Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Marketing BBA
1 Goal 5 Objectives 5 Indicators 5 Criteria 1 Finding 1 Action
GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Marketing Principles
Students Will Be Able To Describe Marketing Core Concepts And Principles
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will be able to describe the core concepts and principles of Marketing, including the elements of the marketing mix. The concepts and principles are included with the Indicator as a supporting document "30 Key Marketing Concepts."
Assessment In MKT371 (MKTG3310)
The ability to describe Marketing Core Concepts & Principles will be assessed using questions embedded within exams during Spring 2012 and Fall 2014. The core concepts and principles are represented by 30 Key Marketing Concepts. These are included as a supporting document.
Assessments will be completed during the following semesters: Spring 2012. Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015 and Spring 2016.
Criterion |
Performance On Assessments In MKT371 (MKTG3310)
Students' performance on embedded exam questions assessing knowledge of the 30 Key Marketing Concepts will be 75% . (i.e., 75% of questions answered correctly).
Finding |
Assessment Of MKT371 (MKTG3310)
A complete summary including student performance, methods for improvment and further activities to improve the assessment process are included in the attached document: MKTG3310 Spring 2012 Assessment and Closing the Loop Overview.
Actions for Objective:
Action |
Assessment Summary And Schedule
Assessments will be completed during the following semesters: Spring 2012. Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015 and Spring 2016.
After each assessment period, faculty will review results and determine areas for improvement. The specific actions will be noted as action items once they are determined.
The Assessment during Spring 2012 showed that learning outcomes could be improved with respect to understanding of the Growth Matrix and Key Differences Between Products and Services. Two methods for improvement were defined by faculty and will be developed for use during Fall 2012. The next Assessment period is Spring 2013.
A complete summary including student performance, methods for improvment and further activities to improve the assessment process are included in the attached document: MKTG3310 Spring 2012 Assessment and Closing the Loop Overview.
GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Marketing Principles
Students Will Be Able To Summarize And Explain Consumer Behavior Concepts
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will demonstrate knowledge of key consumer behavior actions (evaluation, acquisition, consumption, disposal), internal and external factors that influence consumer behavior, and the consumer decision making process.
Assessment In MKT378 (MKTG3320)
Student achievement of the learning objective will be assessed using questions embedded within exams and components of projects. Performance on aspects of the project will be assessed with grading rubric.
Assessment will be completed during Fall 2012 and and Fall 2014.
Criterion |
Performance On Assessment In MKT378 (MKTG3320)
At the end of the semester, performance by students on exam questions and project(s) are reviewed. The average performance for each assessment activity will be at least 75%.
Actions for Objective:
There are no actions for this objective.
GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Marketing Principles
Students Will Demonstrate The Ability To Collect And Interpret Market Research Data
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will demonstrate the ability to be able to determine and communicate research needs to a professional researcher, evaluate a research report, collect and interpret their own research data, and make marketing decisions with research findings.
Assessment In MKT472 (MKTG4350)
Student achievement of the learning objective will be assessed using questions embedded within exams and components of projects. Performance on aspects of the project will be assessed with a grading rubric.
Assessment will be completed during Fall 2012 and Fall 2014.
Criterion |
Performance On Assessment In MKT472 (MKTG4350)
The average performance on embedded exam questions and students’ projects should be 75% or higher.
Actions for Objective:
There are no actions for this objective.
GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Marketing Principles
Students Will Be Able To Summarize And Explain Global Marketing Concepts
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will be able to summarize and explain the global nature of business today and the forces shaping the evolution of the global market, and recognize the process of extending from domestic business operations into global markets.
Assessment In MKT471 (MKTG4340)
Assessment will be completed using either Pre And Post Tests or questions embedded within exams.
Assessment will be completed during Fall 2012 and Fall 2014.
Criterion |
Performance On Assessment In MKT471 (MKTG4340)
When using a pre-test/post-test for assessment, students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test score and the class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. When using questions embedded within exams, the students' average performance on questions used to assess will be at least 75% correct.
Actions for Objective:
There are no actions for this objective.
GOAL: Students Will Obtain A Broad Base Of Knowledge Of Marketing Principles
Students Will Be Able To Explain Strategic Concepts, Demonstrate Knowledge Of The Impact Of Marketing Decisions, And Devise A Strategic Plan
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will be able to explain specific marketing concepts, demonstrate knowledge of the impact of strategic marketing decisions on the firm, and devise a Strategic Marketing Plan.
Assessment In MKT473 (MKTG4390)
Assessment??will be based on??student performance on discussion questions and projects. Performance on aspects of the projects will be evaluated with a grading rubric.
Assessment will be completed during Fall 2012 and Spring 2015.
Criterion |
Performance On Assessment In MKT473 (MKTG4390)
The average performance on discussion questions will be at least 75% correct. The average performance on student projects will be at least 75%.
Actions for Objective:
There are no actions for this objective.
Following the Marketing BBA Assessment of Learning Plan, the assessment of students' ability to describe the core concepts and principles of Marketing, including the elements of the marketing mix, was completed during Spring 2012. The concepts and principles of Marketing are presented in a document (30 Key Marketing Concepts) located at the Indicator area for this objective. Assessment was completed in MKTG3330 (MKT371) by evaluating students' performance on questions embedded within exams. As planned, faculty reviewed results and determined areas for improvement. The Assessment during Spring 2012 showed that learning outcomes could be improved with respect to understanding of the Growth Matrix and Key Differences Between Products and Services. Two methods for improvement were defined by faculty and will be developed for use during Fall 2012. Results of this effort will be evaluated during the next Assessment period for the objective (Spring 2013). A complete summary including student performance, methods for improvment and further activities to improve the assessment process are included in the attached document: MKTG3310 Spring 2012 Assessment and Closing the Loop Overview.