Course Descriptions: T

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  • Theatre
  • THR 114 <THEA 1114> Theatre Workshop.
    One semester hour of credit may be received per semester for work done in this practical workshop consisting of actual work on productions. Required of theatre and musical theatre majors. May be repeated for credit. Credit 1.
  • THR 160 <THEA 1330> Introduction to Production.
     Introduction to theatrical production. An overview of the elements of production to include an introduction to the basic components of theatre technology, stage scenery, stage lighting, theatrical costuming, stage management, theatre management, and script analysis. This course is designed to introduce the student to all areas of theatrical production. Credit 3.
  • THR 161 <THEA 1331> Technical Production.
     Introduction to theatre technology. A focus on the techniques and methods in set construction, lighting and sound technology, property construction, and theatrical production techniques. Credit 3.
  • THR 162 <THEA 1332> Technical Theatre: Stage Costuming.
     [DRAM 1342] A study of the basic techniques of costuming, sewing, dyeing, and distressing fabrics. Credit 3.
  • THR 164 <THEA 1364> Acting I.
     [DRAM 1351] A study of basic techniques in body, voice, characterization, and play analysis as they are applied to the performance of stage tasks by the actor. Credit 3.
  • THR 166 <THEA 1366> Theatre Appreciation.
     [DRAM 1310] An analysis of the theatrical experience for the audience. Examination of theatre’s relation to the broad contemporary scene and its relation to past eras. Examination of the production elements necessary to provide the theatrical experience. Credit 3.
  • THR 230 <THEA 2330> Stage Make-Up.
     [DRAM 1341] A survey of the reasons for stage make-up and the types of make-up available. Principles of designing make-up for characters in a play. Intensive practical application. Credit 3.
  • THR 231 <THEA 2336> Theatre Speech I.
     [DRAM 2336] Beginning training in the release of the voice for effective communication. Work on breathing, projection, placement, articulation, resonance, and quality. Credit 3.
  • THR 232 <THEA 2337> Theatre Speech II.
     Advanced training in application of appropriate vocal techniques to produce optimum control of quality, projection, and precision in diction. Ultimately the application is in fusing technique with the actor’s interpretation of roles. Prerequisites: COM 162 or THR 231, 164, or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 260 <THEA 2360> Beginning Design.
     Introduction to the methods, concepts and materials of designing for theatre, including the basic element s of set design, properties design, lighting design, and sound design for the stage. Students will be introduced to the methods of developing a design from script analysis to presentation of the completed design. Prerequisites: THR 161 <THEA 1331> or permission of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 261 <THEA 2361> Computer Drafting for Theatre.
     Introduction to computer aided drafting and design for theatrical applications. Practical approach to computer drafting of floor plans, elevations, sections, light plots, and organizational diagrams using popular CAD software developed specifically for theatrical applications as well as programs like AutoCAD and Project Manager. Prerequisites: THR 161 <THEA 1331> or permission of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 268 <THEA 2368> Acting II.
     A concentration on the techniques of freeing the body, body language, and movement in the development of characterization and actor technique. Prerequisite: THR 164 <THEA 1364> or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 314 A Theatre Workshop.
     One semester hour of credit may be received per semester for work done in this practical workshop consisting of actual work on productions. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. May be repeated for credit. Credit 1.
  • THR 314 B Theatre Workshop.
     Rehearsal and performance in minor roles. May be repeated for credit. Credit 1.
  • THR 314 C Theatre Workshop.
     Scene work in directing class. May be repeated for credit. Credit 1.
  • THR 317A Musical Theatre Workshop.
    Junior and Senior levels to synthesize musical theatre majors’ work in music, theatre and dance. May be repeated for credit. Credit 1.
  • THR 317B Musical Theatre Workshop.
    Freshmen and sophomore levels, to synthesize musical theatre majors’ work in music, theatre, and dance. May be repeated for credit. Credit 1.
  • THR 330 <THEA 3331> Advanced Stage Makeup.
    Investigation of and experimentation with three-dimensional makeup constructions to provide drastic alteration of the actor’s face for stage, film, and television. Prerequisite: THR 230 <THEA 2330> or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 331 <THEA 3332> Scenography IV: Intermediate Scenery and Property Design.
     Investigation and experimentation with three dimensional spatial concepts and the interaction of the performer with the performance space. Designing for the performer and the action of the play with the practical development of spaces, furniture, and props for the stage. Prerequisites: THR 260 <THEA 2360> and 261. Credit 3.
  • THR 334 <THEA 3334> Stage Costume Design.
     A survey of historical costume; contrast of general clothing with stage costume; and consideration of all elements involved in designing costumes for an entire production. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Credit 3.
  • THR 335 <THEA 3335> Costume Construction.
     Pattern drafting and construction techniques for period costumes. Projects may include bodices, skirts, corsets, panniers, bustles, crinolines, and 18th and 19th century men’s coats. Prerequisites: THR 334 <THEA 3334> or 337 or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 337 History of Costume.
     A survey of historical costumes and accessories by periods from ancient Egypt to the present day; contrast of general clothing with stage costumes. Writing Enhanced. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 360 <THEA 3360> History of the Theatre I.
     A survey of the origins of the theatre, with major concentration centered upon the development of the western theatre from the Greeks to the Neoclassic. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 362 <THEA 3362> Intermediate Lighting, Sound, and Effects Design.
     Investigation and experimentation with lighting the performer in space. Designing for the performer and the action of the play, with the practical development of lighting effects, sound effects and special effects. Prerequisites: THR 260 <THEA 2360> and 261. Credit 3.
  • THR 365 <THEA 3365> Stage and Theatre Management.
    Advanced study of theatre management with an emphasis on the organizational, technical and management responsibilities of a stage manager as well as the public relations and marketing skills needed to run a house and box office. Included will be a focus on the establishment of a collaborative atmosphere within a production team or within a theatre company.
  • THR 369 <THEA 3369> Acting III.
    Detailed study of action and characterization through scene study, research, and self-use, utilizing interior and exterior methods to develop a working method for each actor. Prerequisite: THR 164, 268 or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 370 <THEA 3370> Acting IV.
    Advanced scene study with concentration on textual analysis, structure, diction, and rhythm of the script. Prerequisite: 9 hours of acting courses or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 372 <THEA 3372> Improvisational Techniques.
     This course is designed to develop students’ use of improvisations, games, and ritual to enhance creative thinking, problem solving skills, characterization, and trust within the rehearsal process. Prerequisite: THR 164 <THEA 1364> or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 395 <THEA 3395> Acting in Major Roles.
     This course allows credit for performing a major role in Theatre Program productions, involving research, rehearsal and performance during the nine-month academic year. May be repeated for credit. Credit 3.
  • THR 430 <THEA 4330> Advanced Scenery, Lighting and Sound Design.
     Advanced design. Students will be involved in creating scenic, lighting, and sound design projects. The course will include extensive sketching, rendering, computer drafting, and model building. Prerequisites: THR 160, junior standing or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 431 <THEA 4331> Acting for the Camera.
     An intensive and practical study of the special techniques of acting for film and television with the goal of work in those industries; extensive scene work in front of the camera. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 432 <THEA 4332> Auditioning for the Commercial Theatre.
    The preparation of audition materials which suit the variety of demands in the commercial world of theatre, musical theatre, cinema, and television. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 433 <THEA 4333> Period Acting Styles.
     Acting styles, manners, customs, and movement characteristics of Greek, Elizabethan, Jacobean and Restoration periods as well as twentieth century nonrealistic play styles will be studied through acting scenes from plays of those times. Prerequisite: THR 164. Credit 3.
  • THR 460 <THEA 4360> History of the Theatre II.
     A Survey of changing styles in theatre, from the Romantic revolution through the Realistic movement to the innovations of the twentieth century theatre. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 461 <THEA 4361> Stage Lighting.
     The study of lighting design as an art; the history of stage lighting and a study of contemporary stage lighting techniques, practices, and equipment. Students will design lighting for a show of their own choosing. Prerequisite: THR 161 <THEA 1331> and basic computer literacy or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 462 <THEA 4362> Playwriting.
     A study of the elements of playwriting through writing exercises designed to enhance the understanding of structure, style, character and dialogue. Writing Enhanced. Prerequisite: junior standing or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 463 <THEA 4363> Dramatic Theory and Criticism.
     A study of the principles of various styles and periods of dramaturgy, involving a history of criticism from Aristotle to the present. Representative plays will be analyzed for theme, structure, characterization and dialogue with a view to their influences on contemporary theatre. Emphasis is placed on written student criticism and evaluation of plays. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 465 <THEA 4365> Portfolio Development.
     Students will develop individualized projects in scenery, costume, lighting, sound, or technical production. Prerequisite: two of the following design courses: THR 334, 430, or 461; consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 466, 467 Play Directing.
     Basic director preparation in script analysis, communication skills, creating ground plans and scene study through a wide variety of theatrical styles and direction of scenes. Writing Enhanced. Prerequisite: junior standing. Credit 3 each.
  • THR 468 Experimental Theatre Production.
     Analysis of plays that depart from the realistic genre and examination of new production possibilities arising out of developments in theatre technology that will complement the experiments of the playwrights. Application of theory in laboratory productions. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 469 <THEA 4369> Dialects and Accents for the Theatre.
     Emphasis is placed upon the regional dialects of Great Britain and upon the accents which characterize English as spoken by the natives of the various European countries. Intensive practical application in rehearsing appropriate scenes from plays. Prerequisite: THR 164 <THEA 1364> or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 471 <THEA 4371> The American Musical Theatre.
     The history of the development of musical theatre (excluding opera) in America. Emphasis is placed on written student criticism and evaluation of musical theatre. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 475 <THEA 4375> Scene Painting.
     Hands-on projects develop technical information in creating illusionistic environments for theatrical productions. Credit 3.
  • THR 487 Workshop in Creative Dramatics.
     Fundamental theories and elements of creative drama, with emphasis in developing and guiding creative drama activities such as storytelling, improvisation, rhythmic and interpretative movement, puppetry, theatre in education techniques and pantomime. The course is designed for prospective teachers grades K-12. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 489 <THEA 4389> Repertory Theatre.
     A unified approach to theatre, contrasted with the compartmentalized division of labor used more frequently, allowing the self-contained group to do all of the production work as well as the acting. May be repeated for credit. Offered in summer terms. Credit 3.
  • THR 492 <THEA 4392> Undergraduate Seminar in Drama.
    A course for the undergraduate student which will allow a student to pursue particular areas beyond the limits of current course offerings. The particular study, however, will be within the student’s areas of specialization. Prerequisite: permission of the Program Coordinator. May be repeated for credit. Credit 3.
  • THR 462 <THEA 4362> Playwriting.
     A study of the elements of playwriting through writing exercises designed to enhance the understanding of structure, style, character and dialogue. Writing Enhanced. Prerequisite: junior standing or consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 463 <THEA 4363> Dramatic Theory and Criticism.
     A study of the principles of various styles and periods of dramaturgy, involving a history of criticism from Aristotle to the present. Representative plays will be analyzed for theme, structure, characterization and dialogue with a view to their influences on contemporary theatre. Emphasis is placed on written student criticism and evaluation of plays. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 465 <THEA 4365> Portfolio Development.
     Students will develop individualized projects in scenery, costume, lighting, sound, or technical production. Prerequisite: two of the following design courses: THR 334, 430, or 461; consent of instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 466, 467 Play Directing.
     Basic director preparation in script analysis, communication skills, creating ground plans and scene study through a wide variety of theatrical styles and direction of scenes. Writing Enhanced. Prerequisite: junior standing. Credit 3 each.
  • THR 468 Experimental Theatre Production.
     Analysis of plays that depart from the realistic genre and examination of new production possibilities arising out of developments in theatre technology that will complement the experiments of the playwrights. Application of theory in laboratory productions. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 469 <THEA 4369> Dialects and Accents for the Theatre.
     Emphasis is placed upon the regional dialects of Great Britain and upon the accents which characterize English as spoken by the natives of the various European countries. Intensive practical application in rehearsing appropriate scenes from plays. Prerequisite: THR 164 <THEA 1364> or consent of the instructor. Credit 3.
  • THR 471 <THEA 4371> The American Musical Theatre.
     The history of the development of musical theatre (excluding opera) in America. Emphasis is placed on written student criticism and evaluation of musical theatre. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 475 <THEA 4375> Scene Painting.
     Hands-on projects develop technical information in creating illusionistic environments for theatrical productions. Credit 3.
  • THR 487 Workshop in Creative Dramatics.
     Fundamental theories and elements of creative drama, with emphasis in developing and guiding creative drama activities such as storytelling, improvisation, rhythmic and interpretative movement, puppetry, theatre in education techniques and pantomime. The course is designed for prospective teachers grades K-12. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.
  • THR 489 <THEA 4389> Repertory Theatre.
     A unified approach to theatre, contrasted with the compartmentalized division of labor used more frequently, allowing the self-contained group to do all of the production work as well as the acting. May be repeated for credit. Offered in summer terms. Credit 3.
  • THR 492 <THEA 4392> Undergraduate Seminar in Drama.
    A course for the undergraduate student which will allow a student to pursue particular areas beyond the limits of current course offerings. The particular study, however, will be within the student’s areas of specialization. Prerequisite: permission of the Program Coordinator. May be repeated for credit. Credit 3.

NOTE: Sam Houston State University has adopted a four-digit course numbering system to become effective Summer 2011.  Four-digit course numbers are indicated in the course descriptions in orange and within angle brackets < >.


  • University-Wide


  • SAM 136 <UNIV 1301> Introduction to Collegiate Studies.
    SAM 136 <UNIV 1301> is a seminar designed to enhance the first-year experience for beginning college students and to increase student success in college. The varied content of the course will facilitate a smoother transition into the college culture. Content areas include: goal setting and time management skills, writing skills, test preparation and taking skills, critical thinking skills, major and career exploration, locating and utilizing campus resources, diversity awareness, wellness strategies, money management, and leadership/civic service awareness. Writing Enhanced. Credit 3.

NOTE: Sam Houston State University has adopted a four-digit course numbering system to become effective Summer 2011.  Four-digit course numbers are indicated in the course descriptions in orange and within angle brackets < >.



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