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4.5 Student complaints

The institution has adequate procedures for addressing written student complaints and is responsible for demonstrating that it follows those procedures when resolving student complaints.

Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University (SHSU) has adequate procedures for addressing written student complaints and follows those procedures when resolving student complaints in a prompt and equitable manner.  The following narrative contains (a) a description of those policies and procedures, (b) documentation of the avenues of dissemination of those policies and procedures, (c) examples illustrating how these policies and procedures are followed, and (d) details regarding the record-keeping process.

Policies and Procedures 

SHSU is committed to fostering an educational environment that promotes the highest level of learning and personal development of its students.  To support this commitment, SHSU strives to ensure all students are treated equitably and in accordance with university policies.  When a student asserts that SHSU has not followed university policies or wishes to file a complaint governed by an existing SHSU policy, that student is afforded the opportunity to file a formal student complaint with the institution [1].  For a student complaint, grievance, or appeal to be considered a formal student complaint, it must meet the following thresholds:

  • The complaint, grievance, or appeal alleges a violation of official SHSU policy OR
  • The complaint, grievance, or appeal is governed by an official SHSU policy 


  • The complaint, grievance, or appeal has not been successfully resolved through informal resolution strategies


  • The complaint, grievance, or appeal has been communicated in writing and asserts that a formal complaint is being filed (e.g., letter, memo, email) [1].

Policies and procedures for written student complaints do not differ for face-to-face and online students.  All students, regardless of modality, are afforded the opportunity to submit written student complaints via in-person delivery, hard copy mail, email, or fax. 

Most student complaints, grievances, or appeals are governed by specific SHSU policies that outline formal guidelines and procedures for handling specific grievances or appeals.  For student complaints not specifically addressed within university policies, SHSU adheres to the processes documented within its Student Complaints Guidelines document [1].  As specified within these guidelines, any student who can demonstrate that he or she has been subject to adverse treatment due to a lack of adherence to university policy or procedure by university personnel may express dissatisfaction and seek resolution.  Students must first seek to resolve the issue directly with the aggrieving university representative through informal resolution strategies.  If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached between the student and university representative, or if extenuating circumstances prevent direct communication between the student and university representative, the student should pursue the issue through the chain of command.  For academic matters, it might be necessary to follow the chain of command from instructor, to department chair, to academic dean.  For issues dealing with staff, it might be necessary to discuss the matter with the staff member, then progress to coordinator, to director, and ultimately to divisional vice president, as appropriate.  If, after diligent communication through the chain of command, a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, a formal complaint may be filed [1]

Formal student complaints governed by the Student Complaints Guidelines must be filed within 30 university business days of the university action creating the student’s concern.  Upon receipt of the formal student complaint, the administrator has 20 university business days to respond.  For complaints filed between semesters, additional response time might be necessary to allow for availability of the relevant parties.  When additional time is necessary, students should be advised in writing of the estimated time for response within 20 university business days of receipt of the complaint [1].

Formal SHSU policy statements govern the vast majority of student complaints, grievances, and appeals.  For student complaints relating to academic matters, the Academic Policy Manual contains formal SHSU policies relating to faculty, student, curriculum, and research matters.  The following academic policy statements govern the vast majority of academic-related student complaints:

  • APS 900823      Academic Grievance Procedures for Students [2]
  • APS 910312      Academic Probation, Suspension, and Termination [3]
  • APS 810213      Procedures in Cases of Academic Dishonesty [4]
  • APS 840502      Admission Standards for Undergraduate Students [5]
  • APS 811006      Students with Disabilities [6]
  • APS 801007      Courses and Grades Transferred From Other Colleges and Universities [7]
  • APS 100428      Prerequisite Policy [8]
  • APS 930226      Required Remedial Education [9]
  • APS 810806      Student Educational Records [10]

In terms of academic disputes and/or grievances, students are encouraged to follow the chain of command: the class instructor, the department or school chair, the respective college review panel, the academic dean, the graduate dean (for graduate students), and finally the Office of the Provost [2].  The academic policy statements outline grievance and/or appeal procedures for academic complaints that include, but are not limited to, disputes over academic dishonesty, grades, unauthorized class absences or tardiness, suspension for academic deficiency, an instructor’s alleged unprofessional conduct, graduate comprehensive and oral exams, and theses and dissertations.  

For student complaints dealing with the campus atmosphere or environment, students may file a formal student grievance with the Dean of Students Office [11].  Grievable actions include (a) those in violation of written campus policies and procedures, or (b) actions constituting arbitrary, capricious, or unequal application of written campus policies or procedures [12].  Grievances may include disputes about sexual assault [13]; discrimination, sexual harassment, and equal employment opportunity [14]; racial harassment [15]; or failure to accommodate students with disabilities [16].  The Dean of Students Office also provides procedures for seeking formal mediation [17], challenging impartiality [18], and appealing a disciplinary decision [19].  Finally, student employees are covered by the university’s Human Resource policies regarding workplace violence [20]; sexual misconduct [21]; and dispute resolution, and formal grievance procedures [22].

In addition to institution-level policies and procedures, students are afforded complaint resolution opportunities through the Texas State University System (TSUS), of which SHSU is a member.  The TSUS provides a Compliance and Ethics Line that allows students and/or staff to make anonymous complaints to the TSUS [23].  This Compliance and Ethics Line was established to provide “a confidential avenue for reporting concerns about potential waste, fraud, and abuse of resources, the lack of compliance with laws and regulations, or violations of the System’s Code of Ethics” [24].

Dissemination of Policies and Procedures

SHSU policies and procedures relating to written student complaints are disseminated to students through a variety of venues. Academic policies can be accessed in the Academic Policy Manual, available online via the Academic Affairs webpage [25].  Academic policy statements are also referenced within the Student Guidelines [26].  The Division of Student Services publishes and disseminates the Student Guidelines, available both in print and on the university’s website [27].  Both the undergraduate and graduate catalogs, available online, also reference these policies [28], [29].  Policies concerning student employment are disseminated by the Department of Human Resources and are available through their website [30].

Evidence of Following Policies and Procedures

Examples of complaint and appeal documentation are provided as evidence that SHSU follows its complaint policies and procedures.  Examples have been redacted to protect the privacy of students and university personnel.  The following table describes each example and contains a link to the redacted documentation.

NOTE:  Sor security purposes, links to the redacted documentation in the table below are available to SACSCOC Reviewers on the Report Pen Drives only.

Department Responding to Complaint

Policy Governing Complaint

Link to Redacted Documentation

Office of Graduate Studies

Academic Grievance Procedures for Students / Academic Probation and Suspension


Office of the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Academic Grievance Procedures for Students


Office of the Vice Provost

Procedures in Cases of Academic Dishonesty


Office of the Dean of the College of Education

Procedures in Cases of Academic Dishonesty


Office of Financial Aid

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


Office of the Vice Provost

Academic Grievance Procedures for Students


Office of the Vice Provost

Protection of Human Subjects


Bursar’s Office

Financial Aid / Tuition and Fees / Registration Policies and Procedures


Office of the Dean of the College of Sciences

Final Exam Schedule




Detailed records are maintained for formal student complaints at SHSU.  Units responsible for maintaining formal complaint records are required to maintain all written communication submitted by the student, as well as all written communication submitted to the student from university personnel.  The length of time student complaint documentation is maintained is governed by the University Records Retention Schedule [31] and varies by document type.  For example, records relating to complaints are retained for a minimum of two years following the conclusion of the complaint process [32].  Should the complaint relate to a student’s disciplinary record, the complaint is maintained for a minimum of seven years following the student’s graduation or date of last attendance [33].

The following departments are responsible for maintaining records of formal student complaints [1]:

Division of Academic Affairs

  • Provost’s Office
  • Office of Graduate Studies
  • Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
  • Honor’s College
  • College of Business Administration
  • College of Criminal Justice
  • College of Education
  • College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication
  • College of Health Sciences
  • College of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • College of Sciences

Division of Enrollment Management

  • Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Office of Undergraduate Admissions
  • Office of Graduate Admissions
  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Office of the Registrar 

Division of Finance and Operations

  • Office of the Controller
  • Human Resources and Risk Management
  • University Police Department/Parking 

Division of Student Services 

  • Dean of Students Office
  • Bearkat OneCard Services
  • Counseling Center
  • Health Center
  • Recreational Sports
  • Residence Life

In addition to maintaining copies of all written communication to and from the student, departments are to maintain a log of formal student complaints.  The log template contains the following components:

  • Date Complaint Filed
  • Student Name
  • Student ID
  • Complaint Source (e.g., form, email, letter)
  • Brief Description of Complaint
  • Department Receiving Complaint
  • Policy Alleged to be Violated/Policy Governing Complaint
  • Description of Resolution and Process Followed

Example complaint log entries have been compiled and provided as examples [34].  Please reference Comprehensive Standard 3.13.B for additional details regarding the complaint records.


Supporting Documentation

Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Student Complaint Guidelines, SHSU
[2] Academic Policy Statement 900823, Academic Grievance Procedures for Students
[3] Academic Policy Statement 910312, Academic Probation, Suspension, and Termination
[4] Academic Policy Statement 810213, Procedures in Cases of Academic Dishonesty
[5] Academic Policy Statement 840502, Admission Standards for Undergraduate Students
[6] Academic Policy Statement 811006, Students with Disabilities
[7] Academic Policy Statement 801007, Courses and Grades Transferred From Other Colleges and Universities
[8] Academic Policy Statement 100428, Prerequisite Policy
[9] Academic Policy Statement 930226, Required Remedial Education
[10] Academic Policy Statement 810806, Student Educational Records
[11] Student Grievance Intake Form
[12] Student Grievance Procedures, Dean of Students Office
[13] Sexual Misconduct Policy
[14] Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, SHSU Student Guidelines, 2013-2016
[15] Racial Harassment Policy, SHSU Student Guidelines, 2013-2016
[16] Services for Students with Disabilities Policy, SHSU Student Guidelines, 2013-2016
[17] Mediation Services, SHSU
[18] Code of Student Conduct and Discipline, Student’s Right to Challenge Impartiality
[19] Appeal, Student’s Right to Challenge Impartiality
[20] Finance and Operations Human Resources Policy RM-2, Workplace Violence
[21] Title IX Webpage
[22] Finance and Operations Human Resources Policy ER-1, Dispute Resolution and Formal Grievance Procedure
[23] EthicsPoint Webpage, SHSU
[24] EthicsPoint Webpage, TSUS
[25] Academic Policy Manual, SHSU
[26] Academic Policies, Student Guidelines
[27] Student Guidelines, 2013-2016, SHSU
[28] Academic Policies, Undergraduate Catalog, 2014-2016
[29] Academic Policies, Graduate Catalog, 2013-2015
[30] Human Resource Policy Webpage
[31] Records Retention Schedule, SHSU
[32] Records Retention Schedule, SHSU, Complaints
[33] Records Retention Schedule, SHSU, Student Disciplinary Records
[34] Complaint Log Examples

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