Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Instructional Leadership MA, MED

1 Goal    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Mastery Of Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards

Produce A Portfolio Reflecting Completion Of Embedded Internship Activities Aligned With ELCC Standards 1-6.
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills aligned to Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards by completing internship activities in each of the core courses (e.g., Instructional leadership and Instructional Leadership Development (ILD), Curriculum Planning, Research Methods, Special Program and Special Populations, Psychology of Learning, and Supervision Practicum).

Portfolio Internship Activities  
Upon completion of the Supervision Practicum, students will submit a electronic portfolio to TK20 that contains all of the internship activities and reflections on how the activities have helped them develop instructional leadership skills.
Portfolio Internship Activities  
At least 90% of the Instructional Leadership Program students will receive a passing score on their portfolio internship activities.
Portfolio Proficiency  
During the 2013-14 academic year, 100% (8 students out of the 8 students) of the Intructional Leadership students received proficient scores on the internship portfolio.
Actions for Objective:

Portfolio Activities  
The Criteria for this objective was met.

GOAL: Mastery Of Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards

Students Will Demonstrate Mastery Of Learning, Professional Development, Management, And Community Support.
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in Instructional Leadership course content. All course content is aligned to Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards. Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards for instructional leadership are (2) promote positive culture, provide effective instructional programs, apply best practices for student learning, and promote professional development; (4) collaborate with stakeholders; respond to community interest and needs, and mobilize community resources; (5)act fairly and with integrity; and (6)understand, respond to, and influence the larger context.

Comprehensive Examination  
All of the students enrolled in the IL MA or MED program will demonstrate master-level knowledge by taking the comprehensive examination. 

Comprehesive Exam Passing Status  
At least 90% of our students will earn a passing score on the comprehensive examination during the first administration.

Comprehensive Exam Results  
For the 2013-14 academic year, 75% (6 students out of the 8 students) Instructional Leadership Program passed the Comprehensive Exam on their first attempt. 
The two other students passed the exam on the second attempt.
Actions for Objective:

Comprehensive Exam  
The Criteria for this objective were not met on the first attempt. The 2 other students passed the exam on the second attempt.
Data were not available for diagreggation of passing rates by type of program students were enrolled in traditional or online for this school year.
For the 2014-2015 year, we will be analyzing the overall passing rates and the passing rates for our traditional students and for our online students.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Efforts this year will be focused on development of an online orientation module to help provide both students and faculty (particularly part time faculty) with the resources needed to be successful in the instructional leadership program. The program is online, so this platform will provide a more appropriate experience for increasing student and faculty familiarity with program requirements and expectations.  Evaluation of the current assessments required in the program will also take place.  These key assessments should reflect the outcomes of what students know and are able to do upon completion of the program.

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Online Orientation has helped with the Online Platform of Learning.
Current assessments were reviewed. However, the Comprehensive Exam needs to be analyzed for alignment to to the ELCC Standards and curricula.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

Program faculty will review and analyze the Comprehensive Exam questions to verify alignment to the ELCC Standards and curricula and develop program specific questions that are aligned with the ELCC Standards and curricula.  The IL Faculty will develop a study guide for the comprehensive exam for students and faculty.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111