Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Art BFA (Advertising And Graphic Design)

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Typographic Skills

Typographic Design
Students will develop expertise in the use of type in graphic design, utilizing type as image, and combining image and type.

BFA Portfolio Review  
Students in the BFA Graphic Design program will be required to take ARTS 3322, Typography. At the conclusion of this course, students will submit a portfolio for review and admission into upper level courses in the BFA program. The portfolio will demonstrate

• an understanding of typographic standards
• the ability to select type appropriate for a given project
• the ability to organize typographic information in a logical, hierarchal manner
• the ability to use type as image
• the ability to employ type as an expressive visual element

80% Or Above  
The graphic design faculty of 3 professors will evaluate work in the exhibitions. Using a rubric that scores each aspect of the exhibition on a scale of 0-100, it is expected that 75% of the students will score at least 80%. We have made some significant changes in the program and have changed the expectation from 80% to 75% of students will meet the standard until students adjust to the programmatic changes. We are eager to determine if our interventions have strengthened student understanding of typographic standards, an area udentified last year as weaker. 
Weakness In Type As Image And Expressive Use  
83% of the students scored above 80% on the first 3 critera. Weakness is seen in the following areas:
• ability to use type as image - 50% scored below 80
• ability to use type as expressive visual element -  50% scored below 80

Actions for Objective:

Strengthen Curriculum  
The Graphic Design faculty will examine the assignments and presentatiions related to using type as image and as an expressive element. The lectures and presentations will be strengthened and more emphasis will be placed on these assigned projects and/or new projects will be developed.
Require Additional Typography Course  
A new course, ARTS 4325 Advanced Typographic Design, will be scheduled in Fall 2013. The course will an advanced elective in the fall and will become a required course in the next curriculum cycle.

GOAL: Prepare Students For Professional Practice

Students Will Produce A Professional Portfolio
Students will produce a professional quality portfolio of Graphic Design work that demonstrates basic principles of design and is sophisticated in its content, and demonstrates expertise with the technology used in the profession.

Senior Exhibition  
Graphic Design students will be required to take ARTS 4323, Senior Studio in Graphic Design and mount an exhibition of their graphic design work.
The exhibition will demonstrate the student's

• ability to use tools and technology in the creation, reproduction and distribution of visual images associated with techniques of drawing, offset printing, photography, and time based media;
• ability to identify and solve graphic design problems through data gathering, alternate solutions generation, prototype creation , and outcome evaluation;
• ability to recognize cognitive, cultural, and social human factors that shape design decisions;
• ability to organize design projects and work effectively as a member of a team.
75% Will Score At Least 80  
The graphic design faculty of 3 professors will evaluate work in the exhibitions. Using a rubric that scores each aspect of the exhibition on a scale of 0-100, it is expected that 75% of the students will score at least 80%. Since we have completely revised the Senior Exhibition, we are setting a different criterion of 75% of students rather than last year’s 80% until students have had an opportunity to adjust to the new standards. In 2010-2011, we identified weaknesses, selection and use of imagery to appropriately convey a theme or idea and the ability to synthesize all of the visual elements into a cohesive whole, within the graphic design program that should be addressed by the new standards.
We were quite a bit lower last year in the area of recognizing cultural factors which we hope improves this year.
Goal Achieved  
All of the students scored above 80% on the criteria listed above.
An additional rubric was used to measure other aspects of the seniior portfoio. While most of the students scored above 80 on all aspects of the second rubric, it has been noted that the lowest scores were on the evaluation of the typographic skills.
Actions for Objective:

Require Additional Typography Course  
A new course, ARTS 4325 Advanced Typographic Design, will be scheduled in Fall 2013. The course will an advanced elective in the fall and will become a required course in the next curriculum cycle.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Graphic Design program has been evaluated and revised in the past two years. New courses have been added to the curriculum and they are now appearing in the schedule. These curriculum changes should significantly improve learning outcomes and are expected to be seen in next years evaluation.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The new courses are being taught and will be incorporated into the curriculum as requirements in the degree plan.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Graphic Design Faculty have added new courses to the curriculum that should begin to appear in the cycle of scheduled classes in 2013 and 2014. The curriculum will continue to be improved. Areas of weakness that the faculty will address include Interactive Design and the need to teach students the ability to design  for traditional web applications as well as mobile devices, to develop motion graphic skills, and to incorporate both digital and analog processes into Illustration projects.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111