Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Industrial Technology BS (Design And Development)

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Develop Knowledge And Skills

Development Of Students' Knowledge And Skill
Students will be required to demonstrate competency in key areas of Design and Development.

ITEC 4339 Design And Development Course Rubric  
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete ITEC 4339 and successfully demonstrate use of resources and demonstrate acceptible designing skills. Each semester seven randomly selected student assignments will be reviewed by faculty members with expertise in the field.  Faculty members will score the assignments using a scale of 1 - 5 with 3 "meets expectations," 4 "exceeds expectations," and 5 "far exceeds expectations."

At Least 70% Meeting Expectations  
There will be a general consensus among I T Faculty members that at least 70% of the students enrolled in ITEC 4339 will perform at an acceptable level with a score of 3.5 (meets standards) or higher.
Assessment Of Skill Base  
On average the students scored 4.02, however, some weaknesses became apparent.  Students scored low on Knowledge of free hand sketching and communication with others.

Actions for Objective:

Engineering graphics will be emphasized in freshman and sophomore courses along with basic drafting to improve free hand sketching. Transfer students seemed to not have required skill set, more time on dimensioning and prototyping by instructor.

GOAL: Develop Professional Skills

Demonstrate Professional Skills
Students completing the BS in Design and Development (D&D) will demonstrate skills necessary to compete in the professional marketplace through an internship.

ITED 4391 Internship Evaluation  
All students enrolled in the program must complete ITED 4391 in their final year of enrollment. ITEC 4391 addresses key concepts and skills relevant to the field of design. Each semester interns will be evaluated by their internship supervisor and by their faculty supervisor on a faculty-developed rating scale.
80% Meeting Expectations  
There will be a general consensus among ITEC Faculty members who review both university and internship supervisor assessments that at least 80% of the students enrolled in ITED 4391 demonstrated an above average level of performance on the rating scales.  
Internship Experience  
Internships with students from this program have been small in number, therefore their reviews are combined with he construction assessments. All have received positive review from supervisors and visiting faculty for professional work skills and ethics. For those assessed the goal was met with a 4.0+ review. Critically, the student skills could be refined in drafting. These skills were noted in the capstone class ITEC 4339, as well.

Actions for Objective:

Skill Assessment  
The program goal was achieved, however, refined skills will be addressed in the lower level courses.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Expand internship opportunities for students with D&D skills and degree.  Faculty will focus on outreach into this area.  Students will be continue to required to demonstrate drafting skills, creativity, precision and accuracy of projects.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Expanded career fair to include drafting companies.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

Develop a pretest so instructor and assimilate skill set of students at the onset of the course.  Faculty will work independently on students with low skill sets to bring them to expectations.  Work with curriculum committee for freshman and sophomore course to ensure skill sets are being developed for advanced courses.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111