
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Criminal Justice, College of

3 Goals     3 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: 1. Highest Quality Of Education

Objective Enhance Student Programs
Enhance undergraduate and graduate programs.
Associated Goals: 1. Highest Quality Of Education

Indicator 1.1(a) Curriculum review
A review process will be in-place/established for all programs (undergraduate and graduate) and curriculum.
Criteria Undergraduate Curriculum Review
Explore the feasibility of performing an undergraduate curriculum review.
Finding Undergraduate Curriculum Review
It was determined that an outside consultant should be contacted to perform undergraduate curriculum review.
Indicator 1.1(b) Program View
A periodic cycle for program review of the doctoral program will be developed.
Criteria Doctoral Program Self Study
Explore the feasibility of developing a doctoral program self study.
Finding Doctoral Program Self Study
The SHSU Graduate Council developed guidelines for a Doctoral program self-study at SHSU.
Actions for Objective:

Action Doctoral Program Self-Study
The College of Criminal Justice Doctoral Program will be the first doctoral program at SHSU to conduct a self-study in 2007-2008 based on the developed guidelines
Action External Consultant
Contacted one external consultant to perform undergraduate cirriculm review in 07-08

GOAL: 2. Enhance Image And Visibility.

Objective Image And Visibility
Enhance image and visibility.
Associated Goals: 2. Enhance Image And Visibility.

Indicator 1.5(b) Marketing Approach
An integrated marketing approach will be in-place/implemented to ensure quality and consistency in communicating information about the College of Criminal Justice to prospective undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, employers and other constituencies.
Criteria Marketing efforts.
Develop a plan to improve and streamline the college marketing efforts.
Finding Marketing Efforts
It was determined that the best way to improve and streamline the college marketing efforts is to have a marketing coordinator.
Indicator Recruiting Efforts
Increase the number of recruiting efforts, college fairs, etc. by 20% in 2006-2007.
Criteria Recruiting efforts
Increase the number of recruiting efforts, college fairs, etc. by 20%
Finding Recruiting efforts
Increased the number of recruiting efforts, college fairs, etc. by 20% from 05-06
Actions for Objective:

Action Marketing Coordinator
Posted job opening for a Marketing Coordinator with SHSU Human Services.
Action Recruitment
Continue to increase the number of recruiting efforts, college fairs, etc.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence In Teaching And Research

Objective High Quality Teaching
To continue to develop a productive research faculty with a committment to high quality teaching.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence In Teaching And Research

Indicator Attract And Retain Faculty
Mechanisms will be in-place/developed to attract and retain distinguished faculty in teaching and research
Criteria Senior Level Full Professor
At least one Senior level Full Professor will be hired in 2006-2007
Finding Full Professor
One Senior Level Full Professor was successfully identified and hired in 2006-2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Junior Faculty
Continue to attract and retain junior faculty with strong promise in teaching and research

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(936) 294-1111