Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Health MA

5 Goals    5 Objectives    5 Indicators    5 Criteria    5 Findings    5 Actions

GOAL: Leadership Skills In Health Promotion

Apply Leadership Skills
MA Health students will be able to identify the qualities of effective leaders and managers in public and community health.


Leadership Skills  
Reading, viewing, and writing assignments in HLTH 5363 – Leadership in Health Promotion will require students to identify and analyze common leadership skills for health promotion.

Leadership Skills  
Students must score at least 90 percent on the portion of the course assignments that require them to identify, explain, and apply health promotion leadership skills.  Specific assignments include a summary/reflection of the importance of the leadership skills presented in the video The Leadership Assignment and the summary and application of their personal leadership skills identified through the activity Your Leadership Legacy.

Leadership Skills  
HLTH 5363 - Leadership in Health Promotion was not offered in the health graduate course rotation in the 2013-2014 academic year.  Therefore, this objective was not assessed.  The course will be requested for the 2014-2015 academic year so this objective will be addressed at that time.
Actions for Objective:

Leadership Skills  
This objective will be transferred into the 2014-2015 report and assessed at that time.

GOAL: Ethical Issues In Public Health

Identify Controversial Ethical Issues In Public Health
Health MA students will identify multiple influences, perspectives, and impact of ethical issues in public health.


Ethical Issues  
Reading, viewing, and writing assignments in HLTH 5338 – Consumer Health Education will require students to identify factors which influence personal positions and beliefs and explain multiple viewpoints of various controversial and ethical issues facing today’s public health educator.


Ethical Issues  
Students must score at least 91 percent on the portion of the course assignments that require them to identify factors which influence personal positions and beliefs and explain multiple viewpoints of various controversial and ethical issues facing today’s public health educator. Specific assignments include assigned readings and position papers on Health Care Rationing and Right to Die Issues.


Ethical Issues  
Five Health MA graduate students were enrolled in HLTH 5338 - Consumer Health Education in the SS I 2014 term.  While four of those five students scored at least 91 percent on the specific assignments addressing Health Care Rationing and Right to Die issues, only three of the five were able to successfully identify multiple influences, perspectives, and impact of ethical issues in public health. Therefore, this criterion is not met. 
Actions for Objective:

Ethical Issues  
In order to fulfill this criterion, the next time HLTH 5338 is taught (likely Summer 2015), students will be required to have one mid-semester face-to-face meeting with the professor in order to report on their progress toward this objective.  A skype meeting can substitute if the face-to-face meeting is not possible.  If adequate progress is not being made toward this objective, the professor can provide a developmental plan for the student to conduct further research and resubmit assignments that do not meet the criterion.

GOAL: Research Enhancement Skills

Research Enhancement Skills
MA Health graduate students will be competent in the research skills of survey development, data collection, statistical protocols, and data analysis.

Research Enhancement Skills  
A common embedded portion of the HLTH 5374 and HLTH 5375 classes is to enhance the research skills of the students. These skills include: survey methodology, survey development, statistical protocols, data collection techniques, and analysis of data.


Research Proposal  
Students must score at least 85 percent on the embedded portion of the graduate course assignments in HLTH 5374 and HLTH 5375 that focus on the enhancement of research related skills. Students must score at least 85% correct on writing a research proposal.

We are maintaining this goal again to ensure the graduate students demonstrate competence in research skills.

Research Proposal  
Ten students were enrolled in HLTH 5374 during the Fall, 2013 semester and nine students were enrolled in HLTH 5375 during the Spring, 2014 semester.  HLTH 5374 students were required to write a Research Proposal and HLTH 5375 students were required to complete a Data Collection Project and submit an Executive Summary.  With regard to the Research Proposals, 90% (9/10) scored 85% or above.  In addition, students completed extensive quantitative and qualitative data collection projects.  With regard to the Data Collection Project and Executive Summaries, 89% (8/9) scored 85% or above.

Actions for Objective:

Research Proposal  
The Graduate Health Program faculty were pleased with the result of this goal. The faculty feel this goal is important for the development of research skills for their students; therefore, the criteria established for the goal will remain constant for the 2014-2015 academic year.

GOAL: Analysis And Application Of Health Theories And Models

Health Theories And Models
MA Health graduate students will be competent in the analysis and application of theories and models in the field of health behavior change and planning.


Health Theories And Models  
A common embedded portion of the HLTH 6396 and HLTH 5333 classes is to improve the students’ knowledge, application, and analysis of health planning and behavior change theories and models that are used in the profession of Health Education.

Health Theories And Models  
Students must score at least 90 percent on the embedded portion of the graduate course assignments in HLTH 6396 and HLTH 5333 that focus on their knowledge, application, and analysis of health planning and behavior change theories and models that are used in the profession of Health Education.

As a result of last year's results, we have raised the criterion from 85 percent to 90 percent.
Health Theories And Models  
Twenty-six MA Health students were enrolled in HLTH 5333 – Colloquium in Human Sexuality and HLTH 6396- Health Program Planning-Pre-internship during the 2013-2014 assessment cycle. Twenty-four students (92%) successfully demonstrated the content knowledge, application, and analysis of health planning and behavior change theories and models that are used in the profession of Health Education.

Actions for Objective:

Health Theories And Models  
The Graduate Health Program faculty were pleased with the result of this goal. The faculty feel this goal is important for the development of research skills for their students; therefore, the criteria established for the goal will remain constant for the 2014-2015 academic year.

GOAL: Professional Development And Practices

Professional Development
MA Health students will be able to use their acquired knowledge, skills, and experience in an internship setting.   


Professional Development Mastery  
Health MA students enrolled in HLTH 6397 will be able to demonstrate professional competency in an applied setting. Students will engage in a variety of assignments including monthly blogs, weekly internship logs, and a cumulative reflection paper in order to demonstrate summary professional development. The cumulative portfolio is evaluated via a rubric established by program faculty. Students’ cumulative performance will also be evaluated by their internship site supervisor via a rubric established by program faculty.


Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
Students’ final internship evaluation from the site supervisor must reach a minimum of a 92 percent rating. Additionally, the professional portfolio and all accompanying assignments presented by the student must also attain a minimum of a 90 percent rating.

Once again, we have raised the criterion from 90 percent to 92 percent for 2013-2014 as a result of last year's findings.

Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
Eight MA Health students were enrolled in HLTH 6397 – Health Internship during the 2013-2014 assessment cycle. Eight students (100%) successfully demonstrated the professional skills that are required to be an effective Master’s level health educator. Students were assessed through their supervisor’s evaluation and professional portfolio highlighting the internship experience.


Actions for Objective:

Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
The Graduate Health Program faculty were pleased with the result of this goal. The faculty feel this goal is important for the professional development of their students; therefore, the criteria established for the goal will remain constant for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Health Program faculty will diligently work to prepare students with the content knowledge and the skills they need to by a Master’s level health educator.  Next year, the target percentage for the leadership skills objective will be increased to 90% and will include a hypothetical public health project which requires students to identify program partners and conduct a role delineation, SWOT analysis and benefit expectation for each partner.  The target for the ethical issues objective will remain the same for 2013-2014 and an additional assignment will be added to help students understand diverse viewpoints in public health ethical issues. The target for the research and statistics and the health planning and theory objectives will remain the same for the next assessment cycle. The criteria for the professional development objective will include an additional assignment detailing the graduate intern project.


Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The leadership course was not taught so there were no implementations.  The Consumer Health Class included a new module allowing the student to address an ethical issue of their choice.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Health Program faculty will diligently work to prepare students with the content knowledge and the skills they need to by a Master’s level health educator.  The next time the leadership class is taught, the target percentage for the leadership skills objective will be increased to 90% and will include a role hypothetical public health project which requires students to identify program partners and conduct a delineation, SWOT analysis and benefit expectation for each partner.  The target for the ethical issues objective will remain the same for 2013-2014 and an additional class discussion board will be added to help students understand diverse viewpoints in public health ethical issues.

The Department of Health Services and Promotion has been formed and three additional program faculty have been hired. Each of the new faculty will add to the Health Graduate course offerings, and they are committed to continuously review the curriculum in an effort to improve the professional development of the health graduate students.

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