Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
International Business BBA

1 Goal    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Outstanding Program In International Business

Students Should Understand The Impact Of The Increasing Integration Of The Global Economy
The increasing integration of the U.S. economy with the rest of the world affects the well-being of consumers and business firms here and abroad. To assess these effects requires an understanding of conditions leading to economic development and the distribution of gains from international trade and investment. Students should understand the impact of globalization on economic decision making.

Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Integration Of The Global Economy  
Questions about globalization of the U.S. economy and its consequences will be embedded in the final exams of ECON 3341, 3344, 4348, 4340.
Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Global Economy  
At least 70% of the students will respond correctly to embedded questions concerning the integration of the global economy in ECON 3341, 3344, 4348, 4340.
Assessment Of Economics 4340  
Using embedded questions on the Final Examination in International Economics (ECON 4340) students were quizzed over there understanding of a variety of International Economics topics that included:

  1.  Comparative Advantage and how a nations welfare is increase through international trade.
  2. How gains and losses from international trade impact domestic resource owners.
  3. The role that tariff and quotas place in redistributing welfare among domestic resource owners.
  4. How economic integration, such as Free Trade Areas and Common Markets impact domestic welfare.
  5. How international movements of labor and capital impacts the domestic economy.
  6. How the Balance of Payments transactions are recorded and how to interpret Balance of Payments summary measures.
  7. How exchange rates are determined and how the foreign exchange market is tied to the interest rate market.
Multiple choice and short answer questions related to topics indicate the following:

  1. Students have an excellent understanding of comparative advantage and the gains from trade.
  2. Students understand the groups that gain and lose in international trade transactions.
  3. Students understand the welfare effects on tariffs and quotas.
  4. Students understand the welfare effects of economic integration.
  5. Students understand the concepts and transactions associated with the Balance of Payments.
  6. Students struggle with and generally do not understand the relationship between exchange rates and interest rates and how trouble with the concepts of hedging international transactions.
Actions for Objective:

Changes Resulting From Assessment Of International Economics  
The assessment of International Economics indicated that students were having a difficult time with the financial aspects of International Economics.  As a result more class time will be devoted to exchange rates, hedging, and interest rate arbitrage and problem sets will be developed to handout to the class.

GOAL: Outstanding Program In International Business

Students Should Understand The Financial And Economic Aspects Of Conducting Business Internationally
Multinational firms confront the challenges of operating in markets with different legal environments, currency systems, and institutions regulating trade and investment. Students should understand how these differences will affect the economic and financial decisions of the firm.

Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: Financial And Economic Aspects Of Doing Business Internationally  
Questions embedded in the final exams of FINC 4340, ECON 4348, 4340 will be used to assess students understanding of the financial and economic aspects of doing business globally.
Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Financial And Economic Aspects Of Conducting Business Internationally  
At least 70% of the students will respond correctly to embedded questions concerning the financial and economics impact of doing business globally. The questions will be embedded in the final exams of ECON 4348, 4340, and FINC 4340.
Assessment Of This Objective  
During the 2011-2012 an assessment of this objective was not undertaken outside of the Assessment of International Economics 4340.  The results of that assessment are reported in the Findings for the first objective.
Actions for Objective:

Assessment Of Economics 4340  
Using embedded questions on the Final Examination in International Economics student understanding of some parts of the financial aspects on international transactions were assessed.  Specifically questions related to the Balance of International Payments, Foregin Exchange Markets, and Hedging Foreign Exchange transactions used to assess student understanding of those concepts.

The results of the assessment indicate that many students have not reached a level of understanding of the financial aspects of international trade that meet the standard that the faculty view as acceptable.

GOAL: Outstanding Program In International Business

Students Should Understand The Management And Marketing Challenges Of International Business
Operating internationally presents special challenges to managers and marketers in planning and organizing work systems, product distribution channels, and product promotional campaigns. International Business majors should understand these challenges and have knowledge of how they might be overcome.

Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Management And Marketing Challenges Of International Business  
Questions embedded in final exams of MGMT 4340 and MKTG 4340 will be used to determine the ability of students to understand the management and marketing challenges of doing business globally.
Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Management And Marketing Challenges Of International Business  
At least 70% of the students will respond correctly to embedded questions on the final exams in MGMT, MKTG 4340 concerning the management and marketing challenges of doing business globally.
Assessment Of Management/Marketing 4340  
An assessment exercise was conducted for MGMT/MKTG 4340: International Management and Marketing during Fall 2012.

A pre-and post-test methodology was used. Students were administered a 40 item pre-test at the beginning of the course, and items from the pre-test instrument were embedded in regularly scheduled exams to assess the post-instruction performance.

The results of the Assessment are shown in the attached document.
Actions for Objective:

Actions In Response To Assessment Of MGT/MKT 4340  

The Assessment of MGT/MKT 4340 did not indicate that changes need to be made in the teaching of the class.

Closing the Loop

Not all Objectives of the International Business Program were assessed during this academic year.  Other required courses that are part of the International Business program will be assesss during the 2012-2013 academic year.  Results from the assessments of International Economics and International Management/Marketing indicate that most of the objectives of the International Business program are being met. The scores on embedded questions indicate that more time needs to be spent on the financial aspects of international trade.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111