines, schedules, and training rooms. This will also be discussed with computing services staff.

GOAL: Web Site Development

Objective Develop New Websites
Develop consistent and effective web sites for Financial Aid, GoKatGo trailer and the Visitors Center.
Associated Goals: Web Site Development

Indicator New And Coordinated Websites
Have department websites coordinate with university image for consistancy and current information.
Criteria Departmental Websites
Websites should be effective in communicating with parents, students and faculty and staff.
Finding Website Development
Website development in progress.
Actions for Objective:

Action Website Development
Committee has been formed to address goal.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111