Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice, Security Studies MS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Practical Application Of National Security Principles

Demonstrate Practical Solutions And Knowledge Base
Students completing the Master of Science degree in Security Studies will be able to provide comprehensive analysis and apply problem solving techniques to complex issues applicable to defense of the Homeland.

Successful Performance In Practical Exercises And Internship  
Integration of theroetical approaches to problem solving with practical analytical solutions is a primary indicator of the success of the program's learning objectives. During the internship experience, security studies graduate students reoutinely recevie critiques and personal evaluations from both the facutly member monitoring the student (internship director) and the employer who supervises the student intern. In addition, students provide written progress reports during the internship process.
85% Of The Security Studies Students Will Score Greater Than 85% For Their Internship Practical Exercises  
It is not enough to perform well in the classroom. Nearly each course students take in the Security Studies program requires successful completion of some measurable out-of-class project or outcome. Students will score greater than 85% on these practical excercises at the apex of their training experience during their internship.

100% Of Security Study Graduate Students Scored Greater Than 85% For Their Practical Application Of Knowledge During Their Internship Experience  
A total of four students completed their internship experience in the fall of 2013 and nine security study graduate students completed their internship during the spring 2014 semester. During this academic year the students exceeded expectations with all of our students scoring above 90% on their practical application of knowledge during their internship experience.  
Actions for Objective:

Continued Practical Application Of Knowledge Assessment  
We will continue to assess our student's application of knowledge during their internship experience. Addtitionally, with the modifications made this academic year to the curriculum, we will be working to increase our learning objective assessments throughout the program.

GOAL: Demonstrate Core Knowledge Competency

Demonstrate Knowledge And Integration Of Core Competencies
Students graduating with a master's degree in Security Studies will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and assessment of the major issues and pinciples related to Homeland Security.

Integrated Major Paper  
The Capstone course, CRIJ 6388, for Security Studies graduate students requires substantial research and integration of theories and principles of completed coursework in the program. The culminating project in this course requires students to state a Homeland Security or related issue and place it in context of the related security field. This paper requires a comprehensive literature reivew, analysis of the issue in relation to national threat, explanation of how the issue was reslolved, and how the issue may have been resolved differently. Through this anaylsis, core competencies in the field should be demonstrated.  
A Score Of 80% On The Assessment Rubric  
The scoring rubric for the core competency project in the Capston course consists of four areas; 1) statement of the issue, 2) review of the salient literature, 3) appropriate sources cited, and 4) reflections of how the curriculum contribted to your abiltiy to solve the issue. Each student completing the capstone course will score 80% or higher on the rubric.
90% Of The Students Scored 80% Or Higher  
Ten Security Studies masters of science students completed the capstone integration project. Rubric scores on the four criteria ranged from 220 to a perfect score of 300. While one student performed below expectations (220; 73%), the remaining students scored between 80 and 100%.
Actions for Objective:

Integration Of Core Competency  
We will continue to assess our Security Studies student's knowledge and integration of core competency areas. We will also, with the development of the new curriculum for this program, will work towards assessing our student's ability to integrate and apply what they have learned in other ways as well.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

With two new full-time faculty members and a revamped program we are in the process of developing assessment tools for student outcomes and faculty outcomes. We hope to implement those so they are in place by Fall, 2014. The aforementioned rubrics will be part of that process.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

During this year of curriculum change and adding two new faculty members, we continued to assess and utilize rubrics developed to assess the integration of core competency areas.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

As the new curriculum was put into place this last academic year, we will work to develop additional assessment methods of our student's learning and successful application of acquired knowledge.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111