
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Mathematics and Statistics, Department of

5 Goals     10 Objectives     10 Indicators     10 Criteria     10 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: High Quality Mathematics Program

Objective Increased Majors
We will increase the number (and proportion) of SHSU students majoring in mathematics
Associated Goals: High Quality Mathematics Program

Indicator Increase In Mathematics Majors
The percentage of students who have declared a BS or BA major in mathematics.
Criteria Increase in number of mathematics majors.
The number of mathematics majors will increase by 5%.
Finding Increase in mathematics majors
Data being collected.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increasing the number of mathematics majors
We are going to examine national trends in mathematics enrollment. To increase numbers, we will plan to have faculty members present talks to high school mathematics clubs in order to recruit students.

GOAL: High Quality Service Courses

Objective Consistency And Quality In Service Courses
Classes offered as service courses, for other departments and majors, will include a detailed syllabus, open for review and improvement. Instructors will be aware of the value of the course and will be proud of their contribution to the university.
Associated Goals: High Quality Service Courses

Indicator Syllabi Availability
General, department-approved syllabi for service classes, available online
Criteria Syllabi available
General course syllabi for all service courses will be available.
Finding Syllabi availability
Although individual faculty have syllabi available, few courses have a general, department-approved syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Syllabi availability
Discuss feasibility/desirability of creating department-approved course syllabi for lower division service courses.

GOAL: Increase Math Majors

Objective Undergraduate Research
We will offer opportunities for undergraduate research.
Associated Goals: Increase Math Majors

Indicator Student Presentations
Undergraduate student presentations given in a conference environment
Criteria Student presentations
During the academic year, a dozen or more undergraduate students will present talks on their math explorations or math research. At least four of these talks will be given outside the campus.
Finding Student presentations
Numerous students made presentations on and off campus; about a dozen undergraduate students traveled to give talks.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student presentations
Pursue external funding to enable the Department to provide scholarships in support of undergraduate research.

GOAL: Steady Growth In Faculty Research

Objective Faculty Travel & Research Support
Faculty travel support will increase. Support for faculty research collaboration and workshops will increase.
Associated Goals: Steady Growth In Faculty Research

Indicator Faculty Travel
Dollars spent on faculty travel to professional conferences.
Criteria Sufficient travel
All research active faculty will have support for at least one national conference and at least one regional conference.
Finding Faculty travel
Faculty travel averages about $800/year for each research-active faculty member, sufficient for one regional conference presentation but insufficient for one national presentation and certainly insufficient for two presentations (one regional) per year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty travel
We are attempting to work with COAS, ORSP and the School of Graduate Studies to provide funding from other university sources to expand faculty travel to at least $1500/year for research active faculty.

GOAL: Steady Growth In Faculty Research

Objective Grant Funding
Grant funding for research programs in mathematics and statistics will increase.
Associated Goals: Steady Growth In Faculty Research

Indicator Grant Funding
Amount of grant funding and number of faculty receiving grants.
Criteria Grant funding
The department will receive at least one significant external grant each year.
Finding Grant funding
One external grant (MELL) continues, several small external grants have been received (Piney Woods lectures, undergrad research subcontracted to BYU) have been received
Actions for Objective:

Action Grant applications
Provide support for faculty to attend grant writing workshops.

GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs

Objective Increase Grad Stipends
Graduate stipends will be increased to levels that will allow recruitment of graduate students.
Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs

Indicator Graduate Stipends
Amount of graduate stipends
Criteria Graduate stipends
Graduate stipends will be at least $12000/year (reaching the minimum stipends at nearby comparable universities.)
Finding Graduate stipends
Graduate stipends remain at inappropriate levels ($9800/year) without increase.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate student recruiting
Faculty will make graduate recruiting trips. We are attempting to organize some external money to raise graduate stipends. A graduate recruiting flyer will be created.

GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs

Objective Increase In Faculty Lines
The increased student population and increased demand for math classes will be met by increased faculty positions in math, math ed and statistics.
Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs

Indicator Number Of Regular Faculty
Number of tenured and tenure-track faculty
Criteria Number of new faculty hired.
The department will add new faculty.
Finding New faculty hires
In 2006-2007, we were able to hire three new faculty members.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increasing the number of mathematics majors
As SHSU''s student population continues to grow, we expect be able to hire additional new faculty.

GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs

Objective Increased MS-Math Majors
The number of graduate students in the MS program will provide a critical mass so we can consistently offer core graduate classes in mathematics.
Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs

Indicator Number Of Math Majors
Number of declared math majors.
Criteria Increased MS-Math majors
Students seeking MS degrees in mathematics will increase by 10%
Finding Increased MS-math majors
The number of MS mathematics majors increased from 5 to 7, a 40% increase.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increased MS-math majors
Seek increased financial support for master''s students to help recruit additional students.

GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs

Objective Increased MS-Stat Students
The number of graduate students in the MS-Statistics program will continue to rise.
Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs

Indicator Number Of Statistics Majors
Number of declared stat majors
Criteria Increased MS-Stat majors
Number of students seeking MS in statistics will increase by 10%
Finding Increased MS-stat majors
The number of MS-stat majors was unchanged from the previous year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increased MS-math majors
Increase GA stipends and distribute new recruiting flyer.

GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs

Objective Math Ed Doctorate
The department will start a Math Ed. Ph.D. program.
Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs

Indicator THECB Approval
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board will approve the Math Ed doctoral program.
Criteria THECB approval
THECB notifies the Department of its approval of the proposed PhD program.
Finding THECB notification
The Department is still awaiting approval.
Actions for Objective:

Action Contact THECB
The Department contacted THECB. They are still processing the proposal.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111