Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice, Forensic Science MS

3 Goals    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Integration Of Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities

Students Will Demonstrate Competency In Research
Students completing the Master of Science in Forensic Science will demonstrate integration of knowledge, skills and abilities through an independent research project conducted in an environment conducive to research and scholarly inquiry.

Capstone Research Report Scoring Methodology  
Consistent faculty-developed scoring methodology will be applied to the capstone research report for FORS 6094 – Forensic Science Capstone Research. The scholarly report will demonstrate advanced discipline-specific knowledge, investigation, and problem-solving ability.
At Least 70% Of Students Will Score Satisfactory Or Higher  
At least 70% of students will be assessed as “satisfactory” or higher using the uniform faculty-developed rubric. The final report will be scored by each member of the committee, consisting of a minimum of three individuals (one of whom must be external to the department).
Capstone Research Performance  
All students (100%) performed satisfactorily in their Capstone Research in accordance with the faculty-developed rubric. Of the sixteen graduating students, all received satisfactory final scores and satisfactory scores in their final technical report (which has consistently presented the greatest challenge to students). Scores were assigned by a capstone research committee consisting of at least three members, one of whom was external to the department in accordance with accreditation standards (Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission). A total of forty-eight reviews were received for the sixteen graduating students, eighteen of whom were external reviewers. Nine were deemed   satisfactory (acceptable) and seven were rated as excellent. Laboratory or experimental performance has been effectively managed using a formal evaluation system consisting of interim evaluations at three strategic points during the project and faculty are expected to provide formal and timely  feedback to students with respect to technical writing and the final report. Although the review is formal, the timeline for the review has been informal and has not been documented in the syllabus at the request of faculty, who prefer a more flexible arrangement for managing reviews. However, the administration receives feedback each year regarding the timeliness and quality of the review process to the extent that the process requires a more formalized approach.

Actions for Objective:

Final Report Review  
The timeline for review of the final report review will be documented in the syllabus for FORS 6094 and faculty will be notified of the change at the beginning of the academic year. The timeline will be developed with faculty input, such that the responsibilities of students and faculty to submit and review reports, respectively, are well-understood.

GOAL: Develop Specific Knowledge Base

Detailed Competence Of Core Course Material
Students will command detailed competence of core course material in forensic science. The Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) defines the core forensic science topics that must be incorporated into the graduate curriculum. These include analytical chemistry and instrumental methods of analysis, drug chemistry/toxicology, microscopy and trace evidence, forensic biology, and pattern evidence. This objective specifically addresses student learning, development and outcomes associated with the core forensic disciplines.

Forensic Science Assessment Test (FSAT)  
The Forensic Science Assessment Test (FSAT) was developed as an assessment tool for forensic science academic programs in the United States and is administered by the American Board of Criminalistics (ABC). The content and administration of the examination were modeled on ABC certification exams and is used by the program to assess trends which may indicate strenghts and weaknesses within the curriculum and to evaluate its relevance. The FSAT exam covers a wide variety of forensic disciplines including some that are not part of the core FEPAC curriculum, such as firearms, toolmarks and questioned documents. 
FSAT Performance  
The average FSAT score for SHSU students will be higher than the average FSAT score for students nationally; and SHSU should be ranked in the top quartile of programs participating in the FSAT annually.
FSAT Performance  
All second year MSFS students participated in the FSAT examination in March 2014, immediately following spring break. One limitation associated with the timeline is that the examination takes place prior to completion of the core curriculum. As a result students may be tested on information yet to be covered by faculty. Previous attempts to schedule the examination at the end of semester have not been successful due to conflicts during finals week and the relocation of students post-graduation.

In 2014, 202 students in sixteen institutions participated in the FSAT examination. The average score for SHSU students enrolled in the MSFS was 318, greater than the national average of 278. There was a broad range of overall scores among SHSU participants (240-386), compared with students nationally (160-424).

SHSU performed above the national average and ranked in the top quartile of programs participating nationally.

Actions for Objective:

Due to scheduling we will continue to offer the FSAT following spring break despite the fact that students have not yet completed all curricular requirements. We must continue to offer both Questioned Documents and Firearms/Toolmarks courses so that FSAT scores are not adversely affected.  

GOAL: Ability To Conduct Original Research

Students Will Produce Research Of Publishable Quality
Students actively engaged in research projects sponsored by program faculty will publish their findings in journals or present their data at scientific meetings.

Preparation Of Research Materials For Publication/Presentation  
Students will contribute to the knowledge base of forensic science and produce research directed at improving the practice of forensic science. This may be demonstrated by publication of research in a peer reviewed scientific journal or national/international conference proceeding (e.g. American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting). Publication of student research in journals and at national or international conferences serves to demonstrate the value and quality of the work to the forensic science and/or scientific community.
Research Materials Accepted For External Publication/Presentation  
At least 50% of capstone course research or other program-sponsored research is accepted for external publication in either a peer-reviewed scientific journal or national/international conference proceeding.
Published Research  
In 2014 there were a total of sixteen graduating students. During the academic year (2013-2014) there were a total of twenty-four publications involving forensic science students. Eleven manuscripts were accepted or published in scientific journals and there were thirteen papers presented at national/international scientific meetings.

Actions for Objective:

Publication Types  
Efforts to increase emphasis on manuscript publication rather than conference proceedings have been successful. Manuscript publications increased from seven to eleven this year and overall publications from fourteen to twenty-four. Continued emphasis on manuscript publication is necessary.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The department recently completed a retrospective five year review of assessment (survey) and admissions data (2009-2013). These findings will be evaluated during the upcoming annual quality review (September 2013). The program will again seek permission to offer the FSAT examination earlier in the academic year (March 2014).
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Retrospective five-year reviews of assessment and admissions data were evaluated by faculty, staff and administrators during the 2013 Annual Quality Review.  This process is effective and highly inclusive - encompassing feedback from students, faculty, employers and administrators. It serves as the principal means by which academic and departmental functions are comprehensively evaluated on an ongoing basis. Specific recommendations related to curriculum, instruction, applications and the admissions process were implemented following the summer 2013 review. The agenda, minutes and a summary of the 2013 Annual Quality Review are attached. The program was successful gaining permission from the American Board of Criminalistics to hold the FSAT examination in March 2014 and plans to do the same next year. The 2014 review is currently pending.

Not all of the action items identified in the 2013 Annual Quality Review were addressed due to the administrative burden within the department which arose from the college reorganization and loss of centralized administrative support. These additional responsibilities and the training necessary to complete new functions presented several challenges. An additional staff member was requested as a new initiative during the last budget cycle and the department is confident it will have the necessary institutional support to address the shortfall moving forward. 

Plan for Continuous Improvement

The program must secure sufficient administrative support to maintain existing academic programs in addition to those that are anticipated in the near future, such as the doctoral program in forensic science. Continued emphasis will be placed on research productivity, publications and maintaining a rigorous and industrially-relevant curriculum in forensic science.

Additionally, a mid-year review of action items following the Annual Quality Review is recommended. This interim review will specifically identify outstanding action items in an effort to improve outcomes and follow through related to the review. 

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Sam Houston State University
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(936) 294-1111