Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Interdisciplinary Studies BA, BS (Elementary EC-6)

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Lesson Plan Quality And Effectiveness

Methods Block Lesson Plans
The candidate will be able to plan an effective lesson.

Pass Rates On Methods Block Lesson Plans  
During the classes of Methods Block, first semester senior year, the students write multiple lesson plans. Each student submits a math, science, and social studies lesson plan in that content area. The lesson plans are scored/evaluated on information documented in stating the lesson goals, objectives, rationale, standards, materials, classroom setting, student needs, focus, procedures, design of implementation, and closure of the lesson.
The Lesson Plan assessment allows our candidates to demonstrate their understanding of:
*Establishing a lesson framework;
*Designing a supportive learning environment;
*Incorporating Instructional strategies; and,
*Implementing Evaluation strategies.
Passing Percentage On Methods Block Lesson Plans  
85% of candidates during the 2011-2012 academic year will demonstrate mastery of the Methods Block Lesson Plan. The lesson plan format is in place and ready to use.

The Methods Block Lesson Plans will be appropriate format to measure a variety of learning outcomes. The content of the items in this assessment relate directly to the planning, implementation, and assessment of instruction that teachers encounter when teaching.

Using the Findings from 10-11, instructors will focus instruction more specifically on the requirements for the quality completion of the four parts of the Lesson Plan: Establishing the Lesson Framework, Designing Supportive Learning Environments, Instructional Strategies, and Evaluation Strategies. In addition, more emphasis will be placed on the instruction for Evaluation Strategies, the lowest performing part of the Lesson Plan. This will be monitored regularly throughout the school year.

Desired Competence Was Accomplished  
Candidates in the EC-6 program demonstrated mastery of the ability to plan an effective lesson with 98.4% of candidates meeting the standard of a score of 2 or 3.  The overall improvement was also demonstrated in the Evaluation Strategies portion of the lesson plan.
Actions for Objective:

Terminology Change In Lesson Plan  
Since 98.4% of candidates demonstrated mastery on this assessment, the faculty would like to focus on improving modifications in instruction.  Our candidates must be able to demonstrate planning, implementing instruction, assessing instruction and modifying instruction for all learners.  The area of modification of instruction for all learners is where the faculty want to focus in the future.  The goal of “Candidates will be able to plan an effective lesson” will be replaced because this goal has been met.

GOAL: Mastery Of State Mandated Standards

Demonstration Of Mastery - State Mandated Standards
The Candidate will demonstrate mastery of state mandated standards.

TExES Certification Examinations  
Candidates seeking initial certification, advanced teacher certification, or certifications for other school personnel must take one or more of the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES). These examinations directly correspond to the state content competencies that have been identified for the certification desired. These content competencies are aligned with and based on the appropriate state standards the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) statements, which describe the state mandated curriculum for students.

Each TExES examination is criterion-referenced and is designed to measure a candidate's level of content knowledge and skills appropriate for educators in the State of Texas. Each test was collaboratively developed by the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES), an independent corporation specializing in educational measurements, with additional participation by committees of Texas educators. Individual test items developed to measure the state competencies were reviewed and rated by the various committees of Texas educators to ensure appropriateness of content and difficulty, clarity, and accuracy. These committees also ensured that the test items matched the appropriate competencies and were free from potential ethnicity, gender, and regional biases. The committees also helped prepare scoring rubrics for written response items and training materials for those who would score the tests.

Separate standard-setting panels were convened to review statistical data about candidate scores from initial pilot studies of the tests during their development. Recommendations were forwarded to the SBEC, which made the final decisions about establishing passing scores. TExES examinations are centrally administered by SBEC and NES at pre-determined sites and on pre-established dates across Texas similar to many of the national achievement tests. This regime provides for a professional, equitable, and secure testing environment for candidates. Alternative testing arrangements are also permitted for those requiring special consideration. Sites are selected after a careful review of security and accessibility potential, and the quality of overall testing conditions. Tests are scored centrally.

90% Pass Rate For Pedagogy And Professional Responsibilities (PPR)  
Our goal is that at least 90% of preservice teachers will pass the TExES at the state-determined score.
Successful Scores On First Attempt  
Candidates have several opportunities to take the PPR if they are not successful the first time.  However, in the EC-6 Program, 96% of all candidates were successful on the certification exam on their first attempt.

Actions for Objective:

Changes In Preparation  
The state of Texas has changed the requirement for all candidates seeking certification.  From this year on, all candidates will take the EC-12 PPR instead of the usual EC-6 PPR.  Additionally, the technology application standards and the English Language Proficiency standards have been added to the PPR.  Faculty will work this next year to infuse the technology and ELPS into instruction.

Closing the Loop

During the 2011-2012 academic year, the Interdisciplinary Studies (EC-6) program was very successful.  Our goal of “Candidates will be able to plan an effective lesson was met at the 98.4% level.  Not all students were successful but after reviewing all data in the program, the faculty feels the area of modification of learning for all students should be a key focus during the 2012-2013 year.   For this reason, the main goal for 2012-2013 will be “Candidates will be able to plan, implement, assess and modify effective instruction.  This will give the faculty an overall, and actually, a more complete picture of how the candidates impact the learning of EC-6 students.

Faculty will work this next year to infuse the technology and ELPS into instruction which have been added to the TExES PPR.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111