Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Biology MA

1 Goal    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Develop MA Curriculum

Mastering Critical Thinking
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the new MA curriculum designed to incorporate critical learning into science education.

Demonstrating Critical Thinking Skills  
Students entering and exiting the MA program will take pre and post-test, respectively. These tests will examine critical thinking abilities and changes between tests will be used to gauge progress.

A committee to resurrect the MA program in biology is currently working on developing this assessment tool. Once completed this pre-test will be uploaded under this objective.
Critical Thinking Evaluation  
An average increase of 50% (pre to post-test) will be used as an acceptable level of understanding.
No New MA Students  
The Department of Biological Sciences admitted no new MA students in 2012.  Therefore, there are no findings for this criterion.
Actions for Objective:

Work To Develop MA Curriculum  
We will work as a department to possibly develop a new MA curriculum that will help recruit students.

GOAL: Develop MA Curriculum

Disseminating Critical Thinking
Students leaving the MA program will demonstrate an ability to disseminate critical thinking skills in a classroom setting.  

Disseminating Critical Thinking  
Students exiting the program will develop critical thinking curricula for a science classroom which will be evaluated by the MA committee composed of Biology faculty.

A committee to resurrect the MA program in biology is currently working on a rubric that will be used to evaluate student performance under this objective. Once completed this rubric will be posted with this objective.
Evaluation Of Disseminating Skills  
The curriculum developed by the MA student will be graded by the committee using a faculty defined rubric.  An approval score of 80% by the faculty committee will be use as a criterion for passing.

No MA Students  
The Department of Biological Sciences admitted no new MA students in 2012.  Therefore, there are no findings for this criterion.
Actions for Objective:

Recruit MA Students  
We will work as a department to possibly develop a new MA curriculum that will help recruit students.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

No data were available to address the above objectives because no students existed in the MA program during this period.
The Department is revitalizing this program, which is address in the 2012-13 assessment period.

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

No improvements can be made in this area since the program has no students.  The first step is to identify whether the department of biology wants to relaunch the MA program.  see plans for imporvement below.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Biology MA program is currently stagnant with no students.
First, the faculty in Biology will discuss whether we should work on reviving this program.
In doing so, the faculty will consider the follow:
1. the type of MA programs we could offer
2. the goals of these MA programs
3. the target student for the MA programs
4. the course work requireed for the MA to meet these goals.

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(936) 294-1111