
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Military Science, Department of

3 Goals     3 Objectives     6 Indicators     7 Criteria     7 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Enrollment/Recruitment

Objective Recruiting/Marketing
Targeted recruiting efforts for Scholar/Athlete/Leaders using Army and University resources. Provide a marketing strategy that reaches high schools, prior and current military service members, community colleges, and SHSU students.
Associated Goals: Enrollment/Recruitment

Indicator Class Enrollment
Academic class size (Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors) for opening enrollment in Fall 06 and retention in Spring 07; Retain Cadets with adventure and teambuilding training.
Criteria Fall Enrollment
Opening enrollment for Fall 2006 semester to equal 50 Freshman, 30 Sophomores, and 22 Juniors.
Finding Fall Enrollment Numbers
Opening enrollment numbers surpassed 100 Cadets; Received 7 acceptance offers for scholarships.
Criteria Spring Enrollment
Retain 75% of Freshmen; 85% of Sophomores; and 95% of Juniors.
Finding Spring Enrollment Numbers
Retention rates: Freshmen 70%, Sophomores 104%, Juniors 91%.
Indicator Community Service Events
Participation in support of university and local community events.
Criteria Community Events
Number of community events supported by the Battalion throughout the year.
Finding Community Involvement
Participated in many events to include March to the Grave, Color Guard activities for Veteran''s Day, little league baseball games, local parades, and hosting two blood drives for Soldiers in Iraq. SHSU was recognized by the Roberson Blood Unit for donating the most pints to Soldiers in Iraq than any other university in Texas. SHSU Army ROTC was recognized as the "Top 15%" of universities across the country and well as the "Top ROTC Program in Texas".
Indicator Recruiting Efforts
Visit high schools and junior colleges; attend career fairs and new student orientations.
Criteria Recruiting Visits
Participation in Freshmen and new student orientations; number of high school visits and career fairs attended.
Finding Recruiting Results
Participated in a total of 8 new student orientations (6 Freshman and 2 transfer); conducted three high school visits and attended one career fair.
Actions for Objective:

Action Recruiting/Enrollment
Maximize recruiting efforts by working closely with the Undergraduate Admissions Department to enroll 50 Freshmen and 30 Sophomores. Increase enrollment by 20% for SY 07/08.

GOAL: Graduation And Commissioning

Objective Commissioning
All Seniors will graduate from the university and commission as outstanding officers into the Army.
Associated Goals: Graduation And Commissioning

Indicator Commission Mission
The number of Cadets commissioned must be equal to or greater than what the Army EXPECTS.
Criteria Commissioning
Commission a minimum of 12 officers IAW Army commissioning mission.
Finding Commissioning
Commissioned 16 Cadets, exceeding Army Commission Mission by 4.
Indicator Graduation
Graduate all Senior Cadets in order to meet commission mission.
Criteria Academic Progress
Monitor Cadet progress in order for them to meet graduation requirements.
Finding Graduation
All Senior Cadets successfully met all graduation requirements and received their degrees from SHSU.
Actions for Objective:

Action Commission Cadets
Next year we will need to commission 14 Cadets to meet Army commission mission. Need to continue to closely monitor student degree plans to ensure graduation and commission standards and requirements are met.

GOAL: Leadership Development

Objective Leadership Development
Cadets will learn basic and advanced leadership skills as they progress throughout school. Leadership responsibilities will increase as the Cadets progress from freshman to senior year.
Associated Goals: Leadership Development

Indicator Leader Development/Training
Provide basic and advanced leadership opportunities to all Cadets both on and off campus.
Criteria Leadership Training Opportunities
Prepare all Cadets attending leader training courses during the school year or summer by ensuring each Cadet receives ample leadership roles and opportunities.
Finding Cadet Performance
All Cadets were given ample leadership opportunities and excelled in their leadership positions this year. 21 advance course Cadets graduated from Warrior Forge; 4 basic course Cadets completed the Leader''s Training Course; 4 Cadets completed Airborne School; 2 Cadets completed Air Assault School; 2 Cadets completed West Point Field Training Course; 1 Cadet completed the Mountain Warfare Course. All Cadets successfully completed 4 Field Training Exercises, including an exercise at Texas A&M.
Actions for Objective:

Action Leadership Training
Continue to provide the very best training opportunities, resources and instruction so the Cadets are poised for success. Actively work towards hosting annual culmination Field Training Exercise next year to increase visibility of the university as well as maximize university resources. Continue to seek funding for the improvement of training facilities and resources.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111