Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice, Victim Studies BA/BS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Development Of Oral Presentation Skills As Exhibited In Senior Capstone Course

Improvement Of Oral Presentation Skills
Improvement of Oral Presentation Skills

Senior Level Capstone Course Oral Presentation  
Senior Level Capstone Course Oral Presentation

70% Competency Overall  
70% Competency Overall on presentation
Students Assessed Met Goal Average  
The 2013-2014 academic year was the first time that the senior seminar capstone class was offered in this degree plan. As a result, only a small cohort of students (n = 7) remained in the class during the entire semester allowing for their assessment. The attached rubric was used to assess the quality of the student’s oral presentation to the class. According to the grading of the presentations, 6 of the 7 students scored higher than 70% during the presentation. One student was found to require remediation in many areas (knowledge and skill set).

Actions for Objective:

Method Of Assessment Reviewed  
Since this was the first year the senior seminar was needed within the degree program, a full review of process and course sequence will be considered. Specific to this goal, faculty will work to review the findings from this assessment to determine the extent to which the method of assessment was satisfactory. Faculty will focus on determining whether the indicators on the rubric used and the oral presentation itself were of sufficient depth to determine the student’s demonstration of this skill.

GOAL: Practical Application Of Knowledge

Gain Knowledge In Applied Victim Services Program
Gain Knowledge in Applied Victim Services Program

Research Paper Written On Practical Aspect Of Victim Services Setting  
Research Paper Written on Practical Aspect of Victim Services Setting.

70% Average Score Achieved On Research Paper  
70% Average score on rubric evaluating final research paper.
6 Of The 7 Students Met The Goal Set Receiving An Overall Score Of 70% Or Greater On Their Proposal.  
While the original assessment plan intended to have students write a paper based on their experience while participating in an internship or ACE course, it was quickly realized that an alternative approach was necessary. Based on the instructor’s discussion with students during the first class meeting and after consultation with the Chair and other faculty members, it was determined that the student’s level of preparation at the outset of the course regarding base research knowledge and written ability, that an enhanced examination of victim services and programs in the typical applied setting required more attention prior to graduation. Accordingly, the assessment was modified to focus on a research paper that proposed a victim services program. Students engaged in research on victim related issues and available programs, discussed ideas regarding new programs with area practitioners, and subsequently wrote a detailed program proposal. The attached rubric was utilized to assess each student’s written proposal. Findings indicated that 6 of the 7 students met the goal set – receiving an overall score of 70% or greater on their proposal. Once again, one student was found to be inadequately prepared for the course and will require remedial work prior to graduation from this degree plan.

Actions for Objective:

Increased Writing And Research Skills Within This Degree Plan  
The vast majority of students completing in the BA/BS in Victim Studies were found to be adequately prepared in the areas assessed, yet, one student was under prepared in both skills and knowledge. Given that the 2013-2014 academic year was the first program cohort completing this degree program, it is possible that other students in the degree plan “pipeline” are also inadequately prepared. We plan to make program modifications to ensure that all students are prepared to successful matriculate through the BA/BS in Victim Studies. Faculty members with expertise in the victimology area and the Department Chair will work together to develop course sections that are specifically offered for victim studies students. This will allow for increased specialization in course material and needed skills as they are applied within a victim services setting.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Victim Studies undergraduate BA and BS program committee will plan for ways to increase student participation and completion in the exit exam to assess content knowledge. Additionally, alternative methods of assessing the practical application of knowledge will be formulated and implemented.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

In 2013-2014, the exit exam was not used to assess content knowledge.  The committee and chair instead used the research paper detailed above to assess knowledge.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

Increased attention to the organizational flow of students within this degree appears to be needed. Designing a suggested matriculation through the required and elective courses will provide a better opportunity for students to further enhance their skills. The assessment process uncovered the possibility that a student could enroll in the senior capstone course without adequate completion of the necessary base knowledge (i.e., simultaneous enrollment in an abundance of prerequisite courses along with the senior capstone course). Overall, this finding suggests that skills needed, especially those that are gained through a step-wise process might not be gained by a small percentage of students in the future as well. The Department Chair will with work with advising staff and faculty members to develop a suggested course sequence that will increase the students’ likelihood of success in the upcoming academic years.

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