Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Psychology BS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Core Concepts In Psychology

Students Demonstrate Broad Knowledge Base
Students who complete the Bachelor of Science Program in Psychology will demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in the various sub-disciplines of Psychology.

PSY 1301 Exit Examination  
Students' knowledge of the diverse areas within the field of psychology will be assessed using a common comprehensive final exam in PSY 1301 - Introductory to Psychology
70% Of Students Will Pass Specific Areas Of Exit Exam  
Criterion for success is to have 70% of the students respond correctly (70%) in the following areas: Science of Psychology; Research Design; Physiological; Learning; Sensation/Perception; Developmental; Abnormal; Memory/Cognition; Personality; and Social Psychology.
Common Final Exam  
In the fall 2012 semester, 588 students took the common Introductory Psychology final exam. The overall percentage of correct scores was 64.1%. 593 students took the common final in spring 2013.

Within the test, percentage correct for the fall (first number) and spring (second number) semesters for each of the aforementioned areas was:
Science of Psychology-69%; 69%
Research Design-74%; 76%
Physiological-51%; 56%
Learning-71%; 70%
Sensation/Perception-59%; 59%
Developmental-60%; 59%
Abnormal-65%; 61% 
Memory/Cognition-61%; 62%
Personality-59%; 59%
Social Psychology-75%; 72%

Actions for Objective:

PSU 1301 Exit Examination Actions  
The scores between the fall and spring semesters did not fluctuate much. Criterion was reached in Research Design, Learning, and Social Psychology and almost reached in the Science of Psychology. We still have work to do with the remaining areas but what does have us pleased is the rise in grades (from 51% to 56%) in the physiological psychology section of the exam.

During the 20012-13 academic year, we reinstituted a computer-based portion for the course, LearnSmart. We also had faculty members submit topics/questions that they felt everyone having taken an introductory psychology class should know. Since we changed how we measured "exit" knowledge this year (see previous OATdb), it is a bit difficult to see if the students are better off, worse off, or just the same as in previous years. We believe that continuing in this way, will ultimately pay off for the good of the student. One thing we are going to do is review individual questions. A few questions in each chapter seem to have "doomed" the whole section. We'll take a look at these questions and determine if it is the phrasing that may have had a negative impact, and if so, will not eliminate the questions but will re-phrase them so that they are more comprehensible. If there is nothing wrong with the questions, the mentor for the introductory psychology sections will devise plans to make the information more comprehensible during the lecture presentation of those materials. 

One other factor need to be mentioned at this juncture: we did have one instructor teaching two sections of Psychology 1301 and found that the means on the final exam for those sections were 60 and 54, whereas the mean of the remaining sections was 66. That instructor will not be returning in the next academic year. Reanalyzing the spring 2013 data without the scores from this particular instructor showed that the following results:
Science of Psychology 70%;
Research Design 83%;
Physiological 60%;
Learning 71%;
Sensation/Perception 64%;
Developmental 63%;
Abnormal 66%;
Memory/Cognition 61%;
Personality 61%;
Social Psychology 77%.

What this may mean is that the chair should be more discerning in hiring adjunct faculty to teach introductory psychology and not be reluctant to not invite those adjuncts back if they have proven to be less effective than other instructors. The chair probably also needs to monitor grades each test for each instructor during the course of the semester.

GOAL: Generate, Apply And Communicate Scientific Findings

Generate, Design, Apply And Communicate Scientific Knowledge
Students who complete the Bachelor of Science Program in Psychology will be able to generate, design and apply the results of scientific investigations and communicate their implications.

Common Final Exam In PSY 317 (Statistics Lab)  
The ability of students to conduct and understand research as well as apply and communicate results is assessed by means of a common faculty-developed instrument which is a portion of the final exam for Psychology 317 (Statistics Lab). The instrument requires students to: 1) choose research designs, compute statistics, and interpret outcomes. (Objectives 1 and 2); and interpreting results of scientific data, making decisions using the results based upon statistical probabilities, and making recommendations for follow-up work, either in the scientific or social environment. (Objectives 3 and 4). We're basically asking what do these data mean and why are they important?
1. Minimum 25 Points - Objectives 1 And 2  
80% of psychology majors will receive a score that is deemed "acceptable" (25 or higher) according to faculty-developed departmental rubric. To perform at an acceptable level in "Generating Scientific Knowledge," the student must have a minimum mean of 25 points on Criteria 1 and Criteria 2.

Generating Scientific Knowledge  
Criterion for the ability to generate scientific knowledge was set at having at least 80% of the students in PSYC 3101 (Statistics Laboratory) receiving a score that is at least acceptable (25 or higher) according to departmental rubric that was developed by a faculty committee.

Embedded assessment of the sample of the PSYC 3101 final exam indicated 72% reached attained a score of 25 or higher. Thus, criterion was not reached.

2. Minimum 25 Points - Objectives 3 And 4  
80% of psychology majors will receive a score that is at least acceptable (25 or above), according to departmental rubric. To perform at an acceptable level in "Communicating Scientific Knowledge," the student must have a minimum mean of 25 points on Criteria 3 and Criteria 4. A copy of the score sheet for the rubric is attached to the "Indicator" portion of this objective.  Although in 2010-2011, we made the 80% handily, we did not reach the goal both semesters the previous year. If we are able to sustain the higher level again this year, we will raise the standard next year.
Communicating Scientific Knowledge  
79% of those taking the embedded questions measuring Communicating Scientific Knowledge scored at an acceptable level. Thus, although it was very close to reaching criterion, it didn't quite make it. The 79% is worrisome as last year, 88% of the students scored at an acceptable level.

Actions for Objective:

Generate, Apply And Communicate Scientific Knowledge  
Criterion for neither Generate nor Communicate Scientific Knowledge was met. As mentioned above, this is worrisome and the chair will meet with the instructors to explore how the levels might be increased. It may be to make the information more germane to the students' personal lives or to change how the information is presented. We will also stress to instructors of content areas the need to expect their students to critically analyze and interpret scientific data within their specific courses.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

With respect to broad-based knowledge, the research portion was fine but we need to increase the appreciation for the theoretical and social bases for the materials that are presented in our classes and especially in the introductory classes. The Chair will meet with the Director of the PACE Center and will meet with the TAs to discuss how TAs can better present the connection between theory and methodology and how the latter really is dependent upon the former. We also will strive to ensure that students appreciate that what they are learning in class has real value outside of the classroom and that they can, in fact, use the materials to which they have been exposed and learned are important in everyday decision making. If they can do this, then their perception of the value of their education should increase dramatically. One way of doing this is through "active learning" and even perhaps out of class assignments for the students to use what they are learning in class.

With respect to the Statistics Lab results, a greater emphasis will be put into factors involved in generating scientific knowledge. Steps to be taken include student analysis of original research articles, identification of the null and alternative hypotheses, analyzing and interpreting data, etc.

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The chair met with the aforementioned individuals involved in the Introductory Psychology sections. During his meetings with TAs involved in the course he stressed the need make the course materials as germane and practical to the lives of the students. In addition, the TAs were given lists of terms, generated by faculty within each specialty areas, that outlined what should be expected of an undergraduate having gone through an Introductory Psychology class.

The chair also met with the instructor in the Statistic Labs. Attempts have been made at bettering the scores on the embedded questions but it seems to have been with little or no effect.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

Broad Knowledge Base: Criterion for success for sections of the final exam in Psychology 1301 was reached in three of the 10 areas. In one other area, Science of Psychology, criterion was almost made. Although we changed how we assessed the outcome data, we seem to be getting better; the Social Psychology section of this year's exam was at 74% while the Social Section of last years exam was only at 57%. The upcoming academic year we will require all instructors of Psychology 1301 to attend the CHSS teaching conference. The coordinator for the sections also will meet bi-weekly with TAs and suggest ways of handling class issues. In order to ensure the best instructors for our undergraduates, the coordinator will also require that means for each exam given in each section be reviewed in order to determine if any of the TAs are struggling. Additionally, the coordinator will review questions on the common final exam to determine if some are misleading, some are worded enigmatically, or some are above or below the level of what should be expected of a person just having taken a course in Introductory Psychology.

Generating and Communicating Scientific Knowledge: The numbers were down a little bit this past academic year. The chair will meet with the instructors of the Statistics Labs and discuss what problems may have arisen and how to address those problems. It may be that the reductions this year are just normal flucuations but it would be best to find out and not let these types of scores continue.

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(936) 294-1111