SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Candidate Preparedness | |
Assure candidate preparedness for the field through benchmark assessments at entry, clinical experience and at exit. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Admission To Educator Preparation Candidates meeting criteria for admission to the educator preparation program should meet or exceed the mean scores of the rising junior population of the University on overall GPA. |
Criteria | GPA (Overall) ![]() > Upon initial application to the educator preparation program, 85% of applicants will satisfy the GPA requirement for entry. |
Finding | 2006-2007 Cohort: 2.5 GPA Of 956 applicants, 85.66% met the program requirement for overall GPA of 2.5 or better. |
Finding | Comparison of EPP Applicants to SHSU juniors Spring 07 EP applicants Mean GPA was 2.99 against SHSU rising juniors (non EP) Mean GPA of 2.77. Fall 06 EP applicants Mean GPA was 2.94 against SHSU rising juniors (non EP) Mean GPA of 2.76 |
Criteria | GPA Overall Upon initial application for program entry, overall GPA will exceed that of the rising junior population of the University. |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Indicator | Teacher Work Sample Performance Candidate performance on the Teacher Work Sample, a capstone assessment |
Criteria | Teacher Work Sample Scores ![]() 85 % of candidates in the 2006-2007 cohort will achieve a score of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample. |
Finding | TWS Scores Spring 07 77.4 % of candidates achieved scores of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample in Spring 2007. |
Action | Admission to Ed Prep Upcoming revision of degree plans should include consideration of earlier entry to the program. Communication with community college advisors and SAM Center advisors regarding ed prep entry requirements will stress GPA standards. |
Action | Applicant Preparedness To address comparison of annual applicant cohort to the rising junior population of the University, request for data from Institutional Research is required. That request was submitted in March, 2008. |
Action | Improving TWS Performance Review of degree programs and field experiences for initial certification program will include revision of course content and assessments to align with TWS requirements. Tracking of results in TK20 and reporting of performance to faculty is necessary. |
Objective | New Program Development | |
Develop new graduate programs in Special Education and Sports Management Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | New Doctoral Program In Special Education Progress toward implementation of new doctoral program |
Indicator | New Master's Program In Sports Managment Progress toward implementation of new master's program in Sports Management |
Action | Special Education Doctoral Program Development Preparation of the program proposal for the University Curriculum cycle in 2008-2009 by the SPED faculty will be led by Dr. Phil Swicegood. |
Action | Sports Management Program Implementation Approval of the Sports Management program by the University Curriculum Commmittee and the Board of Regents permits implementation of the program in Fall, 2007. |
Objective | Productivity Of The College | |
Increase semester credit hour production in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Faculty Presentations Annual professor to presentation ratio compared to University |
Indicator | SCH Production Semester Credit Hour production for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. |
Criteria | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in Doctoral level SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in doctoral level SCH production did not increase in Fall 2006 over Fall 2005. SCH decreased by 197 SCH. |
Criteria | Master''s Level SCH Production Master''s level growth in SCH production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Masters' Level SCH Production COE Masters Level SCH production increased by 7.2% over 05-06 level |
Criteria | Undergraduate SCH Production Growth in Undergraduate SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Undergraduate SCH Production In 06-07, COE Undergraduate SCH production increased over the previous year by 1% |
Action | Doctoral SCH Production Maintaining multiple cohorts in doctoral cohorts is resource intensive. Added doctoral level personnel are needed to sustain growth in doctoral programs. |
Action | Masters Credit Hour Production The graduate recruitment committee will be supported through rotated system of course release for active members. Continued efforts to expand ISD-based cohort programs in educational leadership and counseling will be made. Promotion of the new graduate programs in Reading, Instructional Technology, Health and Kinesiology and the post-baccalaureate teacher certification program will be supported by the College through re-allocation of resources and development efforts. |
Action | Undergraduate SCH Production Degree program review mandated by the Higher Education Coordinating Board may inhibit UG SCH growth. Review of each degree plan will take place in 07-08 |
Objective | Program Accreditation | |
Secure and maintain accreditation in every program Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Faculty Excellence, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Action | Assessment System Development Candidate performance on 6-8 assessments of content knowledge will be tracked. Each assessment is aligned to program standards and reported to the national association for the content area. The TK20 data management system will be used for tracking candidate performance and for reporting results to program faculty and external review agencies. |
Action | Assessment and Alignment Alignment of coursework activities with state and specialty program area standards will be reviewed and documented in syllabi for each course in the ed prep program. Assessments that demonstrate mastery of specialty program area standards will be implemented in all programs, using the TK20 data management system. |
Objective | Candidate Preparedness | |
Assure candidate preparedness for the field through benchmark assessments at entry, clinical experience and at exit. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Admission To Educator Preparation Candidates meeting criteria for admission to the educator preparation program should meet or exceed the mean scores of the rising junior population of the University on overall GPA. |
Criteria | GPA (Overall) ![]() > Upon initial application to the educator preparation program, 85% of applicants will satisfy the GPA requirement for entry. |
Finding | 2006-2007 Cohort: 2.5 GPA Of 956 applicants, 85.66% met the program requirement for overall GPA of 2.5 or better. |
Finding | Comparison of EPP Applicants to SHSU juniors Spring 07 EP applicants Mean GPA was 2.99 against SHSU rising juniors (non EP) Mean GPA of 2.77. Fall 06 EP applicants Mean GPA was 2.94 against SHSU rising juniors (non EP) Mean GPA of 2.76 |
Criteria | GPA Overall Upon initial application for program entry, overall GPA will exceed that of the rising junior population of the University. |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Indicator | Teacher Work Sample Performance Candidate performance on the Teacher Work Sample, a capstone assessment |
Criteria | Teacher Work Sample Scores ![]() 85 % of candidates in the 2006-2007 cohort will achieve a score of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample. |
Finding | TWS Scores Spring 07 77.4 % of candidates achieved scores of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample in Spring 2007. |
Action | Admission to Ed Prep Upcoming revision of degree plans should include consideration of earlier entry to the program. Communication with community college advisors and SAM Center advisors regarding ed prep entry requirements will stress GPA standards. |
Action | Applicant Preparedness To address comparison of annual applicant cohort to the rising junior population of the University, request for data from Institutional Research is required. That request was submitted in March, 2008. |
Action | Improving TWS Performance Review of degree programs and field experiences for initial certification program will include revision of course content and assessments to align with TWS requirements. Tracking of results in TK20 and reporting of performance to faculty is necessary. |
Objective | Candidate Satisfaction | |
Improve candidate satisfaction with educator preparation services Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Indicator | Satisfaction With Ed Prep Services Student satisfaction with three services provided for undergraduates: advising services, certification and testing services and field experience services as indicated by annual survey responses. |
Criteria | Ed. Prep. Services Satisfaction Survey Upon completion of student teaching, candidate satisfaction ratings for six areas of Ed. Prep. Services will exceed 2.5 on a five point Likert scale. |
Finding | Candidate Satisfaction with Ed Prep Services Mean score for six areas of Educator Preparation Services was 3.49 on a 5 point Likert scale. |
Action | Satisfaction with Ed Prep Services In each area of Ed Prep Services, staff will develop criteria and establish a process for ongoing evaluation of candidate satisfaction to assist with annual goal setting. Staff performance evaluation conference should include discussion of performance results and goal setting for the coming year. |
Objective | New Program Development | |
Develop new graduate programs in Special Education and Sports Management Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | New Doctoral Program In Special Education Progress toward implementation of new doctoral program |
Indicator | New Master's Program In Sports Managment Progress toward implementation of new master's program in Sports Management |
Action | Special Education Doctoral Program Development Preparation of the program proposal for the University Curriculum cycle in 2008-2009 by the SPED faculty will be led by Dr. Phil Swicegood. |
Action | Sports Management Program Implementation Approval of the Sports Management program by the University Curriculum Commmittee and the Board of Regents permits implementation of the program in Fall, 2007. |
Objective | Productivity Of The College | |
Increase semester credit hour production in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Faculty Presentations Annual professor to presentation ratio compared to University |
Indicator | SCH Production Semester Credit Hour production for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. |
Criteria | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in Doctoral level SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in doctoral level SCH production did not increase in Fall 2006 over Fall 2005. SCH decreased by 197 SCH. |
Criteria | Master''s Level SCH Production Master''s level growth in SCH production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Masters' Level SCH Production COE Masters Level SCH production increased by 7.2% over 05-06 level |
Criteria | Undergraduate SCH Production Growth in Undergraduate SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Undergraduate SCH Production In 06-07, COE Undergraduate SCH production increased over the previous year by 1% |
Action | Doctoral SCH Production Maintaining multiple cohorts in doctoral cohorts is resource intensive. Added doctoral level personnel are needed to sustain growth in doctoral programs. |
Action | Masters Credit Hour Production The graduate recruitment committee will be supported through rotated system of course release for active members. Continued efforts to expand ISD-based cohort programs in educational leadership and counseling will be made. Promotion of the new graduate programs in Reading, Instructional Technology, Health and Kinesiology and the post-baccalaureate teacher certification program will be supported by the College through re-allocation of resources and development efforts. |
Action | Undergraduate SCH Production Degree program review mandated by the Higher Education Coordinating Board may inhibit UG SCH growth. Review of each degree plan will take place in 07-08 |
Objective | Program Accreditation | |
Secure and maintain accreditation in every program Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Faculty Excellence, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Action | Assessment System Development Candidate performance on 6-8 assessments of content knowledge will be tracked. Each assessment is aligned to program standards and reported to the national association for the content area. The TK20 data management system will be used for tracking candidate performance and for reporting results to program faculty and external review agencies. |
Action | Assessment and Alignment Alignment of coursework activities with state and specialty program area standards will be reviewed and documented in syllabi for each course in the ed prep program. Assessments that demonstrate mastery of specialty program area standards will be implemented in all programs, using the TK20 data management system. |
Objective | Faculty Excellence | |
Assure COE faculty contributions to the field through high productivity in research. Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence |
Indicator | Faculty Production Annual professor to publication ratio for COE compared to University. |
Criteria | Faculty Publications COE Professor to publication ratio will exceed the SHSU ratio |
Finding | Faculty Publication 2006-2007 COE Professor to Publication ratio equals 3.96 against the SHSU ratio of 2.06 for the same period. |
Action | Faculty Professional Development Professional Development for faculty will include a series of workshops, participation in the Consortium for Research, Evaluation and Assessment of Teacher Education (CREATE), and participation in national research organizations. Improved capacity for research is anticipated with increased performance assessment and adoption of the TK20 data management system. |
Objective | Program Accreditation | |
Secure and maintain accreditation in every program Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Faculty Excellence, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Action | Assessment System Development Candidate performance on 6-8 assessments of content knowledge will be tracked. Each assessment is aligned to program standards and reported to the national association for the content area. The TK20 data management system will be used for tracking candidate performance and for reporting results to program faculty and external review agencies. |
Action | Assessment and Alignment Alignment of coursework activities with state and specialty program area standards will be reviewed and documented in syllabi for each course in the ed prep program. Assessments that demonstrate mastery of specialty program area standards will be implemented in all programs, using the TK20 data management system. |
Objective | Candidate Satisfaction | |
Improve candidate satisfaction with educator preparation services Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Indicator | Satisfaction With Ed Prep Services Student satisfaction with three services provided for undergraduates: advising services, certification and testing services and field experience services as indicated by annual survey responses. |
Criteria | Ed. Prep. Services Satisfaction Survey Upon completion of student teaching, candidate satisfaction ratings for six areas of Ed. Prep. Services will exceed 2.5 on a five point Likert scale. |
Finding | Candidate Satisfaction with Ed Prep Services Mean score for six areas of Educator Preparation Services was 3.49 on a 5 point Likert scale. |
Action | Satisfaction with Ed Prep Services In each area of Ed Prep Services, staff will develop criteria and establish a process for ongoing evaluation of candidate satisfaction to assist with annual goal setting. Staff performance evaluation conference should include discussion of performance results and goal setting for the coming year. |
Objective | New Program Development | |
Develop new graduate programs in Special Education and Sports Management Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | New Doctoral Program In Special Education Progress toward implementation of new doctoral program |
Indicator | New Master's Program In Sports Managment Progress toward implementation of new master's program in Sports Management |
Action | Special Education Doctoral Program Development Preparation of the program proposal for the University Curriculum cycle in 2008-2009 by the SPED faculty will be led by Dr. Phil Swicegood. |
Action | Sports Management Program Implementation Approval of the Sports Management program by the University Curriculum Commmittee and the Board of Regents permits implementation of the program in Fall, 2007. |
Objective | Productivity Of The College | |
Increase semester credit hour production in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Faculty Presentations Annual professor to presentation ratio compared to University |
Indicator | SCH Production Semester Credit Hour production for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. |
Criteria | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in Doctoral level SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in doctoral level SCH production did not increase in Fall 2006 over Fall 2005. SCH decreased by 197 SCH. |
Criteria | Master''s Level SCH Production Master''s level growth in SCH production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Masters' Level SCH Production COE Masters Level SCH production increased by 7.2% over 05-06 level |
Criteria | Undergraduate SCH Production Growth in Undergraduate SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Undergraduate SCH Production In 06-07, COE Undergraduate SCH production increased over the previous year by 1% |
Action | Doctoral SCH Production Maintaining multiple cohorts in doctoral cohorts is resource intensive. Added doctoral level personnel are needed to sustain growth in doctoral programs. |
Action | Masters Credit Hour Production The graduate recruitment committee will be supported through rotated system of course release for active members. Continued efforts to expand ISD-based cohort programs in educational leadership and counseling will be made. Promotion of the new graduate programs in Reading, Instructional Technology, Health and Kinesiology and the post-baccalaureate teacher certification program will be supported by the College through re-allocation of resources and development efforts. |
Action | Undergraduate SCH Production Degree program review mandated by the Higher Education Coordinating Board may inhibit UG SCH growth. Review of each degree plan will take place in 07-08 |
Objective | Program Accreditation | |
Secure and maintain accreditation in every program Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Faculty Excellence, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Action | Assessment System Development Candidate performance on 6-8 assessments of content knowledge will be tracked. Each assessment is aligned to program standards and reported to the national association for the content area. The TK20 data management system will be used for tracking candidate performance and for reporting results to program faculty and external review agencies. |
Action | Assessment and Alignment Alignment of coursework activities with state and specialty program area standards will be reviewed and documented in syllabi for each course in the ed prep program. Assessments that demonstrate mastery of specialty program area standards will be implemented in all programs, using the TK20 data management system. |
Objective | Candidate Preparedness | |
Assure candidate preparedness for the field through benchmark assessments at entry, clinical experience and at exit. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Admission To Educator Preparation Candidates meeting criteria for admission to the educator preparation program should meet or exceed the mean scores of the rising junior population of the University on overall GPA. |
Criteria | GPA (Overall) ![]() > Upon initial application to the educator preparation program, 85% of applicants will satisfy the GPA requirement for entry. |
Finding | 2006-2007 Cohort: 2.5 GPA Of 956 applicants, 85.66% met the program requirement for overall GPA of 2.5 or better. |
Finding | Comparison of EPP Applicants to SHSU juniors Spring 07 EP applicants Mean GPA was 2.99 against SHSU rising juniors (non EP) Mean GPA of 2.77. Fall 06 EP applicants Mean GPA was 2.94 against SHSU rising juniors (non EP) Mean GPA of 2.76 |
Criteria | GPA Overall Upon initial application for program entry, overall GPA will exceed that of the rising junior population of the University. |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Indicator | Teacher Work Sample Performance Candidate performance on the Teacher Work Sample, a capstone assessment |
Criteria | Teacher Work Sample Scores ![]() 85 % of candidates in the 2006-2007 cohort will achieve a score of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample. |
Finding | TWS Scores Spring 07 77.4 % of candidates achieved scores of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample in Spring 2007. |
Action | Admission to Ed Prep Upcoming revision of degree plans should include consideration of earlier entry to the program. Communication with community college advisors and SAM Center advisors regarding ed prep entry requirements will stress GPA standards. |
Action | Applicant Preparedness To address comparison of annual applicant cohort to the rising junior population of the University, request for data from Institutional Research is required. That request was submitted in March, 2008. |
Action | Improving TWS Performance Review of degree programs and field experiences for initial certification program will include revision of course content and assessments to align with TWS requirements. Tracking of results in TK20 and reporting of performance to faculty is necessary. |
Objective | New Program Development | |
Develop new graduate programs in Special Education and Sports Management Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | New Doctoral Program In Special Education Progress toward implementation of new doctoral program |
Indicator | New Master's Program In Sports Managment Progress toward implementation of new master's program in Sports Management |
Action | Special Education Doctoral Program Development Preparation of the program proposal for the University Curriculum cycle in 2008-2009 by the SPED faculty will be led by Dr. Phil Swicegood. |
Action | Sports Management Program Implementation Approval of the Sports Management program by the University Curriculum Commmittee and the Board of Regents permits implementation of the program in Fall, 2007. |
Objective | Productivity Of The College | |
Increase semester credit hour production in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Faculty Presentations Annual professor to presentation ratio compared to University |
Indicator | SCH Production Semester Credit Hour production for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. |
Criteria | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in Doctoral level SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Doctoral SCH Production Growth in doctoral level SCH production did not increase in Fall 2006 over Fall 2005. SCH decreased by 197 SCH. |
Criteria | Master''s Level SCH Production Master''s level growth in SCH production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Masters' Level SCH Production COE Masters Level SCH production increased by 7.2% over 05-06 level |
Criteria | Undergraduate SCH Production Growth in Undergraduate SCH Production should meet or exceed 2% |
Finding | Undergraduate SCH Production In 06-07, COE Undergraduate SCH production increased over the previous year by 1% |
Action | Doctoral SCH Production Maintaining multiple cohorts in doctoral cohorts is resource intensive. Added doctoral level personnel are needed to sustain growth in doctoral programs. |
Action | Masters Credit Hour Production The graduate recruitment committee will be supported through rotated system of course release for active members. Continued efforts to expand ISD-based cohort programs in educational leadership and counseling will be made. Promotion of the new graduate programs in Reading, Instructional Technology, Health and Kinesiology and the post-baccalaureate teacher certification program will be supported by the College through re-allocation of resources and development efforts. |
Action | Undergraduate SCH Production Degree program review mandated by the Higher Education Coordinating Board may inhibit UG SCH growth. Review of each degree plan will take place in 07-08 |
Objective | Program Accreditation | |
Secure and maintain accreditation in every program Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Constituency Satisfaction, Faculty Excellence, Operational Excellence, Visibility and Impact |
Indicator | Pass Rates On Certification Exams TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test |
Criteria | Final Pass Rates Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2006-2007 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2008. |
Finding | TExES Certification Exam Pass Rates Final pass rates for program completers in the 2006-2007 cohort will be released in December, 2008. |
Criteria | Initial Pass Rates Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2006-2007, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2007. |
Finding | ASEP Intial Pass Rates ASEP reports of initial pass rates for the 2006-2007 completer cohort indicate the following results: All students 98%; females 98%; males 98%; African American 88%; Hispanic 97%; Other 100%; Whilte 98% |
Action | Assessment System Development Candidate performance on 6-8 assessments of content knowledge will be tracked. Each assessment is aligned to program standards and reported to the national association for the content area. The TK20 data management system will be used for tracking candidate performance and for reporting results to program faculty and external review agencies. |
Action | Assessment and Alignment Alignment of coursework activities with state and specialty program area standards will be reviewed and documented in syllabi for each course in the ed prep program. Assessments that demonstrate mastery of specialty program area standards will be implemented in all programs, using the TK20 data management system. |