Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Educational Leadership EDD

2 Goals    2 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Competence In Field Of Educational Leadership

Development Of Knowledge And Skills In Educational Leadership
Doctoral students in Educational Leadership will develop the research knowledge and skills to complete an independent research project about an educational leadership topic of interest.

Research Proposal  
Doctoral students in educational leadership will develop a proposal for dissertation research that meets the approval of their committee of faculty members.
Proposal Quality  
At least 80% of currently enrolled doctoral students will present a proposal with a defense decision of "accept with no changes" or "accept
Proposal Quality  
All of our students who proposed their dissertation to their committees in 2012-2013 met the expectations for "accept with changes," as indicated on the reports submitted by dissertation chairs.
Comprehensive Examinations  
Students will successfully complete comprehensive exams at the end of core coursework. Written comprehensive examinations are developed by faculty and are administered in two parts: (a) written exam consisting of application of knowledge in educational leadership, and (b) the completion of research competencies and a reflection of research competency development. Examinations are scored holistically as pass or fail by five to six faculty members. Patterns across students' passing or failing responses are analyzed to indicate strengths and/or areas of need within the doctoral coursework and program. 
Comprehensive Examinations  
At least 90% of the students will successfully pass the comprehensive exams on their first attempt.
Comprehensive Exam  
Of the 30 students taking the comprehensive exams during 2012-2013, 29 passed the written portion of the exams on their first attempt, representing a 97% passing rate.
Actions for Objective:

Research Proposal  
Because all students have successfully defended their proposals, we will remove this indicator.
Comp Exams  
We have met the quality indicator for the comp exams success rate. In the process, we discovered that 20% of the students were incomplete in their research competencies and eventually completed Part 2 within about 6 months. They passed the exams, but we would like to decrease the incompletions. To decrease incomplete exams, we will communicate approximately 4 months prior to the exam period to the students taking the exams  so that they can prepare the notes and materials to be prepared for the exams. We will continue to provide a written schedule of events related to the completion of their research competencies and provide reminders so that we can increase the completion rate.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Student Scholarship
During the doctoral program, all students will develop the research, writing, editing, and presentations skills needed to submit one manuscript for publication and one paper for presentation at a research conference. Both are peer reviewed.  

Peer Review  
Feedback on the disposition of manuscripts and academic presentations from editors/reviewers
Acceptance Of Publication And Presentation  
At least 60% of the doctoral students will present a research paper at a professional conference.  At least 40% of the doctoral students will have an article accepted for publication.
Student Research Presentations And Publications  
For 2012-2013, 52 research presentations were given by students at research conferences, representing 63% of students in the program (n=82). Regarding manuscripts accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals, 25 publications were recorded for the year, representing 31% of our students. In the process of calculating these numbers, we found the data to be difficult to obtain and possibly an underestimate. 
Actions for Objective:

Research Presentations  
We will continue to provide information, mentoring, and travel funding support to students for research conferences.  We will continue to provide mentoring and recognition to students who have work published.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

A committee reviewed the comprehensive examination format. Changes will be implemented during the upcoming academic year to increase the relevancy of the exams to student needs and program expectations. Although we were at almost a 70% proposal rate, which exceeds the average rate among other programs, we are still striving for the 80%. We will try to mentor students more carefully to determine their committees and to manage their time so the proposal can be completed. Students are expected to make at least one presentation and submit one manuscript for publication as part of their doctoral program requirements. We were ecstatic about the scholarly production this year and plan to raise the criterion to 60% for next year. Faculty will provide mentoring and support for these supervised scholarship activities. Financial support in the form of department travel scholarships will also be increased to the extent possible.  The rate of proposal defenses among students enrolled in EDLD 8033 meets program expectations; efforts will be made to sustain this trend.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

1. Changes to the comprehensive exams were piloted with our students in Cohorts 22, 23, 24, and 25. Minor revisions were made to the examinations based on on-going feedback from faculty graders.
2.  To support our students in submitting their first proposal to a research conference, we provided two evening workshops during the 2011-2012 year (Writing a Dissertation, Datasets).
Plan for Continuous Improvement

1. Research Proposal: We will remove this indcator as our students are meeting this objective. We can find other areas to improve.
2. Comp Exams:  We will continue with the goal.  Because some students are not completing their research competencies by the deadline, we will improve the communication to help students complete this component of the comp exams.
3. Presentations: In calculating the data for this objective, we found that we can improve the data collection system. We will require students to submit updated Curriculum Vitas each year so that we can improve our data accuracy of presentations and publications. To continue to encourage students with presentations and publications, we will continue to secure money for travel and we will publicize student successes .

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