Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Management BBA

1 Goal    4 Objectives    4 Indicators    4 Criteria    4 Findings    4 Actions

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Management Principles

Students Will Understand Principles And Concepts Relating To The Planning Function Of Management
Planning is one function of management that involves setting goals and direction and deciding how to achieve those goals. Students must understand the planning function of management to become an effective organizational actor.

Course Embedded Questions For Planning Function  
Embedded questions on exams will be used to evaluate students understanding of the planning function of management.
Embedded Questions In MGMT 4390  
70% of students will answer 70% of embedded questions correctly
Finding For Planning Function  
Two course learning objectives best support the planning function of management: the analysis of the exernal environment and analysis of the internal environment.  nine questions were asked in the area of the external environment and six questions were asked in the area of the internal environment.

Course Learning Objective - Pretest - Posttest
Analysis of the External Environment - 49.82% - 62.75%
Analysis of the Internal Environment - 45.43% - 59.62%

Even though the pretest posttest gains were substantial, the criterion was not met.
Actions for Objective:

Student Performance On Planning Questions  
This data reflects only one class, taught by one instructor. Next year we will gather data from a wider variety of classes and instructors across the Management major.

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Management Principles

Students Will Understand Principles And Concepts Relating To The Leading Function
Leading is one function of management that involves setting in motion the actions of people to accomplish the organization’s objectives. Students must understand the leading function of management to become an effective organizational actor.

Course Embedded Questions On Exams For The Leading Function  
Embedded questions in MGMT 4390 will be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the leading function of management.
Embedded Questions For The Leading Function  
70% of students in MGMT 4390 will answer 70% of embedded questions from a common question set correctly.

Common Questions - Leading  
One course learning objective best supports the leading function: the analysis of vision.  On the three questions related to leading embedded in the MGMT 4390 mid-term exam, the correct response rate was 77.96% on the pretest and 81.69% on the post test.

The criterion was met.
Actions for Objective:

Assessment Of The Planning Function  
This data reflects only one class, taught by one instructor. Next year we will gather data from a wider variety of classes and instructors across the Management major.

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Management Principles

Students Will Understand Principles And Concepts Relating To The Controlling Function Of Management
Controlling is one function of management that involves monitoring performance over time and adjusting plans to ensure the achievement of organizational objectives. Students must understand the controlling function of management to become an effective organizational actor.

Course Embedded Questions On Exams For Controlling Function  
Embedded questions on exams in multiple courses will be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the controlling function of management.
Embedded Questions For Controlling Function  
70% of students in Principles of Management will answer 70% of embedded questions from a common question set correctly.

Common Questions - Controling  
Two course learning objectives best support the planning function of management: the analysis of the exernal environment and analysis of the internal environment.  One question was asked in each area.

Course Learning Objective - Pretest - Posttest
Strategy Implementation - 95.16% - 98.59%
Strategy Evalaution - 61.29% - 59.15%

Neither area demonstrated much change between the pretest and posttest, and one met the criteria and one did not.
Actions for Objective:

Assessment Of The Controling Function  
This data reflects only one class, taught by one instructor. Next year we will gather data from a wider variety of classes and instructors across the Management major.

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Management Principles

Students Will Understand Principles And Concepts Relating To The Organizing Function Of Management
Organizing is one function of management that involves bringing together physical, financial, and human resources to accomplish the organization’s objectives. Students must understand the organizing function of management to become an effective organizational actor.

Course Embedded Questions On Exams For Organizing Function  
Embedded questions on exams in multiple courses will be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the organizing function of management.
Embedded Questions For Organizing Function  
70% of students in Principles of Management will answer 70% of embedded questions from a common question set correctly.

Common Questions - Organizing  
One course learning objective best supports the Organizing function of management: Strtegy formulation.  five questions were asked in the area of Strategy Formulation.

Course Learning Objective - Pretest - Posttest
Strategy Formulation - 44.84% - 79.15%

The criterion was met.
Actions for Objective:

Assessment Of The Organizing Function  
This data reflects only one class, taught by one instructor. Next year we will gather data from a wider variety of classes and instructors across the Management major.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

During this school year, the faculty reorganized the assessment process for the Management BBA.  In the fall, it was decided that the beginning objectives would be related to disciplinary knowledge, specifically, the functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.  Data was collected in the Principles of Management course, and after analyzing the data, it seems that students are at, or just below, the targets for the criteria.  Specific action steps were prescribed for the two objectives for which the targets in the criteria were not met.  The faculty will meet again during the fall semester to reevaluate the assessment process.  Specifically, possible new objectives related to critical thinking and communication will be discussed.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The faculty did not meet to discuss or implement the assessment plan during FY 2012-2013.  Consequently, we used data that is continuously collected in MGMT 4390 to evaluate the Management Major's learning objectives.  The data collection plan for FY 2013-2014 will be discussed with faculty teaching in the major during fall 2013.  Assessment activities are schedule for classes in the management major during spring 2014 and data will be collected from applicable classes.  A multi year plan for data collection will be disseminated to so faculty know when to collect data for assessment.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

A multi-year multi-course multi-instructor data collection plan has been developed and will be used to schedule the collection of assessment data across all courses in the Management major

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111