Course Descriptions: R

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  • Reading
  • RDG 031D <READ 0301> Developmental Reading.
     An intense study of vocabulary, text organization, comprehension and other reading. Strategies to develop reading skills are emphasized. Instruction is delivered through a combination of class lectures and individual Reading Center tutorials. Credit in this course does not count toward graduation and computation of grade point averages and classification of students by hours completed.
  • RDG 131 <READ 1301> Strategies for College Reading and Thinking.
    Students will learn and practice strategies and skills necessary to read and think critically at the college level. Course focus is on reading in all academic disciplines, especially those with heavy reading content. Two hour class and one hour computerized tutorial. Credit 3.
  • RDG 235 <READ 2305> Literacy Processes of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations.
     The fundamental concepts, principles, and conflicts of second language learning and teaching. Effective instructional approaches for students of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds are learned and applied. The use of multiethnic literature in the classroom is a special focus of this course. Credit 3.
  • RDG 275 <READ 2306> Literacy as a Foundation for Learning.
    Students examine their personal literacy development and their philosophical assumptions underlying literacy instruction in order to build a basis for the theories and practices provided in the advanced reading courses. Credit 3.
  • RDG 370 <READ 3370> The Teaching of Reading.
     The fundamental concepts and principles of reading instruction and focus on the developmental stages of reading. Word attack, comprehension, study strategies and other aspects of a balanced literacy program are learned and applied. Must be taken concurrently with RDG 390, and RDG 380, Concurrent enrollment in ESL 314 <TESL 3101> is required for EC6 students. Field experiences in PK-12 public schools required. Advance departmental approval and BSL 333 <BESL 3301> required. Admission to educator preparation program required. Credit 3.
  • RDG 380 <READ 3371> Literacy Assessment and Instruction.
     Students will administer and interpret varied assessment tools as well as select and implement appropriate instructional techniques to plan and conduct effective classroom literacy instruction. Field experiences in PK-12 public schools required. Must be taken concurrently with RDG 370 <READ 3370> and RDG 390. Concurrent enrollment in ESL 314 <TESL 3101> is required for EC6 students. Advance departmental approval and BSL 333 <BESL 3301> required. Admission to educator preparation program required. Credit 3.
  • RDG 383 <READ 3373> Content Area Reading in the Middle Grades.
     This course focuses on using reading and writing as tools for learning in all academic areas, i.e. math, science, social studies, in grades 4-8.Concurrent enrollment in RDG 385.  Prerequisite: SPD 231. Credit 3.
  • RDG 385 <READ 3374> Vocabulary and Word Study in the Middle Grades.
     Students will explore phonemic awareness, decoding skills, and vocabulary. Specifically included in the study are phonic generalizations, structural analysis, word derivations and etymology, and strategies for technical and other specialized vocabularies. Concurrent enrollment in RDG 383. Prerequisite: SPD 231. Credit 3.
  • RDG 390 <READ 3372> The Teaching of Language Arts.
    Focus on the developmental stages of writing and the interrelated language processes of listening, speaking and reading and writing. Pre-service teachers will explore theories and instructional practices in the elementary school language arts program. Must be taken concurrently with RDG 370 <READ 3370> and RDG 380. Concurrent enrollment in ESL 314 <TESL 3101> is required for EC6 students. Field experiences in PK-12 public schools required. Advance departmental approval and BSL 333 <BESL 3301> required. Admission to educator preparation program required.  Credit 3.
  • RDG 393 <READ 3380> Emergent and Beginning Literacy.
     Language and cognitive development, listening, speaking, reading, and writing theories and instructional practices with children from birth to grade 3. Prerequisite: 54 hours. Credit 3.
  • RDG 420 <READ 4205> Content Area Reading Grades EC-6.
     This course focuses on using reading and writing as tools for learning in all academic areas, i.e. math, science, social studies in the elementary classroom. Prequisites: RDG 370, 380, 390. Concurrent enrollment in EED 434, 435, 436, 427, MLE 375, and ESL 414 <TESL 4101> is required.Credit: 2.
  • RDG 471 <READ 4310> Reading and Language Arts in the Middle Grades.
    This course focuses on the uniqueness of middle grade students, middle school structures and explore literacy theories and activities that meet these needs and structures. Prerequisites: RDG 370, 380 and 390. Credit 3.
  • RDG 475 <READ 4315> Individual Problems in Reading.
     Designed for students interested in extending conceptual knowledge in literacy issues. This course addresses special topics and independent study related to methodologies, curriculum, assessment, and language processes. Advance Departmental Approval Required. Credit 3.
  • RDG 492 <READ 4320> Content Area Reading and Writing.
     Students will learn to determine pupils’ needs and abilities in content area reading and writing through the use of assessment instruments and will plan instructional strategies appropriate to their needs within specific secondary teaching fields. Field experiences in PK-12 public schools required. Prerequisites: EED/SED 374. Credit 3.

NOTE: Sam Houston State University has adopted a four-digit course numbering system to become effective Summer 2011.  Four-digit course numbers are indicated in the course descriptions in orange and within angle brackets < >.



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