
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Library Science, Department of

4 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Positons

Objective Faculty Position
Fill empty faculty positions 2006-2007.
Associated Goals: Faculty Positons

Indicator Faculty Position
New faculty has been hired.
Criteria Faculty Position
One position will be filled in 2006.
Finding Faculty Position
Dr. Tricia Kuon hired Spring 2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Position
Position filled. Department will seek to fill remaining position.

GOAL: Online Program

Objective Online Program
Create an online delivery system that addresses the needs of candidates seeking certification as a school librarian
Associated Goals: Online Program

Indicator Online Program
Achieve university approval to offer MLS online program.
Criteria Online Program
Gain approval for online program in 06-07.
Finding Online MLS
Approval granted by James Van Roekel for MLS courses to be offered online. Application for online MLS made to Coordinating Board.
Actions for Objective:

Action Online Program
Seek approval of Coordinating Board to offer an online MLS.

GOAL: Recruitment

Objective Recruitment
Advertise in various journals, have exhibits at various events.
Associated Goals: Recruitment

Indicator Recruitment
Advertise program in journals, recruit at Texas Library Association Conference, promote at various job fairs and other conferences.
Criteria Recruitment
Place advertisement in Texas Library Journal, recruit at Texas Library Association Conference, participate in one job fair per semester.
Finding Recruitment
Actively participated in exhibiting at job fairs sponsored by the university and at the Texas Library Association conference. Will seek journal advertisement in coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Recruitment
Attend recruitment events sponsored by the university with flyers, postcards, and other information for potential students. Department will continue to work to advertise in Texas Library Journal.


Objective TExES
Provide prep sessions once during each semester to help students pass the TExES.
Associated Goals: TExES

Indicator TExES
As TExES scores are reported, if students have passed the test, the objective is satisfied.
Criteria TExES
When TExES scores are received if all students have passed at the 90% required, then the objective is satisfied
Finding TExES
Passing rate is currently at 100%.
Actions for Objective:

Action TExES
Continue to offer review sessions for students prior to the test dates on campus and at off campus locations.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111