Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Management Information Systems BBA

2 Goals    6 Objectives    6 Indicators    6 Criteria    2 Findings    6 Actions

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of telecommunications services and networking technologies and skills in installing and managing networks within business organizations. (MIS485/MGIS4350)

Tests And Networking Project  
Assessment will be made using test performance on understanding of telecommunications services and networking technologies. A project will be used to assess skills in working as a team to install and manage a network. 485

Tests And Networking Project  
The class average on individual test questions will be 75% correct. Test questions will be included on each unit examination. Seventy five percent of Management Information Systems majors will receive a score of at 75% on the Test and the Networking Project. 485. Last year we handily met the criterion for the networking project but not the test.  We will be particularly interested to determine whether our interventions helped raise performance on the common test questions.

Actions for Objective:

Next Assessment Period  
This course will be assessed next during the Fall 2013 semester.

Objective Supports Another 's Goals

Information Systems
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of basic computer technology concepts and the development and use of information systems in organizations. (MIS388/MGIS3310)

Supports : Management Information Systems BBA

Information Systems Pre-Test And Post-Test  
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post- test performance on computer technology and the role of information systems in organizations.
Information Systems: Improvement On Post-Test Scores  
The target class average on post-test questions will be 75% correct.
Software Topic Area Improvement  
The results of the study indicate that significant improvement was made in terms of learning material.  In 2008, "Software" was identified as an area that could be improved.  More emphasis was placed on this topic and an improvement was realized from 53.7% in 2008 to a 69.9% correct score in 2012.  However, the target score of 75% was not attained.
Actions for Objective:

Possible Areas For Improvement  
Additional material and homework/in-class assignments will be investigated to further enhance the learning in the area of “Software” until the target average of 75% has been obtained.

Another possible area for improvement could be the coverage of "Internet" which had the smallest post-test % correct with 61.16%.  The addition of homework and/or in-class assignments, as well as additional material to enhance this area will be investigated before the next assessment period.

Objective Supports Another 's Goals

Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate the ability to analyze and define business problems from a programming perspective and an understanding of the basic concepts of programming, problem solving, and program logic. (MIS291/MGIS2320)

Supports : Management Information Systems BBA

Programming Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric  
Assume that students have little or no prior knowledge of the topics; assessment will be made using three examinations to evaluate both the understanding of fundamental concepts of the three programming paradigms (procedural, object-oriented, and event-driven) and the ability to apply them to solve business problems. Common multiple-choice questions will be used to assess the understanding, while coding problems will be used to assess the ability to apply.
Programming: Improvement On Post-Test And Rubric Scores  
The average across class sections on each exam will be 75% correct. The class average on the section testing the understanding of fundamental concepts of both procedural and object-oriented paradigms will be 75% correct. Also, the class average on the section testing the ability to apply the concepts of concepts of both procedural and object-oriented paradigms will be 75% correct. The class average on the exam on event-driven paradigm will be 75% correct; this last exam contains one coding problem, combining the understanding and application. We are particularly interested to determine whether our interventions are working with the procedural paradigm, a weakness that emerged in 2010-2011.

Actions for Objective:

Next Assessment Period  
This course will be assessed next during the Spring 2014 semester.

Objective Supports Another 's Goals

Systems Analysis And Design
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of the design and application of information systems in business and a knowledge of the tools and processes used in systems analysis and design. (MIS379/MGIS3360)

Supports : Management Information Systems BBA

Systems Analysis And Design Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric  
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on the design and application of information systems and the tools and processes used to achieve such designs. A rubric will be used to assess skills in systems analysis and design.
Systems Analysis And Design: Improvement On Post-Test And Rubric Scores  
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. Seventy five percent of Management Information Systems majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Management Information Systems rubric.
Actions for Objective:

This Course Will Be Assessed Spring 2013  
The next assessment period is the Spring 2013 semester.

Objective Supports Another 's Goals

Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of the design and implementation of database applications and how database software works and its inclusion in design solutions. (MIS390/MGIS3330)

Supports : Management Information Systems BBA

Database Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric  
Assessment will be made using post-test performance on design and implementation of database applications and how database software works.  The first two tests also include problems that will reflect performance on two specific learning objectives, specifically design and SQL programming.
Database: Improvement On Post-Test And Rubric Scores  
Students are assumed to have no previous knowledge of database design and implementation skills and are not given a pretest. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. In addition, there are two problems in the first two tests and students should score at least 75% on them.  Last year we determined that increasing the value of the SQL homework might encourage students to complete it.  We are anxious to determine whether this intervention increased the SQL score.
Actions for Objective:

Next Assessment Period  
The next assessment will be conducted in the Spring 2014 semester.

Objective Supports Another 's Goals

Electronic Commerce
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate the ability to implement business oriented systems for electronic commerce and skills in using Internet technologies. (MIS431/MGIS4320)

Supports : Management Information Systems BBA

Electronic Commerce Pre-Test And Post-Test  
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on business oriented systems.
Electronic Commerce: Improvement On Post-Test Scores  
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination.
Improving JavaScript  
This course was previously assessed in 2008 and 2010.  In 2008, JavaScript was an area targeted for improvement.  Significant improvement was recognized in 2010, but JavaScript remained an area for improvement.

The instructor's qualitative assessment (based on working with the students on exams and homework) of what the students learned in the course and where improvements can be made is as follows.  While the homework grades were very good, it is believed that the students worked very closely with one another and didn't master te material well enough to perform on the exam. 
Actions for Objective:

Ensuring Student's Understanding  
It was determined that in order to ensure the student's understanding of the topics one-on-one interaction with the instructor needs to be increased.

Closing the Loop

The year-end MIS faculty assessment review meeting was held at the end of the Spring semester with Dr. Roger Abshire, the Department Chair, in attendance.  We discussed the course assessments for the core MIS course (388/3310) and e-Commerce (431/4320) course and discussed the results as presented above.  

Progress for both courses was assessed with the comparison of pre-test exam taken at the beginning of the semester and post-test performance using s the pre-test questions that were embedded in the examinations taken throughout the semester.  The questions used on the pre-test and subsequently on the post-tests throughout the semester were selected as representative of the main concepts identified as foundational for an understanding of basic technology concepts and the development and use of information systems in organizations. A qualitative assessment was made by the instructor for the MGIS4320 course resulting in the decision to have more one-on-one time with each student to enhance in the learning process.

We discussed the possibility of using certification exams as a third party assessment tool.  The Microsoft MTA certifications have been made available for the database (MIS390/MGIS3330) and networking (MIS485/MGIS4350) courses.  These courses will be assessed during the next academic year, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111