Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Human Resource Management BBA

1 Goal    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Human Resource Management Principles

Students Will Understand Topics And Concepts Relating To Compensation
Compensation is one function of human resource management that involves using pay to motivate and retain employees. Students must understand the compensation function of human resource management to become an effective organizational actor.

Course Embedded Questions On Exams For Compensation  
Embedded questions on exams in multiple courses will be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the compensation function of human resource management.
Embedded Questions For Compensation In Principles Of Management Course  
70% of students in Principles of Management will answer 70% of embedded questions from a common question set correctly.

Results From Embedded Compensation Questions  
17 Questions dealing with compensation were embedded in 3 exams during Spring 2013. The correct response rate was 75.1%
Actions for Objective:

Students appear to have a good understanding of compensation topics.

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Human Resource Management Principles

Students Will Understand Topics And Concepts Relating To Staffing
Staffing is one function of human resource management that involves finding and hiring employees to achieve organizational objectives. Students must understand the staffing function of human resource management to become an effective organizational actor.

Course Embedded Questions On Exams For Staffing  
Embedded questions on exams in multiple courses will be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the staffing function of human resource management.
Embedded Questions For Staffing  
70% of students in Principles of Management will answer 70% of embedded questions from a common question set correctly.

Embedded Recruitment Questions  
12 questions dealing with recruitment and selection topics were embedded in 3 exams in Spring 2013. The correct response rate was 80.0%
Actions for Objective:

Student Performance On Recruitment & Selection Questions  
Students appear to have a good understanding of recruitment and selection topics.

GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Human Resource Management Principles

Students Will Understand Topics And Concepts Relating To Performance Management
Managing the employee evaluation process is an important HR function.

Embedded Questions For Performance Management  
12 questions dealing with performance management were embedded in three exams in Spring 2013.
70% Or Better Response Rate On Embedded Questions Dealing With Performance Management  
A correct response rate of 70% or better is considered to be acceptable. Anything below 70% is considered unacceptable.
Results From Embedded Compensation Questions Regarding Performance Management  
The correct resonse rate was 77.7%.
Actions for Objective:

Actions For Performance Management  
Our students appear to understand the concepts of performance management.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

During this school year, the faculty reorganized the assessment process for the Human Resource Management BBA.  In the fall, it was decided that the beginning objectives would be related to disciplinary knowledge, specifically, the topics of staffing, compensation, benefits, training, and employee development.  Data was collected in the Principles of Management course and the Compensation course, and after analyzing the data, it seems that students are at, or above, the targets for the criteria.  The exceptionally good performance of students in the Compensation course supports the belief of the faculty that exposure to real world applications (using SAP) enhances the learning process and helps students to understand the concepts in the course.  The faculty will meet again during the fall semester to reevaluate the assessment process.  Specifically, possible new objectives related to critical thinking and communication will be discussed.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Data was collected in Spring 2013. SAP has been incorporated into the HR curriculum but no data has been collected on students' understanding of SAP concepts.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

During the 2013-2014 academic year we hope to accomplish the following:
  • Transfer responsibility for collecting HR assessment data to the faculty primarily responsible for teaching the HR courses.
  • Utilize the new capabilities of Blackboard Assessment to better track student performance.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111