Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Physics BS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Deliver Core Curriculum Education Appropriate To The Physics Discipline

Apply Foundational Concepts
Students who complete the core curriculum course in Physics will be able to apply foundational concepts, particularly in the areas of (1) proofs and derivations, and (2) translation of written problems into mathematical equations.

Comprehensive Exam  
Students will complete a faculty-developed comprehensive exam in Physics 1411 assessing the common foundational concepts in Physics.
80% Score 70% Or Higher  
Eighty percent of students completing the exam will score 70% or higher on the comprehensive exam.
Foundational Concepts Of Physics  
The exam is 25 questions with a maximum score of 100.  Scores were very similar to last year’s scores:  pretest average = 16.9 and post-test average = 35.1.  Although there was significant learning from pre- to post-test, the average was far from 70%.
Actions for Objective:

Foundations Of Physics  
We have proposed a new course, Physics 1401, entitled Physics Boot Camp.  The course is designed to improve problem solving skills of incoming freshmen.

GOAL: Competence For Bachelor Of Science

Mastery Of Fundamental Principles In Physics
Students preparing to graduate with a BS in Physics will demonstrate comprehension of fundamental principles and the ability to apply these principles in solving problems.

Previous GRE Subject Test In Physics  
Students will complete a common earlier version of the Graduate Record Subject Exam in Physics related to PHY 4371 (Thermal and Statistical Physics) under GRE standardized conditions.  Faculty will have classified the questions into domains specific to the major principles in this area.
Above 50th Percentile  
Students will score above the 50th percentile determined as a result of the graduating seniors' scores from the common exam. A raw score of 50% is in the 74th percentile for the Physics GRE with a ¼ penalty for wrong answers.

Fundamental Principles - PHY 4371  
Pre/Post average = 34/52% with no wrong answer penalty.  Thus, our average was above the 74th percentile. We were strong in adapting previous GRE exams to create a comprehensive exam for thermal and statistical physics.

Actions for Objective:

Principles Of Physics  
We are pleased with the results of the mock-GRE exam for thermal and statistical physics.  The next goal is to expand the same sort of mock-GRE to other areas of physics.

Closing the Loop

In response to our dismal results in the foundations class, we have proposed a Physics Boot Camp course to improve problem solving skills of incoming freshmen.  After the success of the mock-GRE exam for thermal and statistical physics, we will be expanding the mock-GRE concept other areas of physics.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111