Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology BS (All Level Teacher Certification)

3 Goals    3 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Physical Education Content Knowledge

Demonstratioin Of Physical Education Content Knowledge
Kinesiology teacher education candidates will demonstrate acceptable levels of content knowledge of physical education.

TExES Physical Education EC???12 (158) Test  
The TExES Physical Education EC–12 (158) test is taken by students upon completion of their academic courses before they enter student teaching.

The TExES Physical Education EC???12 (158) Test  
Eighty percent of the kinesiology teacher education candidates will score 240 (70%) or better on TExES Physical Education EC–12 (158) test.


Content Knowledge  
Fall 2013-One hundred percent (5/5) of the teacher candidates scored 240 or better on the TExES Physical Education EC–12 (158) test.

 Spring 2014-Ninety-one percent (20/22) of the teacher candidates scored 240 or better on the TExES Physical Education EC–12 (158) test.

Actions for Objective:

Content Knowledge  
The Kinesiology Teacher Education faculty were pleased with the findings of the objectives, and plan on working to maintain these higher scores. The addition of another content specific faculty, Dr. Jihyun Lee, has added to the improvement of the mastery of Physical Education content knowledge mastery.

GOAL: Physical Education Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Physical Education Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Kinesiology teacher education candidates will demonstrate acceptable levels of pedagogical content knowledge of physical education.

Teacher Work Sample  
The Teacher Work Sample with Kinesiology Addendums is completed while a student is conducting their student teaching experience.

Teacher Work Sample  
Seventy percent of the kinesiology teacher education candidates will score 2 or better on the Teacher Work Sample with Kinesiology Addendums.


Pedagogical Content Knowledge  
Fall 2013-Ninety-two percent (12/13) of teacher candidates scored 2 or better on the Teacher Work Sample with Kinesiology Addendums.

 Spring 2014-Eighty-eight percent (14/16) of teacher candidates scored 2 or better on the Teacher Work Sample with Kinesiology Addendums.

Actions for Objective:

Pedagogical Content Knowledge  
The Kinesiology Teacher Education faculty were pleased with the findings of the objectives, and plan on working to maintain these higher scores. Independent sessions were offered to assist the students in the development and of their TWS. The students also met with their supervisory teachers on a regular basis to ensure the TWS was being maintained throughout their student teaching experience.The addition of another content specific faculty, Dr. Jihyun Lee, has added to the improvement of the mastery of Physical Education content knowledge mastery.


GOAL: Health-Related Fitness And Motor Skills

Health-Related Fitness And Motor Skills
Kinesiology teacher education candidates will demonstrate acceptable health-enhancing levels of fitness and competence in motor performance in a variety of physical activities.

Actions for Objective:

Health-related Fitness And Motor Skills  
Data collection was not conducted during the spring semester 2014. The Kinesiology-Physical Education Teacher Education faculty was working on the NASPE/NCATE program accreditation report. The program report was submitted on March 15, 2015. The results of the report were obtained in August 2014. The Kinesiology-Physical Education Teacher Education Program is presently nationally recognized.

The Kinesiology Teacher Education faculty were pleased with the findings of the objectives of the Healthy Fitness Zones and plan to improve the results each year. This was the first year to collect data on the skill competencies; and will therefore be collected each year. This information is also required for the NASPE-NACATE report.


Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Based on the results of the data, the kinesiology teacher education and exercise science faculty has developed four courses to enhance the content knowledge of kinesiology teacher education candidates. These courses (KINE 3350 Organization and Administration of Physical Education, KINE 3353 Youth Motor Behavior, KINE 3352 Analysis of Human Movement, and KINE 3351 Applied Exercise Physiology) will emphasize the subject matter and its application needed by kinesiology teacher education candidates to be effective and successful teachers. 

The Kinesiology teacher education program faculty will place emphasis on adaptations based on individual needs, use of contextual factors information, and professional growth.

Based on the results of the data, the Kinesiology teacher education program faculty has developed a new course (KINE 3117 Competencies in Motor Skills) for kinesiology teacher education candidates to develop and further refine these basic motor skills. The teacher candidate must pass this course successfully in order to conduct student teaching.


Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Based on the results of the data from Fall 2012 and Spring 2013, the kinesiology teacher education and exercise science faculty has developed four courses to enhance the content knowledge of kinesiology teacher education candidates. These courses (KINE 3350 Organization and Administration of Physical Education, KINE 3353 Youth Motor Behavior, KINE 3352 Analysis of Human Movement, and KINE 3351 Applied Exercise Physiology) will emphasize the subject matter and its application needed by kinesiology teacher education candidates to be effective and successful teachers.

 The teacher work sample (TWS) was revised to better meet the needs of kinesiology teacher education candidates in the Fall 2012. The teacher work sample with Kinesiology Addendums was implement in the Spring 2013. The teacher work sample with Kinesiology Addendums was taught to students enrolled in KINE 4363 Elementary Physical Education Methods and Methods Block in the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. 

Based on the results of the data from Fall 2012 and Spring 2013, the Kinesiology-Physical Education Teacher Education program faculty has developed a new course (KINE 3117 Competencies in Motor Skills) for kinesiology teacher education candidates to develop and further refine these basic motor skills. The teacher candidate must pass this course successfully in order to conduct student teaching.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Department of Kinesiology curriculum committee decided that at this time the department did not have the required resources to implement the previous cycle’s plan for continuous improvement. Therefore, the previous cycle’s plan was not implemented. Based on the results of the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 data, the following adjustments should be made to enhance our physical education content knowledge: (a) provide teacher candidates with more content and practical application tasks in exercise physiology and biomechanics related to children and youth in physical education, (b) include theories and principles of motor development content tested in TExES Physical Education EC-12 test in the current motor learning course, (c) offer teacher candidates review materials and review sessions to assist their TExES Physical Education EC-12 test preparations, and (d) designate KINE 3372, Team and Individual/Dual Sport Skill Analysis, as a required elective for teacher candidates in order to help them better understand how to analyze human movements in physical activity contexts.

The current teacher work sample is common to all candidates in the unit and contains insufficient content to assess physical education teacher candidate’s knowledge and performance in student-teaching. Consequently, it was necessary for the physical education teacher education faculty to add content specific components into the current teacher work sample only for physical education candidates. Spring 2013 was the first semester that these new revisions were in place. The high percentage of teacher candidates who scored 2 or better on the teacher work sample suggest that our teacher candidates have sufficient levels of pedagogical content knowledge to be competent physical educators.  In order to further develop our teacher candidates pedagogical content knowledge the following adjustments should be made: (a) assist the Methods Block instructors in visiting the teacher candidates school sites more frequently, (b) provide additional support sessions for teacher candidates during the teacher work sample development, and (c) provide opportunities for teacher candidates to attend local and national physical education workshops and conferences. 

The high percentage of teacher candidates at the acceptable or target level on most of the motor skill tasks suggests that they are physically educated individuals with knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performance. Two areas of health-related fitness of concern were aerobic capacity and body composition. In order to improve in these areas, the program faculty propose that teacher candidates who failed to reach the Healthy Fitness Zone in 2 of the 4 test items must meet with an exercise science faculty member to develop a physical activity plan to improve his or her health-related fitness. In the future, the physical activity plan must be presented to the instructor of the class in order to receive a final grade in the class. An “Incomplete” grade will be assigned to the teacher candidate that fails to present the physical activity plan to the instructor. In addition, the program has recently added KINE 3117 Competency in Motor Skills course to the PETE degree plan. This course will serve to improve and maintain the personal motor skill competence and health-related fitness of teacher candidates in the program. Overall, the data support that teacher candidates are competent in motor skill performance and performance concepts, but health-enhancing level of fitness is an area of major concern.

The high percentage of teacher candidates at the acceptable or target level on most of the motor skill tasks suggests that they are physically educated individuals with knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate competent movement performance. Two areas of health-related fitness of concern were aerobic capacity and body composition. In order to improve in these areas, the program faculty propose that teacher candidates who failed to reach the Healthy Fitness Zone in 2 of the 4 test items must meet with an exercise science faculty member to develop a physical activity plan to improve his or her health-related fitness. In the future, the physical activity plan must be presented to the instructor of the class in order to receive a final grade in the class. An “Incomplete” grade will be assigned to the teacher candidate that fails to present the physical activity plan to the instructor. In addition, the program has recently added KINE 3117 Competency in Motor Skills course to the PETE degree plan. This course will serve to improve and maintain the personal motor skill competence and health-related fitness of teacher candidates in the program. Overall, the data support that teacher candidates are competent in motor skill performance and performance concepts, but health-enhancing level of fitness is an area of major concern.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111