
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Counseling Services

5 Goals     7 Objectives     7 Indicators     7 Criteria     8 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: ADA - Adaptive Technology

Objective ADA-Assessment of Adaptive Technology
Assess the quality and utility of adaptive technology equipment by from the perspective of student users and student disability experts from peer institutions.
Associated Goals: ADA - Adaptive Technology

Indicator ADA - Data from Peer Institutions
Data will collected from a selection of experts from peer institutions regarding the quality of the adaptive technology.
Criteria ADA - Comparison with TSUS institutions
Adaptive Technology quality will be equal to or greater than that of other institutions in the Texas State University System
Finding ADA-Adaptive Technology
Information was gathered from the following universities: Lamar University Stephen F. Austin University Texas State University We are continuing to seek further information from other universities. Information collected thus far indicated that SHSU needed to update some of the adaptive technology software.
Indicator ADA Student Survey  
Data will be collected from students regarding their use of and level of satisfaction with the adaptive technology and disability services.
Criteria ADA - Student Survey results  
90% of surveyed students will indicate satisfaction with services provided by Services for Students with Disabilities and with the overall environment at SHSU in regards to the needs of students with disabilities.
Finding ADA - Student Survey Results
Results of the ADA Student Survey indicate that the vast majority of students (91.2%) who responded to the statement "I would recommend the services of SSD to SHSU students" agreed with the statement. See attached report for further details.
Actions for Objective:

Action ADA-Adaptive Technology
Have purchased and installed upgrades to adaptive technology software in collaboration with Computer Services.

GOAL: ADA - Student/Faculty/Staff Awareness

Objective ADA-Disability Informational Outreach
Conduct workshops and other outreach programs focused on disability awareness to university faculty, staff, and administrators.
Associated Goals: ADA - Student/Faculty/Staff Awareness

Indicator ADA - Faculty Survey - Disability Awareness  
A survey to establish the awareness of Services for Students with Disabilities among faculty, staff and administrators and assess their knowledge of basic ADA requirements and effective teaching methods for students with disabilities.
Criteria ADA - Faculty Survey results  
90% of surveyed faculty will indicate basic awarenss of ADA requirements, effective teaching methods for students with disabilities, and of services provided by Services for Students with Disabilities.
Finding ADA - Faculty Survey
Results indicate that many faculty have not/do not have contact with Disability Services. Of those that have/do, most have found the SSD staff to be responsive to any concerns they have regarding disability accommodations for their students. with only 2.4% disagreeing with this statement.
Finding ADA - Faculty Survey
Results indicate that many faculty have not/do not have contact with Disability Services. Of those that have/do, most have found the SSD staff to be responsive to any concerns they have regarding disability accommodations for their students. with only 2.4% disagreeing with this statement.
Actions for Objective:

Action ADA Faculty Survey
Services for Students with Disabilities Coordinator has been conducting outreach programs for department heads in each college of the university and has thus far met with faculty in Education, Criminal Justice, and Humanities & Social Sciences.

GOAL: ADA - Student/Faculty/Staff Awareness

Objective ADA-Disability Survey
Assess the awareness of faculty, staff, and administrators regarding disabiltiy concerns and to evaluate responsiveness of Services for Students with Disabilities Office.
Associated Goals: ADA - Student/Faculty/Staff Awareness

Indicator ADA - Faculty Survey - Disability Awareness  
A survey to establish the awareness of Services for Students with Disabilities among faculty, staff and administrators and assess their knowledge of basic ADA requirements and effective teaching methods for students with disabilities.
Criteria ADA - Faculty Survey results  
90% of surveyed faculty will indicate basic awarenss of ADA requirements, effective teaching methods for students with disabilities, and of services provided by Services for Students with Disabilities.
Finding ADA - Faculty Survey
Results indicate that many faculty have not/do not have contact with Disability Services. Of those that have/do, most have found the SSD staff to be responsive to any concerns they have regarding disability accommodations for their students. with only 2.4% disagreeing with this statement.
Finding ADA - Faculty Survey
Results indicate that many faculty have not/do not have contact with Disability Services. Of those that have/do, most have found the SSD staff to be responsive to any concerns they have regarding disability accommodations for their students. with only 2.4% disagreeing with this statement.
Indicator ADA Student Survey  
Data will be collected from students regarding their use of and level of satisfaction with the adaptive technology and disability services.
Criteria ADA - Student Survey results  
90% of surveyed students will indicate satisfaction with services provided by Services for Students with Disabilities and with the overall environment at SHSU in regards to the needs of students with disabilities.
Finding ADA - Student Survey Results
Results of the ADA Student Survey indicate that the vast majority of students (91.2%) who responded to the statement "I would recommend the services of SSD to SHSU students" agreed with the statement. See attached report for further details.
Actions for Objective:

Action ADA-Student Survey
Results of ADA-Student Survey were shared with Disabiltiy Services staff, indicating a very high degree of satisfaction with the services. Kay areas to address include providing more outreach to academic departments to ensure their awareness of ADA Compliance and students perceptions of faculty responsiveness to students with disabilities.

GOAL: CC-Multicultural Awareness

Objective CC-Diversity/Inclusiveness
The population of students served will reflect the diversity of the SHSU student body to demonstrate the inclusiveness of the agency as well as to communicate to students the value of this inclusive posture.
Associated Goals: CC-Multicultural Awareness

Indicator CC-Racial/Ethnic Demographics
Report data reflecting racial/ethnic demograhics to be compared with general student population.
Criteria CC-Racial/Ethnic Representation
Racial/ethnic demograhpics of students receiving clinical services will be comparable to those of the broader campus population.
Finding CC-Racial/Ethnic Demographics
Use of CC by Racial/Ethnic minority students has consistently been at @ 30-33%, which is somewhat higher than the percentage of students of racial/ethnic minority status on this campus, (@ 28-30%)
Actions for Objective:

Action CC-Racial/Ethnic Representation
Data indicating percentage of students from racial/ethnic minorities was reviewed with staff. Efforts will continue to reach out to students of color through preventive education and outreach presentations.

GOAL: CC-Service Provision

Objective CC-Brief Therapy
Provide time-limited counseling and psychological services to the Sam Houston State University student population which meets the needs of those students.
Associated Goals: CC-Service Provision

Indicator CC-Clinical Productivity
Report data reflecting number of students seen for services, number of session provided, and client satisfaction.
Criteria CC-Client Satisfaction
An increase in 5% of total number of students seen and sessions provided. A satisfaction rate of 80% for those receiving clinical services.
Finding CC-Service Provision
A survey conducted during the end of Fall 2006 and also the end of Spring 2007 semesters indicate an overall high degree of satisfaction on the part of those who responded to the survey.
Actions for Objective:

Action CC-Client Satisfation Review of Data
Review of data collected during 2006-07 revealed high degree of satisfaction. This information was reviewed with both staff and administration and resulted in discussion of what were the likely contributing factors to this very positive result.

GOAL: CC-Service Provision

Objective CC-Outreach
Provide workshops and other preventive educational outreach programs focused on psychological and emotional health to the student population. Students will learn about a variety of topics, including how to manage stress, maintain healthy relationships, and improve their overall emotional health.
Associated Goals: CC-Service Provision

Indicator CC - Outreach Assessment  
Conduct evaluations of the effectiveness of the outreach initiatives provided by the Counseling Center staff.
Criteria CC - Outreach evaluation results  
80% of students completing evaluation of outreach program will communicate overall satisfaction with the program.
Finding CC-Outreach Evaluation Results
Results from surveys of student satisfaction indicate overll high degree of satisfaction with outreach efforts.
Actions for Objective:

Action CC-Outreach Programming
Results of outreach satisfaction survey were shared with the clinical staff. Discussion of new outreach topics and methods of presenting material to audience will continue throughout the year.

GOAL: CC-Training

Objective CC-Graduate Training Program
Provide training opportunities to graduate students in the mental health professions that will contribute to their ability to further learn and apply psychological principles with clients from the SHSU student population.
Associated Goals: CC-Training

Indicator CC-Training Effectiveness  
Formal evaluation of clincial services provided by graduate student trainees in addition to evaluation of training program effectiveness by said trainees.
Criteria CC-Trainee Evaluation
All graduate students will receive passing grades in their practicum course. Clinical supervisors will rate graduate students as at least moderately effective in the application of psychological principles with counseling clients.
Finding CC-Training Site Evaluation
Results of trainee evaluation revealed high levels of satisfaction with the training provided by the counseling center staff. In addition, trainees met or exceeded set expectations, and all trainees received passing grades for their placements.
Actions for Objective:

Action CC-Future Training Needs
Results of trainee evaluations were shared with the clinical staff, and options for the further refining of the training program were discussed.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111