Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Art BFA (Advertising And Graphic Design)

2 Goals    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Typographic Skills

Typographic Design
Students will develop expertise in the use of type in graphic design, utilizing type as image, and combining image and type.

BFA Portfolio Review  
Students in the BFA Graphic Design program will be required to take ARTS 3322, Typography. At the conclusion of this course, students will submit a portfolio for review and admission into upper level courses in the BFA program. The portfolio will demonstrate

• an understanding of typographic standards
• the ability to select type appropriate for a given project
• the ability to organize typographic information in a logical, hierarchal manner
• the ability to use type as image
• the ability to employ type as an expressive visual element

8 Or Higher  
The graphic design faculty of 3 professors will evaluate work in the Graphic Design Portfolio Review. Using a rubric that scores each aspect of the porfolio on a scale of 0-10, it is expected that 75% of the students will score at least 8 on the evaluation of Typographic Skills in the section "Aesthetic Sensitivity". We have made some significant changes in the program and have changed the evalution process. Aspects of typography that were weak in previous evaluation of work in the BFA Portfolio Review are being evaluated in the Portfolio submitted in a new course, ARTS 4325 that is taken by students later in the course sequence. It is expected that students will have the opportunity to develop their skills using type as image and employing it as an expressive visual element in other graphic design courses and show improvement in the later assessment.
Target Reached  
77% of the students scored 8 or higher on the evaluation of typography in the Porfolio Review.
Actions for Objective:

Continue To Emphasize Typography  
The Graphic Design Faculty will continue to emphasize Typography and assess it in the BFA portfolio review. The assessment of advanced typography skills will be conducted in portfolio review of work done in ARTS 4325 Advanced Typographic Design.

GOAL: Prepare Students For Professional Practice

Students Will Create Digital Publications
Students will develop the ability to create publications for mobile devices and digital dsitribution.

Advanced Typographic Portfolio  
Graphic Design students will be required to take ARTS 4325, Advanced Typographic Design and produce a portfolio of work at the end of the semester.

The portfolio will include work that demonstrates the student's

• ability to use Adobe InDesign software to create a digital publication;
• ability to gather, manage and assemble content into a unified digital experience;
• ability to integrate interactive elelments into a publication design.

75% Will Score At Least 80  
The graphic design faculty of 3 professors will evaluate work in the exhibitions. Using a rubric that scores each aspect of the exhibition on a scale of 0-100, it is expected that 75% of the students will score at least 80%. Since this is a new objective, the data gathered in this assessment will be a baseline to measure improvement in the future. 
It is hoped that at least 75% of the students will eventually score 80 or higher in each area.
Baseline For Comparison  
Below are the scores to create a Baseline for comparison in the next cycle:

• Ability to use Adobe InDesign: 46% scored above 80% 
• Ability to gather and manage content: 54% scored above 80%
• Ability to integrate interactive elements: 69% scored above 80% 

Actions for Objective:

Continue To Offer And Develop Course  
ARTS 4325 Advanced Typographic Design is a new course in the curriculum.

It will be continued to be offered and the portfolios from the course will continue to be evaluated.

Faculty will examine the curriculum to determine if other courses can incorporate projects that can be produced for digital publication. This could help strengthen students skills in this area.

GOAL: Prepare Students For Professional Practice

Proficiency As Illustrators
Graphic Design students will develop a communication centric approach to illustration, as well as the ability to create illlustrations utilizing analog and digital processes.

Portfolio Of Illustrations  
Students in ARTS 4331 will assemble a portfolio of Illlustrations from projects and created in ARTS 4331. 

The projects will demonstrate the students' ability to

• employ a range of illustrative techniques
• utilize visual metaphors as an illustrative solution
• generate expressive design solutions within a concept focused design process.

Develop Baseline  
The graphic design faculty of 3 professors will evaluate work in the portfolios to develop a baseline. Using a rubric that scores each aspect of the criteria on a scale of 0-100, it is expected that 75% of the students will score at least 80%. Since this is a new objective, the data gathered in this assessment will be a baseline to measure improvement in the future. 
It is hoped that at least 75% of the students will eventually score 80 or higher in each area.
Close To Target  
72% of the students scored 80 or above in each area.
Actions for Objective:

Evaluate Assessment  
The Graphic Design Faculty will evaluate the assessment used for Illustration.
Previously, the faculty agreed to create the goal to develop student skills in this area, but the scores indicate that students are fairly successful at meeting the criteria. Faculty will decide whether this goal is needed, and if so, expand the criteria in the assessment. 

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Graphic Design Faculty have added new courses to the curriculum that should begin to appear in the cycle of scheduled classes in 2013 and 2014. The curriculum will continue to be improved. Areas of weakness that the faculty will address include Interactive Design and the need to teach students the ability to design  for traditional web applications as well as mobile devices, to develop motion graphic skills, and to incorporate both digital and analog processes into Illustration projects.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

ARTS 4325 Advanced Typography, ARTS 3383 Design History were taught for the first time in 2013-14. ARTS 3326 was added but was not taught. It will be taught in the 2014-15 cycle. A new adjunct faculty was hire to teach ARTS 4333 Interactive Design and this course is being taught online. ARTS 3353 Motion Graphics has been added as a requirement in the Graphic Design curriculum.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

Based on work evaluated in student exhibitions and portfolios, the Graphic Design faculty identified some areas in need of program development. Improvement is needed in student’s knowledge of contemporary graphic designers and design history, and training in website development. The faculty will add more emphasis on contemporary designers in ARTS 3383 Design History. The curriculum of ARTS 3375 Website Develop will be examined and updated to better prepare students for advanced web design projects in ARTS 4333 Interactive Design.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111