
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Research and Special Programs, Associate Vice President

4 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     6 Criteria     4 Findings     2 Actions

GOAL: Increase Research Activities

Objective Increase Research,Intellectual Services And Scholarly Work Being Completed At University
Encourage 10 more faculty from 2005 to seek and receive grants, contracts or scholarly awards
Associated Goals: Increase Research Activities

Indicator  Number Of Publications
Number of publications ,including articles in top journals and books written
Indicator  Number Of Research Activities Involving Students
Exposing students to research opportunities that otherwise they would not have
Criteria number of students and faculty processed for IRB and IACUC approvals
number of faculty and students processed for human subject/animal subject approvals
Criteria number of students helped by ORSP in pursuit of research activities
students involved in research are assisted by ORSP
Finding more research activites
ORSP is actively assisting faculty to pursue research activities
Actions for Objective:

Action Track publications
number of faculty''s publications is tracked by ORSP

GOAL: Increase number of faculty publications and presentations

This goal has no specified objectives.

GOAL: Maintain A High Level Of Research Support For Faculty And Administration

This goal has no specified objectives.

GOAL: increase external funding

Objective Increase Contracted Activities
Increase amount of dollars received for research and scholarly activities by $100,000.
Associated Goals: increase external funding

Indicator Number Of Grants And Contracts
Number of contracts and grants submitted
Criteria number of faculty helped with grant budget development
ORSP staff assists faculty with budget development
Finding ORSP provides faculty with research support
ORSP organizes grantwriting workshops,collaborative assistance and budget development
Criteria number of funding opportunities sent to faculty,dept. chairs and deans
funding opportunities are emailed to faculty , their dept. chair and deans
Finding external funding increased
total contracts and grants was more than previous year
Criteria number of senior faculty helped with grantwriting
senior faculty not familiar with grantwriting are assisted extensively
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: increase external funding

Objective Increase Funding Opportunities Pursued By Faculty.
Seek out funding opportunities and inform 25 faculty.
Associated Goals: increase external funding

Indicator  Number Of Faculty Using SHSU Grant Databases
Register professional profiles and familiarize high percentage of faculty on funding databases
Criteria number of faculty using faculty workroom at ORSP
faculty workroom provides area for fundingdatabase access
Finding more faculty assisted by ORSP
ORSP''s staff assisted more faculty
Actions for Objective:

Action hire more proposal development personnel
more staff is required to meet need of more faculty using ORSP

GOAL: increase external funding

Objective Increase Number Of New Faculty Pursuing Sponsored Research
3 new faculty submits grants in first year at SHSU
Associated Goals: increase external funding

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111