
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Support :
Library, Newton Gresham

3 Goals     14 Objectives     22 Indicators     22 Criteria     20 Findings     20 Actions

GOAL: Collection

Objective Collection Development
Provide access to print, web-based and locally produced content
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Actions for Objective:

Action Book Reviews,ILL
Will continue next year.
Action Collection Development
The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible will continue. This will help maintain the number of books received relatively constant level.
Action Course Reviews
This activity will continue.
Action Journal Review, ILL
Program will continue

GOAL: Collection

Objective Collection Evaluation
Evaluate the collection to ensure it meets curricular and research needs.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC's WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collection Evaluation
Revise the Collection Development poicy. Use OCLC''s collection analysis tool to evaluate the collection.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Digital Archive/Respository
Establish a digital archive making content readily accessible.Plan the structure of a digital repository; identify stakeholders; identify software (turnkey or open source.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Actions for Objective:

Action Digital Archives/repository
Move content from Hyperion to ContentDM. Work with Honors Program and Writing Center to get student participation in Digital Repository

GOAL: Collection

Objective Faculty Input
Provide opportunities for faculty to discuss their needs, research and curricular.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Information Access
Provide effective and efficent access to materials needed for research.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Information Access
Users will be able to identify resources through the online catalog.
Criteria Catalog material
Catalog 95% of all materials acquired; add bibliographic records as needed for new collections (various media).
Criteria Interlibrary loan
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
Article and books are recieved and processed between 4 and 9 days.
Criteria Web-based resources  
Achieve a 10% increase in the usage of web-based resources.
Finding Web based resources
The electronic collection increased by 9%. The increase is substantial although slightly less than expected.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
When the Library Instruction Librarian resigned, the data was not pass on the new coordinator.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Feedback from students partipating in Instruction Sessions shows a decline of 2 to 3 percent on the questions of the relevance of the presentation to their assignment/course and that the examples were clear from the previous 2 years. While 95 percent of the total respondents answered the questions about relevance to their course/assignment, only 42 percent of the respondents answered the question about the examples. The target was that 95% percent of the respondents would find the class relevant and the examples clear, and the feedback indicates that this criterion was met.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional Tools
Online tutorials were revised in FY 2006 and FY 2007. This increased the number of tutorials by 60%. Two subject guides were revised and 2 new course guides were created.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Newsletter
Publish a newsletter in print and electronically.
Criteria Newsletter
Issue first library newsletter.
Finding Newsletter
First newsletter was issued in 2007.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Direct
This program will continue next year
Action New Faculty Orientation
Program will continue.
Action Partnerships
Continue identifying relationships that will help increase library resources.
Action Web based resources
Within in budget constrains, add additional web based resources.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Information Resources
Increase the scope and depth of information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Information Access
Users will be able to identify resources through the online catalog.
Criteria Catalog material
Catalog 95% of all materials acquired; add bibliographic records as needed for new collections (various media).
Criteria Interlibrary loan
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
Article and books are recieved and processed between 4 and 9 days.
Criteria Web-based resources  
Achieve a 10% increase in the usage of web-based resources.
Finding Web based resources
The electronic collection increased by 9%. The increase is substantial although slightly less than expected.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Library Instruction
Provide course related library instruction.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
When the Library Instruction Librarian resigned, the data was not pass on the new coordinator.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Feedback from students partipating in Instruction Sessions shows a decline of 2 to 3 percent on the questions of the relevance of the presentation to their assignment/course and that the examples were clear from the previous 2 years. While 95 percent of the total respondents answered the questions about relevance to their course/assignment, only 42 percent of the respondents answered the question about the examples. The target was that 95% percent of the respondents would find the class relevant and the examples clear, and the feedback indicates that this criterion was met.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional Tools
Online tutorials were revised in FY 2006 and FY 2007. This increased the number of tutorials by 60%. Two subject guides were revised and 2 new course guides were created.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Instructional Sessions
Provide instructor with training. Continue program
Action Instructional Tools
Provide new tools to access information. Revise tools.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Training/Development
Provide oportunities for training and professional development to increase skill and knowledge to meet the changing needs of the library and its users.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Development/training
Librarians and staff will participate in training and professional development activities.
Criteria Training and Professional
50% of Library faculty will attend professional meetings. Training sessions will be provided for faculty and staff.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Collection

Objective User Satisfaction
Improve user satisfaction with library services
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC's WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Information Access
Users will be able to identify resources through the online catalog.
Criteria Catalog material
Catalog 95% of all materials acquired; add bibliographic records as needed for new collections (various media).
Criteria Interlibrary loan
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
Article and books are recieved and processed between 4 and 9 days.
Criteria Web-based resources  
Achieve a 10% increase in the usage of web-based resources.
Finding Web based resources
The electronic collection increased by 9%. The increase is substantial although slightly less than expected.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
When the Library Instruction Librarian resigned, the data was not pass on the new coordinator.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Feedback from students partipating in Instruction Sessions shows a decline of 2 to 3 percent on the questions of the relevance of the presentation to their assignment/course and that the examples were clear from the previous 2 years. While 95 percent of the total respondents answered the questions about relevance to their course/assignment, only 42 percent of the respondents answered the question about the examples. The target was that 95% percent of the respondents would find the class relevant and the examples clear, and the feedback indicates that this criterion was met.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional Tools
Online tutorials were revised in FY 2006 and FY 2007. This increased the number of tutorials by 60%. Two subject guides were revised and 2 new course guides were created.
Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Indicator Satisfaction
Satisfaction will be demonstrated by an increase in the service adequacy score on the LibQual+ Survey.
Criteria User Satisfaction
Library will excee the minimum expection of the user on the LibQual+ survey (given every 5 to 7 years).
Finding User Satisfaction
Did not participate in 2007. Participation may be in 2009.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Satisfaction
Continue to work with faculty to determine their research needs and materials need to support the curriculum.
Action User Satisfaction
Find additional means of determining user satifaction, including LibQual+ in 2009.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Website Usability
Improve user access to web based information resources by improving the usability of the Library's web site.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Promotion

Objective Digital Archive/Respository
Establish a digital archive making content readily accessible.Plan the structure of a digital repository; identify stakeholders; identify software (turnkey or open source.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Actions for Objective:

Action Digital Archives/repository
Move content from Hyperion to ContentDM. Work with Honors Program and Writing Center to get student participation in Digital Repository

GOAL: Promotion

Objective ILL/Document Delivery
Provide effective and efficent interlibrary loan services/document delivery.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Actions for Objective:

Action Interlibrary Loan
Turnaround time is above what is expected.

GOAL: Promotion

Objective Publicity
Disseminate, more effectively, information about Library resources and services.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Newsletter
Publish a newsletter in print and electronically.
Criteria Newsletter
Issue first library newsletter.
Finding Newsletter
First newsletter was issued in 2007.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
Publish a newsletter each semester.

GOAL: Promotion

Objective Website Usability
Improve user access to web based information resources by improving the usability of the Library's web site.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Services

Objective Circulation/Reserves
Provide an effective means for circulation of library materials, including reserves
Associated Goals: Services

Indicator Cirulation
Increase the number of items on reserve. Increase the circulation of reserve material and the main collection.
Criteria Circulation  
SHSU ratio of circulated materials to combined faculty/student FTE will be in the top half of our peer group as defined by the THECB.
Finding Circulation
NCES Academic Libraries Survey for fiscal year 2006 indicates SHSU exceeds the state median in circulation transactions per fte enrolled but SHSU is in the bottom half of the peer group.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Actions for Objective:

Action Circulation
Increase visibilty of new books and monographic collection. Unfortunately, circulation is down nationwide.
Action Direct to Faculty
This program will continue next year.

GOAL: Services

Objective Collection Development
Provide access to print, web-based and locally produced content
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Actions for Objective:

Action Book Reviews,ILL
Will continue next year.
Action Collection Development
The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible will continue. This will help maintain the number of books received relatively constant level.
Action Course Reviews
This activity will continue.
Action Journal Review, ILL
Program will continue

GOAL: Services

Objective Collection Evaluation
Evaluate the collection to ensure it meets curricular and research needs.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC's WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collection Evaluation
Revise the Collection Development poicy. Use OCLC''s collection analysis tool to evaluate the collection.

GOAL: Services

Objective Digital Archive/Respository
Establish a digital archive making content readily accessible.Plan the structure of a digital repository; identify stakeholders; identify software (turnkey or open source.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Actions for Objective:

Action Digital Archives/repository
Move content from Hyperion to ContentDM. Work with Honors Program and Writing Center to get student participation in Digital Repository

GOAL: Services

Objective Faculty Input
Provide opportunities for faculty to discuss their needs, research and curricular.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Services

Objective ILL/Document Delivery
Provide effective and efficent interlibrary loan services/document delivery.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Actions for Objective:

Action Interlibrary Loan
Turnaround time is above what is expected.

GOAL: Services

Objective Information Access
Provide effective and efficent access to materials needed for research.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Information Access
Users will be able to identify resources through the online catalog.
Criteria Catalog material
Catalog 95% of all materials acquired; add bibliographic records as needed for new collections (various media).
Criteria Interlibrary loan
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
Article and books are recieved and processed between 4 and 9 days.
Criteria Web-based resources  
Achieve a 10% increase in the usage of web-based resources.
Finding Web based resources
The electronic collection increased by 9%. The increase is substantial although slightly less than expected.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
When the Library Instruction Librarian resigned, the data was not pass on the new coordinator.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Feedback from students partipating in Instruction Sessions shows a decline of 2 to 3 percent on the questions of the relevance of the presentation to their assignment/course and that the examples were clear from the previous 2 years. While 95 percent of the total respondents answered the questions about relevance to their course/assignment, only 42 percent of the respondents answered the question about the examples. The target was that 95% percent of the respondents would find the class relevant and the examples clear, and the feedback indicates that this criterion was met.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional Tools
Online tutorials were revised in FY 2006 and FY 2007. This increased the number of tutorials by 60%. Two subject guides were revised and 2 new course guides were created.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Newsletter
Publish a newsletter in print and electronically.
Criteria Newsletter
Issue first library newsletter.
Finding Newsletter
First newsletter was issued in 2007.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Direct
This program will continue next year
Action New Faculty Orientation
Program will continue.
Action Partnerships
Continue identifying relationships that will help increase library resources.
Action Web based resources
Within in budget constrains, add additional web based resources.

GOAL: Services

Objective Information Resources
Increase the scope and depth of information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Information Access
Users will be able to identify resources through the online catalog.
Criteria Catalog material
Catalog 95% of all materials acquired; add bibliographic records as needed for new collections (various media).
Criteria Interlibrary loan
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
Article and books are recieved and processed between 4 and 9 days.
Criteria Web-based resources  
Achieve a 10% increase in the usage of web-based resources.
Finding Web based resources
The electronic collection increased by 9%. The increase is substantial although slightly less than expected.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Services

Objective Library Instruction
Provide course related library instruction.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
When the Library Instruction Librarian resigned, the data was not pass on the new coordinator.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Feedback from students partipating in Instruction Sessions shows a decline of 2 to 3 percent on the questions of the relevance of the presentation to their assignment/course and that the examples were clear from the previous 2 years. While 95 percent of the total respondents answered the questions about relevance to their course/assignment, only 42 percent of the respondents answered the question about the examples. The target was that 95% percent of the respondents would find the class relevant and the examples clear, and the feedback indicates that this criterion was met.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional Tools
Online tutorials were revised in FY 2006 and FY 2007. This increased the number of tutorials by 60%. Two subject guides were revised and 2 new course guides were created.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Instructional Sessions
Provide instructor with training. Continue program
Action Instructional Tools
Provide new tools to access information. Revise tools.

GOAL: Services

Objective Library Instruction Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objectives of the class
Associated Goals: Services

Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Actions for Objective:

Action Library Instrtuction, Evaluation, Students
Program will continue.
Action Library Instruction, Evaluation, Faculty
Base data will collected for FY 2007.

GOAL: Services

Objective Publicity
Disseminate, more effectively, information about Library resources and services.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Digitize 5 collections of family papers. Evaluate digital management systems.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
7 collections of family papers were digitized. ContentDM was selected as the new digital management system.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Newsletter
Publish a newsletter in print and electronically.
Criteria Newsletter
Issue first library newsletter.
Finding Newsletter
First newsletter was issued in 2007.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
Publish a newsletter each semester.

GOAL: Services

Objective Training/Development
Provide oportunities for training and professional development to increase skill and knowledge to meet the changing needs of the library and its users.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Development/training
Librarians and staff will participate in training and professional development activities.
Criteria Training and Professional
50% of Library faculty will attend professional meetings. Training sessions will be provided for faculty and staff.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Services

Objective User Satisfaction
Improve user satisfaction with library services
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Indicator Collection Development
Acquire resources that support the curriculum and research using Choice, Library Journal and standard sources. Acquire "best of the year" using list in Choice, Library Journal, Booklist, and other standard sources.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 12,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Collection Development
The number of titles received continues to vary from year to year. The policy of buying only one copy of a title and purchasing paperback editions whenever possible has helped maintain the number of books received relatively constant level. In 2007, there was a slight increase in the number of titles purchased; due moving shifting funds from the Library’s O & M. 12,000 titles were acquired.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Database was sent to OCLC in May of 2007. Committee was established to revise the collection developmen policy.
Indicator Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC's WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Finding Direct to faculty
Ordered 12 titles in 2006/07, as reported by Head of ILL
Finding Faculty Direct
Books and articles from the SHSU collection were promptly delievered to faculty offices and desktops.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that the faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Criminal Justice. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2007 the mean was 3.90. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Librarians met with new faculty member in face to face to session. The Library director met with new faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Indicator Information Access
Users will be able to identify resources through the online catalog.
Criteria Catalog material
Catalog 95% of all materials acquired; add bibliographic records as needed for new collections (various media).
Criteria Interlibrary loan
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
Article and books are recieved and processed between 4 and 9 days.
Criteria Web-based resources  
Achieve a 10% increase in the usage of web-based resources.
Finding Web based resources
The electronic collection increased by 9%. The increase is substantial although slightly less than expected.
Indicator Information Resources
Participation in strategic partnerships.
Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
When the Library Instruction Librarian resigned, the data was not pass on the new coordinator.
Finding Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Feedback from students partipating in Instruction Sessions shows a decline of 2 to 3 percent on the questions of the relevance of the presentation to their assignment/course and that the examples were clear from the previous 2 years. While 95 percent of the total respondents answered the questions about relevance to their course/assignment, only 42 percent of the respondents answered the question about the examples. The target was that 95% percent of the respondents would find the class relevant and the examples clear, and the feedback indicates that this criterion was met.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional Tools
Online tutorials were revised in FY 2006 and FY 2007. This increased the number of tutorials by 60%. Two subject guides were revised and 2 new course guides were created.
Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
While most course reviews indicate the library can support the course with access to electronic resource, such areas as urban geography, and tourism required updating the monographic collection. See attachment for example of course evaluation.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Open House
Hold an open house for faculty to introduce new resources and publicize services. Open house provides an opportunity for faculty talk with librarians about their needs for research and their courses.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
All together our participation in partnerships/consortia provide access to 60% of the databases available to the SHSU community. TexShare, the state resource sharing project, provides access one-third of our total holdings.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materialsnot owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
No books were identified.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal review, ILL
Ordered Journal of analytical toxicology, 0146-4760. The number of requests requiring royality payment exceed the subscription cost.
Indicator Satisfaction
Satisfaction will be demonstrated by an increase in the service adequacy score on the LibQual+ Survey.
Criteria User Satisfaction
Library will excee the minimum expection of the user on the LibQual+ survey (given every 5 to 7 years).
Finding User Satisfaction
Did not participate in 2007. Participation may be in 2009.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Satisfaction
Continue to work with faculty to determine their research needs and materials need to support the curriculum.
Action User Satisfaction
Find additional means of determining user satifaction, including LibQual+ in 2009.

GOAL: Services

Objective Website Usability
Improve user access to web based information resources by improving the usability of the Library's web site.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

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