Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Dance MFA

1 Goal    2 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Develop Skills And Knowledge Base In Dance

Develop Choreographic Skill
Students will demonstrate substantial growth and proficiency in choreography, employing effective tools of composition to create well-crafted original statements in movement. The ability of students to create extended works of choreography is an important indicator of the Dance MFA Program's success in producing graduates who have developed appropriate creative capacities and are prepared for future professional endeavors. 

Evaluation Of Required Choreographic Work  
Required Choreographic Work is evaluated on common standards  of choreographic effectiveness: 1. successful communication of an idea; 2.  effective use of  innovative movement vocabulary; 3. Structure; 4.  Transitions; 5. Space, time and energy; 6. Technology; 7. Collaboration with other artists; 8. Alternative performance spaces. 9. Successful matching of performers to the needs of the piece; 10. Well-rehearsed cast. 
These choreographic evaluations take place within the two required MFA choreography courses in (DNC 5676 and 578). Although evaluations are conducted by course instructors, above mentioned aesthetic and technical criteria which are pertinent to the particular choreographic work are  applied by each instructor.  Instructors judge student work as Not Meeting Standards/ Meeting Standards. Gradations of judgment and subtleties of critical impressions within those two categories are communicated to the student in extensive qualitative, face-to-face feedback.
90% Of Students Will Be Judged Satisfactory In Proficiency  
90% Students will be judged to have satisfactory proficiency in choreography based upon the instructor's evaluation on the pertinent common standards specified in the indicator.  

Criterion Met  
100% of MFA candidates enrolled in choreography for 2011-12 were judged as having demonstrated satisfactory proficiency in choreography.
Presentation & Evaluation Of Thesis Concert  
As the culmination of the MFA thesis project, students present a public performance of an extended original choreographic work which is evaluated by the Thesis Committee on common standards of choreographic effectiveness: 1. successful communication of an idea; 2.  effective use of  innovative movement vocabulary; 3. Structure; 4.  Transitions; 5. Space, time and energy; 6. Technology; 7. Collaboration with other artists; 8. Alternative performance spaces. 9. Successful matching of performers to the needs of the piece; 10. Well-rehearsed cast.   Extensive feedback is given during scheduled showings of the work in process, and in review of the concert following its presentation.

All MFA Thesis Students Meet Choreographic Production Standards  
100% of MFA Thesis performers will be assessed by Thesis Committee to meet standards for choreographic effectiveness. (In addition, Students who meet the standard for acceptable choreographic production will receive a passing score for that portion of DNC 699, Thesis II.)
Thesis Productions Were Successful  
Three MFA candidates presented their thesis choreographic projects.  All three received credit for thesis II, DANC 6399.
Actions for Objective:

Third Choreography Courses Proposal Submitted  
Although all three MFA candidates passed the choreographic portion of the thesis, the need for more preparation in the development of extended  creative work is identified.  A proposal for an additional choreography course focused on creation of extended works has been passed by the College Curriculum Committee. We plan to add the course  to the MFA in Dance curriculum.  

GOAL: Develop Skills And Knowledge Base In Dance

Breadth Of Knowledge In The Field
MFA graduates should have a solid understanding of dance technique, choreography, production, and history, and should be able to write or speak from that base of information.

Written Comprehensive Exam  
Students will be given a choice of topics provided by graduate faculty, relevant to all aspects of study that the student has experienced in the program. A passing grade on the Dance MFA Program's written comprehensive examination will serve as an indicator that a Dance MFA candidate has acquired a breadth of knowledge in the field of dance.  Additionally, the student's ability to write critically and at a standard acceptable to the profession will be demonstrated. 
Pass Rate  
As demonstration that the Dance graduate program is successful in preparing students for the written comprehensive examination, at least 90% of students will pass the exam at the first sitting or upon retaking it.
Written Exam Was Not Conducted  
The dance faculty determined that students need more practice in oral communication.  Therefor, in the fall semester, MFA candidates were apprised that they would have a choice between writing their exams or undergoing an oral exam.  All three candidates elected to have the oral exam.  All three passed the oral exam.
Actions for Objective:

Retain Oral Examination  
Because this was the first time we had administered an oral exam, faculty weren't entirely comfortable with the proceeding.  We felt, though,  that the immediacy of the experience was useful for the student, and efficient for faculty to evaluate.  We were able to encourage students to expand on topics, to refute questions, and otherwise enter debate.  Since dance students tend to be less comfortable expressing ideas orally, the dance faculty conclude that this is a valuable component to be retained.  Whether students will continue to have a choice between an oral and a written exam has not yet been determined. 

Closing the Loop

As the number of MFA students in our program increases, we must look for ways to efficiently mentor the students.  Increasing coursework opportunities through an additional choreography class will provide a formal opportunity for development of choreographic skills prior to the thesis project.  It will also reduce the number of independent choreographic projects faculty undertake, and give the MFA students more practice in peer criticism and feedback--oral skills that have been identified as requiring development.  Similarly, the oral defense will give our students a major opportunity to demonstrate facility in communicating through speech.  Through these means, students will develop a broader range of the  skills they will need to become effective professionals in dance.

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(936) 294-1111