Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Counselor Education PhD

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Knowledge Of Counseling Education Literature

PHD Candidates Will Demonstrate Knowledge Of The Literature
Candidates of the Counselor Education PHD program will demonstrate knowledge of current literature in the field of counseling to conduct their own independent research.

Quality Dissertation Checklist  
The Quality Dissertation Checklist will be used to score the introduction, literature review, and methodology of the dissertation proposal.
Committee Approval And 85% Rating On Checklist  
1.  All committee members must approve the proposal before the candidate can begin data collection.
2.  85% on the Quality Dissertation Checklist
Knowledge Of Current Counseling Literature  
Using the Quality Dissertation Checklist as the evaluative measure, students in the spring 2012 cohort (#8) scored 85% or higher on the literature review component of the initial draft of their dissertation proposal.

Some students struggle with writing a comprehensive literature review for their dissertation proposal because they delay selection of a research area and agenda.
Actions for Objective:

Knowledge Of Current Counseling Literature  
Doctoral students will demonstrate skills in locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and writing in correct APA form about current counseling topics related to their literature review. Students will be expected to select a research area upon entering the doctoral program and develop a research agenda around this area. Students will be introduced to the  quality dissertation checklist at the beginning of the program with the understanding that it will be the evaluative measure when they begin working on their dissertation proposal.

We are working to tweak when the research sequence begins - first or second year.

GOAL: Research Competency

Demonstrate Competency In Research
Candidates of the Counseling Education PHD program will demonstrate competency in research by planning, implementing, analyzing, and writing a scholarly dissertation based on original research.

Dissertation Checklist  
Committee Chair scores the Quality Dissertation Checklist

Checklist Score  
Degree candidates will score at least 95% on the dissertation quality checklist with the understanding that 100% must be achieved before final dissertation approval and graduation.
Research Competency  
As we expect, students require four to five revisions before hitting the 95% criterion.  When they score between 95% and 100%, they are ready for the defense.

Some students have difficulty determining the best methodology for the dissertation study they want to conduct.

Some students have difficulty accurately formatting their dissertation   documents per APA style (both format and technical writing). 

Both of the items above, are required for a successful score (95%100%) on the quality dissertation checklist.

Actions for Objective:

Research Competence  
In all courses of the 12 hour research block for the doctoral program, faculty will expect students to demonstrate greater facility for understanding and selecting appropriate research methodology.

In selected doctoral courses students will be expected to prepare and submit manuscripts for publication using accurate APA publication style (both format and technical writing).

Faculty will use the Quality Dissertation Checklist to evaluate dissertations.

Closing the Loop

Doctoral students will be mentored in the skills of locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and writing in correct APA form about current counseling topics related to their literature review. Expectations are that students will select a research area upon entering the doctoral program and develop a research agenda around this area. Faculty introduce the Quality Dissertation Checklist at the beginning of the program with the understanding that it will be the evaluative measure when students begin working on their dissertation proposal. We are rethinking whether this process needs to begin their first or second year.

In all courses of the 12 hour research sequence, faculty will expect students to demonstrate greater facility for selecting appropriate research methodology. Preparing manuscripts for publication using appropriate APA publication style in both format and technical writing is expected in select doctoral courses. Faculty will use the Quality Dissertation Checklist to evaluate dissertations.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111