Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Post Baccalaureate Alternate Route To Certification

1 Goal    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Program Quality And Effectiveness

Post baccalaureate teacher candidates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to satisfy the state certification requirements through performance on administerd exams.

Certification Examinations  
All candidates seeking initial certification, advanced teacher certification, or certifications for other school personnel must take one or more of the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES). The Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Certification Examination is required of all certification candidates. The remaining examinations directly correspond to the state content competencies that have been identified for the certification desired. These content competencies are aligned with and based on the appropriate state standards and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) statements, which describe the state mandated curriculum for students. Each TExES examination is criterion-referenced and is designed to measure a candidate's level of content knowledge and skills appropriate for educators in the State of Texas. Each test was collaboratively developed by the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES), an independent corporation specializing in educational measurements, with additional participation by committees of Texas educators. Individual test items developed to measure the state competencies were reviewed and rated by the various committees of Texas educators to ensure appropriateness of content and difficulty, clarity, and accuracy. These committees also ensured that the test items matched the appropriate competencies and were free from potential ethnicity, gender, and regional biases. The committees also helped prepare scoring rubrics for written response items and training materials for those who would score the tests.
Pass Rates For All Pedagogy And Professional Responsibilities Examination (PPR)  
Overall, Post Bacc candidates passing the PPR exam will meet or exceed 85%, both overall and within each Program level. While the accountability system for the state examines scores for each completer cohort and provides for students to repeat the examination if they are not successful on the first attempt, the analysis of pass rates which will be presented here represent the pass rates on the first attempt for all PPR exams taken in 2013-2014. Scores will reflect that at least 85% of Post-Bacc students passed the PPR exam on the first attempt.

Data continue to indicate lower performance areas of the PPR exam are Domains III (Instruction and Assessment) and IV (Professional Roles and Responsibilities).  Efforts to strengthen performance in these two domains are in underway and course curricular changes to address lesson planning and assessment have begun.
TExES PPR Data For Post Bacc's Teacher Certification Candidates 2013-2014  
We find that of the 53 unique PB/Combo students who took the EC-12 TExES PPR exam during the 2013-14 cycle, fifty passed (on first try or on more than one try).  This is a pass rate of 94% for 2013-14.

Actions for Objective:

Continued Success Rates On The TExES PPR EC-12  
Since pass rates showed considerably improved from 85% to 94% overall for first time test-takers Post Baccs, we will continue to strengthen course curriculum to ensure success on the TExES PPR EC-12 exam.

GOAL: Program Quality And Effectiveness

Modifying Instruction And Planning For Assessment
Post Bacc Teacher Certification candidates will demonstrate their ability to modify instruction and plan for assessment.

Teacher Work Sample  
Performance on the Teacher Work Sample (TWS) continues to be a successful indicator for our Post Bacc teacher candidates.  In previous years we have focused on one area of the TWS that considers a candidate's ability to modify instruction. A Post-Bacc teacher candidate must receive a Target score of a 3 overall on the TWS which they have.   The section that addresses the modification of instructional practices for all learners will be our focus again.  In addition, we will look more closely at the candidates' Assessment Plans as it appears from the data that this is an area that could be improved as well.
Teacher Work Sample Scores  
Eighty-five percent of the Post bacc teacher certification candidates during the 2013-2014 academic year will achieve a score of at least a "2" or "3" overall on the Assessment Plan and Design for Instruction domains of the TWS.  The candidates overall TWS score must be a "2."  The Post bacc teacher candidates TWS's are scored at least twice by trained scorers.  
TWS Scores For Post Bac Teacher Certification Candidates  
Overall performance on the TWS for 2013-14, we find 61 PB/Combo students with the following breakdown:

3: 20/61 = 33% (Target)
2: 33/61 = 54% (Acceptable)
1: 8/61 = 13%   (Unacceptable)

Disaggregated data charts for each TWS Domain show that most Post Baccs score lower in Design for Instruction and Assessment Plans.  (Specific data findings for each domain will be provided).

Lesson Plan data are included.

Actions for Objective:

Online TWS Training Opportunity  
Since roughly two-thirds of our Post Bacc teacher certification candidates score in the "2" and "1" range (acceptable and unacceptable respectively), we must find ways to help our candidates improve their TWS performance and move them closer to Target (3).  Post Bacc teacher certification candidates typically do not attend the Teacher Work Sample help session offered on campus each semester.  It is a required professional development of Student Teachers.  This year, we videotaped the faculty presenters for each TWS domain and are now able to post these training videos on Blackboard.  We will make these online TWS training videos available to all Post Bacc teacher certification candidates to see if these training videos will help support the TWS process for this audience.  In addition, we need to continue to find ways to address Post Bacc's special needs before, during, and even after the TWS process.  

We will ensure that all Post Baccs have access to the new TWS prompts, rubrics, and exemplars via Blackboard as well.  

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

During the 12-13 academic year the Post-Bacc Certification program achieved all of our goals. However, there are a few areas where the faculty will focus during 2013-2014. One area is the candidates ability to modify instruction for all learners.  This trend was identified in the Teacher Work Sample data as well as in the Lesson Plan data.  Another area of focus is the infusing of the technology, understanding student diversity, and ELPS standards throughout the program to improve the candidates’ performance on the new EC-12 PPR.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Efforts were made to improve the Post Bac teacher certification candidates' performance on modifying instruction in both lesson plans and the Teacher Work Sample.  The data were reviewed to indicate most Post Bacc TWS scores were given a "2" in the Design for Instruction domain of the TWS.  Data on the overall performance on the TWS by 61 Post bacc teacher certifcation candidates for 2013-2014 show the following:

3: 20/61 = 33%
2: 33/61 = 54%
1: 8/61 = 13%

The TWS committee reviewed and strengthened the TWS prompts and rubrics to better address all seven of the TWS domains.  A more systematic approach to analyziing the data needs to be in place in order to truly ascertain the impact of these changes on Post Bacc teacher candidates performance on the TWS.  One important adjustment was made with regard to technology integration in Domain 4 of the TWS.  In order for candidates to score a "3" in Use of Technology criterion, they must show evidence that they not only used technology to plan and implement their lessons, they must also engage students in using technology for learning.  This is a major change, that many teacher candidates will have to address in their TWS.  We have also collected data on Teacher candidates' Diversity and Dispositions (DDP's) and this data needs to be reviewed more closely to see how are candidates fare when addressing the ELPS standards and diversity in their classrooms.  We continue to show evidence of high pass rates on the EC-12 PPR exam.  Fifty-three unique PB/Combo students took the PPR in 13-14.  Of these, 50 passed in 13-14 (on first try or on more than one try).  This is a pass rate of 94% for 13-14.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

There are several areas of the Post Bacc Teacher certification COMBO program that need to be improved as the data indicate from the 2013-2014 Cycle Findings.  Many of these changes have already been addressed and implemented with the redesign of the TWS rubrics to more clearly specify criterion for scoring each of the TWS Domains. We hope that with the strengthening of these rubrics and prompts, we will raise the 33% of the Post Baccs earning a "3" overall on the TWS will increase to at least 65%. 

The courses that our Post Baccs are required to take also need strengthening, particularly in light of the evidence from scores on the Post Bacc's performance on their Lesson Plans/Design for Instruction and Assessments. Rubrics that assess candidates ability to modify instruction, plan lessons and assessments need to written and implemented in the Post Bacc online courses. 

Since our Post Bacc teacher certification candidates are required to take a Pre-admission content test (PACT) and pass it in order to gain admission to our program, we will now have data to indicate what fields of study our Post Baccs will pursue.  This data might be helpful in tailoring activities that are more content-specifc and therefore provide more suitable examples for student modifications; lesson plans, and assessment.

Finally,  it is important to look at the DDP data and perhaps the PDAS data to see what areas of improvement we need to address in this program.  Perhaps for the next cycle, we need to add an additional objective that is specific to improved performance in our program. 

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111