Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Health BS

4 Goals    4 Objectives    4 Indicators    4 Criteria    4 Findings    4 Actions

GOAL: Health Content Knowledge

Health Content Knowledge
Students in the Health BS program will be able to effectively identify the role of the health educator as well as the skills required for that role. 

Health Content Knowledge  
Common embedded portions of HLTH 1360, Introduction to Health Education and Health Careers and HLTH 3392, Communication Skills for Health Educators, are exams and projects developed by the faculty that require students to identify correctly the role of the health educator as well as the skills required for that role.

Health Content Knowledge  
Students must score 90 percent on the exams and projects that describe the role of the health educator as well as the skills required for the role in the profession of Health Education.

Health Content Knowledge  
The results of the assignments that measured the acquisition of health content knowledge were staggering. For the 2013-2014 year, 61% (N=129) of the students enrolled in HLTH 1360 and 48% (N=37) of the students enrolled in HLTH 3392 met the 90 percent requirement established by the Health program faculty.


            2013    Exam 3                     18/35 Students 90%=52%

            2014 Health Behavior Risk     20/34 Students 90%=60%

            2013 Family History project   19/35 Students 90%=54%

            2014 Family History project   14/34 Students 90%=41%

            2013 Professional Portfolio    26/35 Students 90%=74%

            2014 Professional Portfolio    32/38 Students 90%=84%

             Total: 61%, N=129


            2013 Health Campaign Brochure       17/39 Students 90%=44%

            2014 Health Campaign Brochure       20/39 Students 90%=51%

            Total: 48%, N=37

Actions for Objective:

Health Content Knowledge  
The Health program faculty were very disappointed at the results of the findings for the health content knowledge goal. The faculty feel this is an important goal and are determined to develop different strategies to assist the students in the acquisition and analysis of health content knowledge during the next cycle.

GOAL: Ethical Behavior

) Ethical Behavior
Students in the Health BS Program will be able to effectively define ethics and apply the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession.

Ethical Behavior  
As developed by the faculty, a common embedded portion of the HLTH 1360 and HLTH 4393 courses will require students to define ethics, morals, rights, and apply the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession. The Code of Ethics for the Health Profession was developed by the American Association for Health Education.

Ethical Behavior  
Students must score at least 90 percent correct on the common embedded code of ethics tests and assignments in the HLTH 1360 and HLTH 4393 courses.

Ethical Behavior  
The results of the assignments that measured the concepts associated with ethical behaviors in the profession of health indicated that only 78% of the students enrolled in HLTH 1360 and 4393 comprehended the concepts.  For the 2013-2014 year, 77% (N=53) of the students enrolled in HLTH 1360 and 78% (N=119) of the students enrolled in HLTH 4393 met the 90 percent requirement established by the Health program faculty. The goal was therefore not met.


            2013 Code of Ethics/Bioethical Activity       25/35 90%=71%

            2014 Code of Ethics/Bioethical Activity       28/34 90%=82%

            Total: 77%, N=53


            2013 Fundraising Activity                              20/30 90%=67%

            2014    Code of Conduct Activity                  36/40 90%=90%

            Total: 78%, N=119

Actions for Objective:

Ethical Behavior  
The Health program faculty were disappointed with the results of the findings for the goal related to ethical behaviors in health. The faculty feel this is an important goal and are determined to develop different strategies to assist the students in the comprehension of ethical behaviors in the profession of health during the next cycle.

GOAL: Program Planning Skills

Program Planning Skills
Health BS students will be able to effectively develop a health program plan that will address the needs for a specific target population. The plan will utilize the PRECEDE / PROCEED framework designed for prevention based community health program planning. 

Health Program Plan  
Using a common rubric developed by the Health faculty, students enrolled in HLTH 4393 will be required to develop a health program plan designed for a specific at-risk target population. Students enrolled in HLTH 4387 will also be required to develop a health module that will be implemented during a health fair planned for a specific target population in the community.

Health Program Plan  
Students must score a minimum of 90 percent on the Health Program Plan in HLTH 4393 designed to meet a specific need of an at-risk target population. Students must score a minimum of 90 percent on the Health Fair Module in HLTH 4387 designed to meet a specific need of an at-risk target population. 

Program Planning Skills  
The results of the assignments that measured the concepts associated program planning skills in the profession of health indicated that only 71% of the students enrolled in HLTH 4393 and 4387 comprehended the concepts.  For the 2013-2014 year, 73% (N=44) of the students enrolled in HLTH 4393 and 69% (N=144) of the students enrolled in HLTH 4387 met the 90 percent requirement established by the Health program faculty. The goal was therefore not met.

HLTH 4393

            2013 Program Plan                              21/28 Students 90%=75

            2014 Program Plan                              23/33 Students 90%=70

            Total: 73%, N-44

HLTH 4387

            2013 Healthy People Activity         30/37 Students 90%=81%     

            2013  Healthy People Activity         31/35 Students 90%=89%

            2014 Childhood Obesity Activity     20/38 Students 90%=53%     

            2014 Childhood Obesity Activity     14/32 Students 90%=44%

            2014 Health Fair                           28/37 Students 90%=76%

            2014 Health Fair                           21/31 Students 90%=68%

            Total: 69%, N=144

Actions for Objective:

Program Planning Skills  
The Health program faculty were disappointed with the results of the findings for the goal related to health program planning skills. The faculty feel this is an important goal and are determined to develop different strategies to assist the students in the comprehension of health program planning during the next cycle.

GOAL: Professional Development And Practices

Professional Development And Practices
Health BS students will be able to use their acquired knowledge, skills, and experience in an internship setting.   


Professional Development Mastery  
Health BS students enrolled in HLTH 4394 will be able to demonstrate professional competency in an applied setting. Students will engage in a variety of assignments including monthly blogs, weekly internship logs, and a cumulative reflection paper in order to demonstrate summary professional development. The cumulative portfolio is evaluated via a rubric established by program faculty. Students’ cumulative performance will also be evaluated by their internship site supervisor via a rubric established by program faculty.

Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
Health BS students enrolled in HLTH 4394 will achieve a minimum of an 85 % rating on their final internship evaluation from their site supervisor. Additionally, the professional portfolio and all accompanying assignments presented by the student must also attain a minimum of an 85 percent rating.

Professional Development And Practices  
Students enrolled in HLTH 4394, Professional Internship, participated in a professional internship experience in a related health setting. As part of the internship requirements, students develop a professional portfolio detaining their practicum and receive an evaluation from their supervisor. A total of 52 students (87%) met the 85% criteria for the professional development and practices objective during the assessment cycle.

Actions for Objective:

Professional Development And Practices  
The Health faculty were pleased with the results of the goal for the academic year. The faculty feel the health students should have a higher level of performance of the knowledge, practices, and skills relating to the professional internship experience; therefore, the criteria established for the goal will remain constant for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Health Program faculty is aware of the increasing opportunities for students entering the field of health and is determined to prepare them for a successful career. To effectively achieve this goal, the Health Program faculty will:  1) increase civic engagement-service learning opportunities in courses that will enhance the student’s awareness of the role and responsibilities of a health educator; 2) integrate additional assignments in core classes that will improve the student’s comprehension of ethical behaviors that embrace the components of character; 3) reinforce the importance of health program planning skills in the HLTH 4387 and HLTH 4393 courses; 4)  reinforce the criteria required for students to be successful entry-level professionals as they conduct their internship experience.  

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

During the 2013-2014 cycle, the Health Program faculty integrated the content knowledge related to the role of a health educator into additional course assignments and activities. The Health Program faculty are aware of the increasing opportunities for students entering the field of health and are determined to prepare them for a successful career. To effectively achieve this goal, the Health Program faculty collaborated to integrate the following activities into the course content:1) increase civic engagement-service learning opportunities in courses that will enhance the student’s awareness of the role and responsibilities of a health educator; 2) integrate additional assignments in core classes that will improve the student’s comprehension of ethical behaviors that embrace the components of character; 3) reinforce the importance of health program planning skills in the HLTH 4387 and HLTH 4393 courses; 4)  reinforce the criteria required for students to be successful entry-level professionals as they conduct their internship experience.  Several new assignments were added to assess these goals, and the percentage was set high at 90%. Unfortunately, this percentage was established at a rate that was not achieved in all of the areas. The health program faculty will review each of the goals for program and establish more realistic percentages that can be attained.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Department of Health Services and Promotion has been formed and three additional program faculty have been hired. Four new academic programs have been added to the degree selections. The OATDB goals for 2014-2015 will reflect the degree program goals that will specifically address the competencies of each program. HLTH 1360, 4394, 4387, and 4393 will be taught by some of the new faculty which will provide new assignments and avenues for the health students to comprehend health content knowledge, program planning skills, ethical behaviors, and professional development.  The health program faculty agree that these goals are critical in the development of effective health professionals and will work in a systematic format to achieve program success.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111