Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Superintendent Certification

3 Goals    3 Objectives    4 Indicators    5 Criteria    2 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Knowledge And Skills Mastery Of Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards

Portfolio Of Internship Activities Aligned With ELCC Standards 1-6
Superintendent candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills aligned with Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards by completing performance development activities during Internship

Portfolio Rubric  
Upon completion of the internship, supervision candidates will submit a portfolio that contains all of the performance development activities with a reflection on how the activities have helped them develop the required skills.

95% Candidate Success  
95% percent of the candidates for Superintendent Certification will receive a passing score on their portfolios. 

Since we had 100% success in 2011-2012, we have raised the criterion from 90% to 95%.  We are hoping that our interventions will impact our area determined for improvement: District Business Management.
Candidates Will Demonstrate Mastery Of The ELCC Standards At A Minimum Of 95%  
Students will demonstrate a minimum of 95% mastery of the ELCC standards by successfully completing the TExES 195 exam.
95% Candidate Success On The TExES 195 Exam  
While the State of Texas requires a passage rate of at least 78%, the Superintendent Certification program locally expects that 95% percent of the candidates will receive a passing score on the TExES 195 exam.

Actions for Objective:

TExES 195 Pass Rate  
Student's completing the Superintendent Certification a Program will register and successfully pass the TExES 195 within the first semester after completing the course requirements for the program.

GOAL: Knowledge And Skills Mastery Associated With The Texas State Board Of Educator Certification (SBEC) Standards

Knowledge And Skills Mastery To Be An Effective Superintendent
Candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skills associated with being an effective superintendent as conceptualized in the Texas Administrative Code and SBEC.

Texas Examinations Of Educator Standards (TExES) For Superintendents (195)  
As required by the Texas Education Code, 21.048, successful performance on educator certification examinations is required for the issuance of a Texas educator certificate. The TExES Principal test is criterion referenced. It is designed to measure the knowledge and skills delineated in the Principal test framework, which is based on the 9 Principal standards that are listed in the Texas Administrative Code Title 19, Part VII, Chapter 241.

95% Passing Within One Year  
While the State of Texas requires a passage rate of at least 78%, the Superintendent Certification program locally expects that 95% of candidates will pass the TExES Superintendent test within one year of their completion of the superintendent preparation program.

TExES 195 Exam Pass Rate  
All students who complete the certification core cores will pass the TExES exam during the first 12 months of course completion.
Candidate Success  
There was a 100 percent pass rate of unique test takers on the TExAs 195 exam.
Actions for Objective:

Monitor For Continued Success  
As a program we have decided to continue to monitor this objective for continued success.

GOAL: Active Mentorship Experience

Superintendent Mentorship Program
The Superintendent Mentor will actively participate in the mentorship program by mentoring at least one superintendent candidate each year and participating in two mentor training sessions per year.  Superintendent Candidates will be able to model effective district level leadership, which includes effective communication with constituients, fiscal responsibility, ethical conduct, and legal compliance, as evidenced by the leadership profile.

Leadership Profile  
The Leadership Profile commercially developed 100 question instrument that was selected by the program advisory committee for use. The instrument is completed by both the mentor and the candidate and it measures both the candidates perception of their abilitys as well as the mentors observations of the candidates knowledge and skills.  
Leadership Profile Score  
Both the candidate and the mentor will rate the candidate at 80% or higher on the Leadership Profile, with the two scores being within 5% points of each other.  The score of 80% is recommended by the Leadership Profile as a minimum acceptable level.  Data gathered from this cycle will be used as a base line for future comparison.
Meet At 100%  
100% of candidates were rated by mentors at of above 80% on the Leadership Profile.

Actions for Objective:

Continue Monitoring To Ensure 100%  
As a program we have decided to continue to monitor this objective for continued success.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Plan for improvement is to continue providing a program that results in 100% pass rate on the TExES 195 exam.  This includes adding a Superintendent Mentorship Program that will involve a commitment on the part of both the district mentor and the superintendent candidate.  More opportunities will be provided for candidates to gain more hands on experiences while working directly with their district mentors.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"


Plan for Continuous Improvement


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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111