
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Humanities & Social Sciences, College of

10 Goals     46 Objectives     50 Indicators     50 Criteria     51 Findings     49 Actions

GOAL: Improve Facilities

Objective Allocate Space For TAs
Provide better facilities for Teaching Assistants.
Associated Goals: Improve Facilities

Indicator Increase Square Footage Allocated To TAs
Increase square footage allocated to TAs in each building, including Academic Building V.
Criteria space for TAs
Square footage of space for TAs in ABV
Finding square footage for TAs
Square footage for TAs in AB V is 5780 sq. ft. This is new space allocated for TAs. The new building is scheduled to open f08.
Actions for Objective:

Action Space for TAs
Continue to protect space for TAs in new building.

GOAL: Improve Facilities

Objective Create Large Lecture Auditoriums
Create more large lecture auditoriums for the College classes.
Associated Goals: Improve Facilities

Indicator Create Large Lecture Halls
Create large lecture halls capable of seating over 60 students.
Criteria Number of large lecture halls
Number of large lecture halls capable of seating over 60 students in CHSS.
Finding Created large lecture halls
9 new large lecture halls are being constructed in the new Academic Building V: 2 250 seat halls, 4 120 seat halls, and 3 90 seat halls.
Actions for Objective:

Action New large lecture halls
Space has been allocated in new building for the lecture halls. Building will be complete F08.

GOAL: Improve Facilities

Objective Expand Research And Lab Facilities
Expand research and laboratory facilities available in the College.
Associated Goals: Improve Facilities

Indicator Increase Lab And Research Facilities
Increase the amount of research and lab facilities available in the college.
Criteria Space allocated for labs and research
Amount of space allocated for labs and research facilities.
Finding Lab and Research Facilities
New lab and research facility space was allocated in ABV. 4395 sq. ft. of space was added for research and lab facilities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Move into new lab space
Moving into new building will take place Fall 09.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Conduct A Salary Equity Study
Conduct a salary equity study of the College and allocate money to help remedy any disparities.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Complete Salary Equity Study
Complete a salary equity study for the College.
Criteria Completed salary equity study.
Completed salary equity study and money allocated to address any disparities.
Finding Salary disparities addressed
Salary equity study was completed and money was allocated to address salary disparities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Salary Equity
Money was allocated to address inequities in salary. More money will be set aside next year to continue addressing inequities.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Create Full-time Clinical Lecturers In The College
Convert some existing adjunct and pool positions to full-time Clinical Lecturers and/or graduate assistantships.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Creation Of Full-time Clinical Positions In College
Creation of full-time Clinical positions in College coverted from adjunct positions.
Criteria Number of full-time Clinical positions in College
Increase in number of full-time Clinical positions in College.
Finding Created full-time Clinical positions in College
One full-time Clinical position has been approved for the 2007-2008 year and one is pending approval.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clinical Positions
Get approval for second clinical position.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Expand New Faculty Orientation
Expand new faculty workshops and orientation sessions.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Increase Number Of New Faculty Workshops And Orientation Times
Expand the number of workshops and orientation sessions for new faculty in the college.
Criteria orientation for new faculty
Number of orientations or workshops for new faculty.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Provided 2 full days of orientation in the fall, two workshops general, 2 workshops for research.
Actions for Objective:

Action New Faculty Orientation
Will continue to improve and/or increase the orientations given to new faculty.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Implement A Third-year Review For Faculty
Implement a third-year cumulative review of new faculty.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Produce A Third Year Review Policy
Produce a third year review policy that will be adopted by the faculty of the college to help faculty understand the requirements for tenure.
Criteria Third year review policy adopted by faculty and implemented
Third year review policy created, adopted, and implemented for new faculty.
Finding Third year review policy
Third year review policy created, adopted by CHSS faculty, and implemented Spring 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3rd year review
A group of faculty completed 3rd year reviews. No further action needed.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Implement An External Review For Tenure And Promotion
Improve promotion and tenure procedures by implementing a procedure for external evaluations of candidates for promotion and tenure.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Produce An External Review Policy For Tenure And Promotion
Produce a policy to implement a procedure for external evaluation of candidates for tenure and promotion.
Criteria External review policy adopted by faculty and implemented
External review policy for tenure and promotion adopted by CHSS faculty and implemented.
Finding External Review Policy
External Evaluation policy requiring outside letters adopted by CHSS faculty. Implementation is optional for the next 2 years and then required after that.
Finding External Review Policy
External Evaluation policy requiring outside letters adopted by CHSS faculty. Implementation is optional for the next 2 years and then required after that.
Actions for Objective:

Action Outside tenure review
The first faculty to voluntarily use the outside review for tenure and promotion completed the process this spring. Next year will still be voluntary after that it will be a mandatory process.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Increase The Number Of Tenure Track Positions
Increase the number of tenure-track faculty positions in the College.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Increase Tenure Track Faculty Positions
Increase the number of tenure track faculty positions in the college.
Criteria number of tenure track positions
Number of tenure track positions.
Finding tenure track positions
125 tenure track positions this year. 107 tenure track positions last year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Hiring more Tenure-Track Faculty
Continue our hiring of new tenure-track faculty.

GOAL: Improve The Organizational Structure Of The College

Objective Develop College By-laws
Develop and adopt by-laws delineating the structure and operation of departments and the College.
Associated Goals: Improve The Organizational Structure Of The College

Indicator Produce Bylaws For The College
Produce bylaws for the College that delineate the structure and operations of departments and the College.
Criteria Copy of bylaws
Produce a copy of bylaws for CHSS.
Finding Created bylaws for CHSS
Bylaws were created for CHSS. Faculty are currently reviewing bylaws for adoption.
Actions for Objective:

Action Bylaws
Bylaws were accepted by faculty in a revised format and are now being followed.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Develop A Minority Faculty Caucus
Develop a College Minority Faculty Caucus to explore and make recommendations regarding diversity issues in the college.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Create A Minority Faculty Caucus In CHSS
Create a College Minority Faculty Caucus to explore and make recommendations regarding diversity issues in the college.
Criteria Creation of a Minority Faculty Caucus
Creation of a College Minority Faculty Caucus to explore and make recommendations regarding diversity issues in the college.
Finding CHSS Minority Faculty Caucus
Spoke to History professor to lead and establish the Minority Faculty Caucus. She has agreed. Caucus not formed yet.
Actions for Objective:

Action Minority Caucus
Working with other colleges to see if we want to make a Minority Caucus that will include various colleges.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Develop A New Minority Faculty Mentoring Program
Develop a new minority faculty mentoring program to improve recruitment, transition, and retention of minority faculty.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Minority Faculty Mentors
Obtain minority faculty who agree to be mentors for new minority faculty.
Criteria Number of minority faculty mentors
Number of faculty agreeing to be mentors for new minority faculty.
Finding Minority Faculty Mentors
Mentoring program has not been instituted. Project will be assigned to the new Minority Faculty Caucus.
Actions for Objective:

Action New Minority faculty mentors
Since there is not Caucus formed yet, we will try an informal mentoring process through the new faculty orientation.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Develop College Women's Caucus
Develop a College Women's Caucus to explore and make recommendations regarding family and gender issues in the college.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Create CHSS Women's Caucus
Create CHSS Women's Caucus to advise Dean on family and gender issues in the College.
Criteria Creation of CHSS Women''s Caucus
Creation of CHSS Women''s Caucus to advise Dean on family and gender issues.
Finding CHSS Women''s Caucus
CHSS Women''s Caucus was formed and has submitted an initial report on family leave. They are also working on a mentorship program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Women''s Caucus
Caucus will continue to be active. Currently working on family leave policy and mentoring program.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Diversity Grants
Support the McNair grant and other grants submitted from our college that address diverse students.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Faculty Participation As Mentors For McNair Students
Faculty participation for the minority students on the McNair grant.
Criteria Number of faculty mentors for McNair students
Number of faculty mentors participating in the McNair Scholars program.
Finding Number of faculty mentors for McNair
We had 4 faculty act as mentors this past year for McNair scholars. There are 11 McNair scholars each year, so our college represented more than one third.
Indicator Provide Matching Funds
Provide matching funds for grant related activities for the McNair Diversity Grant.
Criteria Amount of matching funds for McNair
Amount of matching funds allocated for grant related activities for the McNair grant.
Finding Funds for McNair Grant
Funds and facilities were provided for McNair grant activities, including time from our Associate Dean.
Actions for Objective:

Action McNair faculty mentors
Will continue to encourage and recruit faculty to mentor McNair students.
Action McNair matching funds
Will continue to provide facilities and an Associate Dean''s time for the grant.

GOAL: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Objective Assign College Staff Member To Development Activities
Restructure staff duties in the College to expand development activities.
Associated Goals: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Indicator Create New Duties For CHSS Staff Member For Development
Created new duties for CHSS staff member to expand development activities in the College.
Criteria New Job description
New duties for staff member delineated.
Finding Job Duties Assigned
Job duties assigned included contacting donors, developing board, working on external grants, creating newsletter and other public relations materials.
Indicator Increase The Number Of Mailings To Alumni
Increase the number of mailings to alumni from the College.
Criteria Number of mailings to alumni
Count the number of mailings to alumni.
Finding Mailings
Mailings were not completed during this time period.
Actions for Objective:

Action Duties Assigned
No further action needed as duties are now assigned.
Action Mailing materials
We are deciding on a series of mailings including the newsletter that will be sent to alumni.

GOAL: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Objective Create A Newsletter For The College
Create and establish a CHSS newsletter for distribution to current students, faculty, and alumni.
Associated Goals: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Indicator Produce A CHSS Newsletter
Produce a CHSS newsletter for faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Criteria Newsletter created
Newsletter created for CHSS.
Finding Pending Creation of newsletter
Newsletter items are being gathered, staff was trained to use software for newsletter, and design is being created.
Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
First newsletter distributed in college.

GOAL: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Objective Mail Thank You Letters To External Contributors
Implement the mailing of personalized thank you letters to all external contributors to the college and its programs.
Associated Goals: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Indicator Implement Mailings To Alumni Donors
Implement personalized mailings to alumni donors.
Criteria Mailed thank you notes to alumni donors
Number of thank you notes mailed to alumni donors.
Finding Alumni donor thank you notes
None were mailed this year. Had difficulty getting appropriate reports from the Development Office to identify donors.
Actions for Objective:

Action Donor thank you notes
We are now working with the Development Office to get an accurate report of donors and their addresses. From this, we will begin sending out thank you notes and other information about the college.

GOAL: Increase Enrollments

Objective Increase Majors In Speech Communication
Increase the number of undergraduate majors in Communication Studies (formerly Speech Communication).
Associated Goals: Increase Enrollments

Indicator Increase BA Speech Communication Majors
Increase majors in the BA in Speech Communication.
Criteria Number of majors in Speech Communication
Number of majors in the BA in Speech Communication.
Finding Majors in BA Speech Communication
Majors increased from 18 in Dec 06 to 58 in July 07.
Actions for Objective:

Action Majors in Speech Communication
Continue to follow recruitment plan, expand degree title to BA in communication, add a BS in communication.

GOAL: Increase Enrollments

Objective Increase The Number Of Graduate Students
Increase the enrollment of graduate students in the programs in the College.
Associated Goals: Increase Enrollments

Indicator Increase Number Of Graduate Students
Increase the number of graduate students in the Masters and Doctoral programs in CHSS.
Criteria Number of graduate students
Number of graduate students.
Finding graduate students
297 students were enrolled as graduate students this year. 341 students were enrolled as graduate students last year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase graduate students
We have found that we are having difficulty tracking which students are still actively in our programs. Thus, we are starting a database to track this information. We are also developing a recruitment plan for each of the graduate programs.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Develop A Writers' Speakers Series
Develop a writers' speakers series for the public that will bring nationally recognized writers to campus.
Associated Goals: Increase PR Activities

Indicator Create A Writers' Speakers Series
Create a Writers' Speakers Series that will bring nationally recognized writers to campus.
Criteria Creation of a Writers'' Speakers Series
Creation of a Writers'' Speakers Series that brings nationally recognized writers to campus.
Finding Writers'' Speakers Series
Created a Writers'' Speakers Series housed in the English Department that brought 3 writers to campus.
Actions for Objective:

Action Writers'' Speakers Series
Continue speakers'' series for next year.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Recruit A Dan Rather Chair In Mass Communication
Recruit a "name" public figure for the Dan Rather Chair in Mass Communication.
Associated Goals: Increase PR Activities

Indicator Form Search Committee For Dan Rather Chair
Form a search committee for the Dan Rather chair in Mass Communications.
Criteria Search committee formed
Search committee for Dan Rather chair formed and developing list of potential recruits.
Finding Search committee
Search committee was formed and a list of potential recruits has been formed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Dan Rather Chair
Search is ongoing.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Update Department Web Pages
Redesign and update College and Departmental web pages.
Associated Goals: Increase PR Activities

Indicator Redesign College And Departmental Webpages
Redesign college and departmental webpages to be more attractive to students and more usable. Update information on webpages.
Criteria Redesigned webpages
Redesigned webpages for the college and departments.
Finding webpages
4 departments redesigned their webpages. The college has redesigned and updated information on the pages.
Actions for Objective:

Action webpages
5 more departments are assigned the duty of redesigning the webpage.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Develop A College Committee On Research
Develop a College advisory committee for the improvement of research and scholarship.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Appoint Advisory Committee For Research In CHSS
Appoint a College advisory committee for the improvement of research and scholarship.
Criteria Appointment of Research Committee
Appointment of a Committee for the improvement of research and scholarship in the College.
Finding Appointed Committee on Research and Scholarship
Appointed CHSS Committee on Research and Scholarship and had initial meeting.
Actions for Objective:

Action Research Committee
Committee created and meeting. No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Develop College Research Awards
Implement annual research awards for outstanding performance in the College and in each department.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Create College Research Awards
Create college research awards for each department and the college overall.
Criteria Awarding of plaques at the CHSS faculty meeting
Awarding of plaques at the fall CHSS faculty meeting for outstanding research performance in the college and in each department.
Finding Awarded research awards
Awarded research awards at the Fall CHSS faculty meeting for outstanding research performance for the College and each department.
Actions for Objective:

Action Research Awards
Awards will be continued for the next year.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Extramural Funding
Increase the number of competitive grants submitted and funded in the College.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase Number Of External Grants Funded
Increase the number of external grants written by CHSS faculty that are funded.
Criteria External grants funded
Number of external grants funded.
Finding External Grants funded
There were 22 external grants funded this year. There were 10 external grants funded the year before.
Indicator Increase Number Of External Grants Submitted
Increase the number of external grants submitted by CHSS faculty.
Criteria External Grants submitted
Number of external grants submitted.
Finding external grants submitted
39 external grants were submitted this year. 19 external grants were submitted last year.
Actions for Objective:

Action External Funding
Continue to encourage faculty to increase grant submissions by providing workshops, support from Dean''s Office staff member, and new faculty orientations.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Number Of Publications
Increase the number of faculty publications in the College.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase Number Of Peer Reviewed Publications
Increase the number of peer reviewed publications by CHSS faculty.
Criteria Number of peer-reviewed publications
Number of peer-reviewed publications.
Finding Peer-reviewed publications
Faculty published 102 peer-reviewed publications this year. Faculty published 89 peer-reviewed publications last year.
Actions for Objective:

Action publications
Continue to encourage faculty to increase scholarly production, provide merit for faculty producing publications.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Undergraduate Student Involvement In Research
Increase the number of undergraduate students involved in research, scholarship, and creative activities.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase Number Of Undergraduate Students Presenting And Publishing
Increase the number of undergraduate students presenting research at professional conferences or publishing.
Criteria Number of undergraduate student presentations and publications
Number of undergraduate student presentations and publications.
Finding Undergraduate student presentations
36 undergraduate students gave presentations in 2006 compared to 11 in 2005. This year one graduate student published materials.
Actions for Objective:

Action graduate student publications and presentations
Continue to encourage faculty to work with undergraduate students in their research. Faculty receive credit on the evaluation for merit for working with undergraduate students in research.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Link Faculty Research And Scholarly Activity To Merit
Implement an empirical system to link faculty research and scholarly activity to salary increase determination.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Create And Implement An Empirical System For Merit
Create and implement an empirical system linking faculty research to salary increases.
Criteria Created and implemented an empirical system for merit
Created and implemented an empirical system linking faculty research to faculty salary increases.
Finding Empirical system for merit
Created and implemented an empirical system linking faculty research to merit increases. This system was used to establish merit raises within the college.
Actions for Objective:

Action merit system
Trying to create a better method to evaluate service in the empirical system for merit.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Provide Staff Support For Finding External Funding
Restructure staff duties in the College office to aid faculty in developing research and externalfunding.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Create New Duties For CHSS Staff Member Regarding External Funding
Create new duties for CHSS staff member to assist faculty in finding external funding for their research.
Criteria job duties for external funding
Job duties for staff member regarding helping faculty find external funding.
Finding New duties for staff
New staff member has been assigned to help faculty locate external funding, helping faculty complete grant applications, and helping faculty navigate the grant process.
Actions for Objective:

Action staff for external funding
No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Begin Strategic Planning
Implement a strategic planning process for each department in the college.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Form A Strategic Planning Committee In Each Department
Form a strategic planning committee in each department in the college.
Criteria Produce Strategic Plan for each department
The Strategic Planning Committee in each department will produce a strategic plan for the department.
Finding Pending Strategic Planning
Each department chair has received training on strategic planning.
Actions for Objective:

Action strategic plan
Each department is providing the dean with updates on their strategic planning process.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop A College Committee On Instruction
Develop a College advisory committee for the improvement of instruction.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Appoint Advisory Committee For Instruction In CHSS
Appoint a Committee for the improvement of instruction in the College.
Criteria Appointment of Instruction Committee
Appointment of a Committee for the improvement of instruction in the College.
Finding Appointed Committee on Instruction
Appointed CHSS Committee on Instruction and had initial meeting.
Actions for Objective:

Action Instruction committee
Committee is formed and meets at least once a semester.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop PACE Center
Participate in the development and support of the new Professional and Academic Center for Excellence (PACE).
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Faculty Participation On PACE Committee
Faculty participation on the PACE committee to develop the teaching center.
Criteria Participation on PACE Committee
Number of faculty participating on PACE Committee.
Finding participation on PACE
CHSS faculty member is chairing committee, several students from CHSS are sitting on the committee. All departments provided feedback to committee on the PACE.
Indicator Participate In Design For New PACE Center
Participate in the design of the PACE center in the new building.
Criteria Completed architectural design for PACE center
Completed architectural design for PACE center in Academic Building V.
Finding Design for PACE center completed
Design for PACE center in Academic Building V is completed. Building will be completed Fall 2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action PACE Center
ABV contains an area for the PACE Center. No further action needed.
Action PACE participation
When PACE Center opens, we will encourage faculty to participate. PACE committee chair will present to new faculty at orientation.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Establish A Department Of Foreign Languages
Split the Department of English and Foreign Languages into the Department of English and the Department of Foreign Languages.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Create A Department Of Foreign Languages
Split the Department of English and Foreign Languages to create a separate Department of Foreign Languages.
Criteria Board approval of the Department of Foreign Languages
Obtain THECB approval for the formation of the Department of Foreign Languages.
Finding Department of Foreign Languages
Received final approval for the creation of the Department of Foreign Languages from THECB. Hired a chair for the new department who starts July 15.
Actions for Objective:

Action New department of foreign languages
Department is now operating and chair is in place. No further action needed.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Improve Graduate Student Credentials
Increase the quality of credentials of incoming graduate students.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Entering GPA And GRE Scores
Collect entering graduate students GPA and GRE scores.
Criteria Increase GPA and GRE scores of entering graduate students
Increase the average GPA scores and the average GRE scores of incoming graduate students in each department.
Finding Increased GRE and GPA scores
6 of 10 graduate programs increased GRE scores either in the Fall or Spring semesters. 6 of 10 graduate programs increased the GPA scores for either the Fall or Spring semesters.
Actions for Objective:

Action GRE and GPA scores
The CHSS Graduate Council met to discuss the policy for admittance and agreed to increase the scores again. Each department is also turning in a recruitment plan to help find better students.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Modify Curriculum For 120-hour Rule
Modify undergraduate degree programs to meet state-mandated 120-hour rule.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce A Plan For 120 Hour Curriculum
Each department will produce a plan to reduce the curriculum of each degree to 120 hours.
Criteria Creation of plans for 120 hour curriculum for each department
Creation of plans for 120 hour curriculum for each department.
Finding 120 hour curriculum plans
Each department will complete its plans for the 120 hour curriculum by August 31. Draft plans have already been shared with the Dean''s Office.
Actions for Objective:

Action 120 hour curriculum
Departments will be following the 120 hour curriculum Fall 08.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Provide Seminars On The IDEA System
Provide annual seminars for faculty and chairs on the use of the IDEA system in faculty development.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Conduct Seminars On IDEA System
Conduct annual seminars on the use of the IDEA system for faculty.
Criteria Number of seminars conducted on IDEA system
Number of seminars conducted on the IDEA system for faculty.
Finding IDEA seminars
IDEA seminars were conducted at the annual CHSS Teaching Conference for faculty. Follow up seminars are planned for departments that are continuing to have concerns with the IDEA system.
Actions for Objective:

Action IDEA seminars
Another IDEA seminar was offered at the faculty meeting. Individuals have met with the Associate Dean on how to correctly utilize the IDEA system.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Begin Efforts Toward Accreditation In Mass Communication
Develop faculty and curriculum toward obtaining accreditation in Mass Communication.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain Mass Communication Accreditation
Work with Mass Communications to alter research credentials of faculty to move toward accreditation.
Criteria Mass Communication accreditation--faculty credentials
Hire three new faculty with research credentials for Mass Communication.
Finding Pending Mass Communication accreditation
In the process of hiring 3 new Mass Communication faculty with research credentials, including a Dan Rather endowed chair. Curriculum has been approved.
Actions for Objective:

Action Hiring Mass Communication faculty
One faculty member was hired, but we are currently searching for two more--an endowed chair and a chair. Will continue searches.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Create A BS In History
Launch a Bachelor's of Science in History for pre-medical students.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce Curriculum Proposal For A BS In History
Produce a curriculum proposal for a BS in History aimed at pre-medical students in History.
Criteria Approval of BS in History
Receive approval from the University Curriculum Committee for a BS in History.
Finding BS in History
Proposal for new BS in History was approved by the University Curriculum Committee, APC, and then the Board.
Actions for Objective:

Action BS History
No further action is necessary. BS is now an option for students.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Create A MA In Speech Communication
Receive final approval and launch the Master of Arts in Speech Communication.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain Final Approval Of MA In Speech Communication
Work with THECB to receive final approval for the MA in Speech Communication.
Criteria Approval of MA in Speech Communication
Receive final approval from THECB for the MA in Speech Communication.
Finding MA in Speech Communication
Hiring of new Speech Communication professor is completed. THECB awarded final approval of MA.
Actions for Objective:

Action MA Speech Communication
Begin recruiting for MA program.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Create A Minor In Middle Eastern Studies
Develop and receive approval for an interdisciplinary minor in Middle Eastern Studies
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce Curriculum Proposal For Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Produce a curriculum proposal for an interdisciplinary minor in Middle Eastern Studies.
Criteria Approval of Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Receive approval from the University Curriculum Committee for the Middle Eastern Studies interdisciplinary minor.
Finding Pending Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Committee has been established and is developing a proposal to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee next curriculum cycle.
Actions for Objective:

Action Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Minor proposal sent forward to Provost.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Create A Ph.D. Program In History
Obtain final approval and initiate the Ph.D. program in History.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain Final Approval Of History Ph.D.
Work with THECB for final approval of the Ph.D. in History.
Criteria Approval of History Ph.D.
Receive final approval of Ph.D. in History from THECB.
Finding Pending Approval of Ph.D. in History
All documentation has been sent to THECB. Awaiting final approval.
Actions for Objective:

Action Ph.D History
Proposal must be resubmitted next year.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Modify Interior Design Curriculum
Redesign the program in Interior Design to meet accreditation standards.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce Curriculum Change Proposals For Interior Design
Produce curriculum change proposals for Family and Consumer Sciences that redesigns the program in Interior Design to meet accreditation standards.
Criteria Approval of new Interior Design Curriculum
University Curriculum Committee approval of revised Interior Design Curriculum.
Finding Pending Interior Design Curriculum
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences has reviewed the curriculum in regards to accreditation requirements. New proposals for courses will be submitted at the next curriculum cycle.
Actions for Objective:

Action Interior Design Curriculum
Courses have been put through the curriculum process, awaiting curriculum approval.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Obtain APA Accreditation For Ph.D. In Clinical Psychology
Obtain final American Psychological Association accreditation of the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain APA Accreditation In Psychology
Work with APA and the Psychology Department to obtain final APA accreditation of the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology
Criteria APA accreditation
Receive final American Psychological Association accreditation of the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology.
Finding APA accreditation
Department of Psychology has received APA accreditation.
Actions for Objective:

Action APA accreditation
No further action needed.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Plan For A MA In Spanish
Study the feasibility of initiating a Master of Arts in Spanish.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Form A Study Committee In Foreign Languages
Form a committee to study the feasibility of initiating a MA in Spanish.
Criteria Produce a feasibility report for an MA in Spanish
Produce a report with analysis and conclusions regarding the feasibility of an MA in Spanish.
Finding Pending MA in Spanish
Committee has not been designated yet. Department is being established and hiring of new faculty are in progress.
Actions for Objective:

Action MA in Spanish
Two faculty with strong research credentials were hired. Curriculum is being reviewed. Department is working on a strategic plan to include MA in Spanish.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Plan For An MFA In Creative Writing
Study the feasibility of initiating a MFA in creative writing.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Form Study Committee In English Department
Form a study committee in the English department to study the feasibility of a MFA in creative writing.
Criteria Report of feasibility for MFA
Produce a report with analysis and conclusions regarding the feasibility of a MFA in creative writing.
Finding Pending MFA in English
Committee has not been selected yet, as a new senior creative writer is being hired. Hiring is in process.
Actions for Objective:

Action New MFA Program in English
Opened Senior Creative Writer search, selected 3 candidates to interview.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Propose A MA In Speech Communication At The University Center
Implement a proposal for offering the Masters of Arts in Speech Communication at The University Center.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce A Proposal For MA In Speech Communication At The UC
Produce a porposal for consortium approval to offer the MA in Speech Communication at the University Center.
Criteria Approval of an MA in Speech Communication at UC
Receive consortium approval to offer an MA in Speech Communication at the University Center.
Finding MA in Speech Communication at the UC
Consortium approved MA in Communications Studies at the University Center.
Actions for Objective:

Action Speech Comm at UC
Consortium approved. Now recruiting for students to attend program.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111