
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
International Programs

5 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: International Faculty Development

Objective Provide Academic And Social Support For International Students
Provide needed information and services to increase students who study abroad.
Associated Goals: International Faculty Development

Indicator International Academic And Cultural Activties
Academic presentations and cultural actvities will be offered to enhance internationalization of the campus.
Criteria International Activities
Provide international presentations or cultural activities twice a semester to enhance international programming
Finding International Programming on Campus
Fall welcome barbeque was well attended (@200) and we received numerous positive comments. International Week and International Festival were well attended and reviewed.
Finding Retention of International Students
A number of workshops were offered on issues related to filing taxes, social security, immigration rules (F-1 and H-1B visas, etc.) throughout the academic year. Also social activities were provided in conjunction with other organizations. Also provided trips to NASA, Houston, Galveston to obtain ethnic groceries and learn about history and cultures of this area. These activities were well received.
Actions for Objective:

Action Workshops for International Students
We will continue to provide these workshops and social activities to assimilate the international students to their new environment to better function in their adopted community/country.

GOAL: International Programming On Campus

Objective Implementation Of International Programming On Campus
Plan and implement academic and cultural programming to enhance internationalization of the campus
Associated Goals: International Programming On Campus, Retention Of International Students

Indicator Faculty Development Workshops
Workshops will be offered once a semester for faculty international development opportunities
Criteria Faculty Development Workshops 200607
Provide workshops once a semester that focus on encouraging faculty members to develop short-term study abroad courses and encouraging faculty to apply for CIEE International Faculty Development Summer Seminars.
Finding Faculty Development Workshops
Fall workshop on how to develop faculty-led study abroad courses. While attendance was rather low, the feedback from those who attended was positive. Also had positive response to spring workshop on CIEE International Faculty Development Seminar for summer 07. Three faculty members participated in the CIEE International Faculty Development Seminar ''06.
Indicator Workshops And Social Actvities
At least three workshops and cultural activities will be provided to the students for social and academic support.
Criteria Workshops for International Students
Provide workshops twice a semester to meet international students'' needs.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Development Workshops
Will continue to offer these workshops.
Action International Programming on Campus
We will continue to offer these types of activities.

GOAL: International Programming On Campus

Objective International Student Retention Rate
Provide services and activites that meet international students' needs so they can successfully accomplish their academic goals.
Associated Goals: International Programming On Campus

Indicator Workshops And Social Actvities
At least three workshops and cultural activities will be provided to the students for social and academic support.
Criteria Workshops for International Students
Provide workshops twice a semester to meet international students'' needs.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: International Student Enrollment

Objective Increase International Student Enrollment
Plan and implement recruitment strategies
Associated Goals: International Student Enrollment

Indicator International Student Enrollment Comparison
International student enrollment fall 06 will be compared with fall 07 to determine enrollment increase/decrease
Criteria Enrollment for Academic Year 2006-2007
Expect increase of 5% over Academic Year 05-06.
Finding Successful increase in student enrollment.
Enrollment of international students for Fall 05 was 209. The enrollement in Fall 06 was 240, which shows a 14% increase. The total number of international students includes ELI students and House Bill 1403 students.
Actions for Objective:

Action Recruit at community colleges
Make more recruiting trips to Navarro Community College because of number of international students

GOAL: Retention Of International Students

Objective Implementation Of International Programming On Campus
Plan and implement academic and cultural programming to enhance internationalization of the campus
Associated Goals: International Programming On Campus, Retention Of International Students

Indicator Faculty Development Workshops
Workshops will be offered once a semester for faculty international development opportunities
Criteria Faculty Development Workshops 200607
Provide workshops once a semester that focus on encouraging faculty members to develop short-term study abroad courses and encouraging faculty to apply for CIEE International Faculty Development Summer Seminars.
Finding Faculty Development Workshops
Fall workshop on how to develop faculty-led study abroad courses. While attendance was rather low, the feedback from those who attended was positive. Also had positive response to spring workshop on CIEE International Faculty Development Seminar for summer 07. Three faculty members participated in the CIEE International Faculty Development Seminar ''06.
Indicator Workshops And Social Actvities
At least three workshops and cultural activities will be provided to the students for social and academic support.
Criteria Workshops for International Students
Provide workshops twice a semester to meet international students'' needs.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Development Workshops
Will continue to offer these workshops.
Action International Programming on Campus
We will continue to offer these types of activities.

GOAL: Retention Of International Students

Objective Increase Number Of Students Who Study Abroad
Plan and implement workshops that supplement international students' academic goals. Also, provide activities to support these students socially.
Associated Goals: Retention Of International Students

Indicator Study Abroad Fairs
Study abroad fairs will be offered at least twice a semester.
Criteria Workshops/Fairs for Study Abroad
Provide study abroad fairs to encourage students to pursue study abroad.
Finding Study Abroad
Study Abroad Fair was offered at Saturdays at Sam for Fall and Spring, during parents weekend, diversity week and international week. We talked to counselors, potential study abroad students and their parents at these events. Numerous people stopped by our booth for inquiries.
Actions for Objective:

Action Study Abroad
We will continue to offer study abroad fairs as they were well attended and received.

GOAL: Study Abroad

This goal has no specified objectives.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111