Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice MS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Integration Of Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities

Demonstrate Ability To Integrate Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities
As students prepare to graduate with a Master of Science in Criminal Justice, they will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge, skills, and other abilities.

Research And Publication Portfolio  
A research and publication portfolio developed in the program’s capstone course, CJ 6388, Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership, is reviewed using a predetermined set of criteria.

80%+ Of Students With Acceptable Portfolio  
At least 80% of the students enrolled in CRIJ 6388 will complete a portfolio judged to be “acceptable” by portfolio/paper rubric.

Acceptable Portfolio  
100% of students enrolled in the CJ 6388 completed their portfolio with an accepable rating determined by the attached rubric containing the five required elements.
Actions for Objective:

Rubric Re-examined For Portfolio  
For the upcoming year, the department will re-examine the rubric used to assess student research competency to further articulate and assess "acceptable" portfolios. 

GOAL: Professional Literature Reviews

Master Of Science Students Will Be Able To Write A Professionally Oriented Literature Review To Demonstrate Workforce Preparedness
Students completing the M.S. program will demonstrate the necessary tools and knowledge to produce an empirically based review of the academic literature on an emerging criminal justice issue relevant to their area of interest in the criminal justice workforce.

Rubric Evaluating A Selected Element Submitted As Part Of Research And Publication Portfolio  
A literature review developed in the program’s capstone course CRIJ 6388 Emerging Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership or other substantive course in the degree plan will be appraised using the attached rubric.

5 Required Elements Will Be Developed On Portfolio  
Five required elements should be developed in the students' portfolio/paper.  Each element will be assessed by the attached rubric noting the area the majority of students have problems expanding.

Professional Development Activities Problem Area  
The one area that students struggle with is the Professional Development Activities, Applications, and Points (20 points). They can show evidence of the activities however when designating what each actively is worth they have a hard time with personal assessment. The goal is to help the student understand the importance of leadership development opportunities and to decide what each element is worth (points). This element tends to be challenging for students as they don't know what point(s) to assign. The element is also designed to learn how to evaluate and assess credentials of others. Students currently work in the field, or will be put in future situations where they decide on someone’s credentials or experience. What better way to learn than to start with self-assessment.

Actions for Objective:

Better Detail On Syllabus  
Instructor will expand in both the syllabus and in the element description/details how this is to be submitted. The student is to take an intrapersonal perspective on the assignment. The goal is that the student will produced the element in that way. There will be more explanation of why this is important for them to do and learn from it.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The relatively new nature of the degree program does not provide for end stage assessment data. The upcoming year is anticipated to have students eligible for engagement in program components associated with the program goals. The upcoming assessment cycle will provide initial insight for curricular/ program improvement.

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Due to the newness of this program, there was no "plan for continuous improvement" last year.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

As this program is still relatively new, one of the goals for the 2014-2015 academic year is to continue to increase student enrollment through marketing efforts.  Another goal is to increase our retention rates by encouraging students to take advantage of the services offered by the department and university that are geared towards online education.  A review of the current curriculum is also needed to ensure that the required and elective courses are meeting students needs and are aligned with program objectives.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111