Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Psychology BS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Core Concepts In Psychology

Students Demonstrate Broad Knowledge Base
Students who complete the Bachelor of Science Program in Psychology will demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in the various sub-disciplines of Psychology.

PSY 131 Exit Examination  
Students' knowledge of the diverse areas within the field of psychology will be assessed using a common comprehensive final exam in PSY 131 - Introductory to Psychology
70% Of Students Will Pass Specific Areas Of Exit Exam  
Criterion for success is to have 70% of the students respond correctly (70%) in the following areas: Research; Theory; Social.
Communication Of Scientific Findings  
During the 2011-2012 academic year, results of the embedded items from the common final exam in Introductory Psychology are as follows:
1. Research Portion: 418 (73%) passed, 154 (27%) failed;
2. Theory Portion: 341(60%) passed, 231 (40%) failed;
3. Social Section: 328 (57%) passed, 244 (43%) failed.

These results show that criterion was reached for the Research Portion. Criterion was not reached for the Theory and the Social Portions of the indicator.

Actions for Objective:

Broad-based Knowledge  
In the academic year, 2010-2011, we instituted a variety of changes in the Introductory Psychology course. The most drastic was having student use an an electronic platform that required work outside the classroom. This actually did work for two of the three components we measured. In assessing the viability of using the program, we found that a significant number of students dropped the course due to the extra workload required by the format. In response, during the spring semester, we pared back the amount of on-line requirements for the course and far fewer students have dropped the course.

During the academic year 2011-12, we pared back even further on the on-line portion of the course. This apparently was an error in judgment as the current students only met one of the three criteria, Research, and we fell short of our goal on both Theory and Social. Therefore, on the advice of the former Coordinator of the Introductory Psychology sections, we are reinstituting at least a portion of the on-line experience of the course, i.e., LearnSmart. It will take a little more time for both the instructors and the students but we believe that the added benefits will be well worth the extra cost. 

Over the next few months, we will examine the questions used for that portion of the final, consult with individuals whose expertise is in that area, and give the TAs guidance in how to better present the materials we are measuring.

In addition, TAs will be required to attend the CHSS teaching conference in August, to meet bi-weekly with the Introductory Psychology coordinator, and will be referred to the Professional & Academic Center for Excellence (PACE) center if unexpected problems arise.

GOAL: Generate, Apply And Communicate Scientific Findings

Generate, Design, Apply And Communicate Scientific Knowledge
Students who complete the Bachelor of Science Program in Psychology will be able to generate, design and apply the results of scientific investigations and communicate their implications.

Common Final Exam In PSY 317 (Statistics Lab)  
The ability of students to conduct and understand research as well as apply and communicate results is assessed by means of a common faculty-developed instrument which is a portion of the final exam for Psychology 317 (Statistics Lab). The instrument requires students to: 1) choose research designs, compute statistics, and interpret outcomes. (Objectives 1 and 2); and interpreting results of scientific data, making decisions using the results based upon statistical probabilities, and making recommendations for follow-up work, either in the scientific or social environment. (Objectives 3 and 4). We're basically asking what do these data mean and why are they important?
1. Minimum 25 Points - Objectives 1 And 2  
80% of psychology majors will receive a score that is deemed "acceptable" (25 or higher) according to faculty-developed departmental rubric. To perform at an acceptable level in "Generating Scientific Knowledge," the student must have a minimum mean of 25 points on Criteria 1 and Criteria 2.

Generate Scientific Findings  
Criterion for the ability to generate scientific knowledge: At least 80% of psychology will receive a score that is at least acceptable (25 or higher) according to the departmental rubric, which was developed by a faculty committee.

Embedded assessment of the sample of the PSYC 3101 (Statistics Lab) according to the departmental rubric indicated 75% of the sample reached at least acceptable levels of the ability to generate scientific knowledge.
2. Minimum 25 Points - Objectives 3 And 4  
80% of psychology majors will receive a score that is at least acceptable (25 or above), according to departmental rubric. To perform at an acceptable level in "Communicating Scientific Knowledge," the student must have a minimum mean of 25 points on Criteria 3 and Criteria 4. A copy of the score sheet for the rubric is attached to the "Indicator" portion of this objective.  Although in 2010-2011, we made the 80% handily, we did not reach the goal both semesters the previous year. If we are able to sustain the higher level again this year, we will raise the standard next year.
Apply And Communicate Scientific Findings  
Criterion for this indicator was for 80% of the students to perform as an acceptable level.

Based upon the embedded assessment of the PSYC 3101 final exam according to the departmental rubric, 88% of the sample attained at least adequate mastery of the ability to apply and communicate scientific knowledge.

Actions for Objective:

Generate, Apply And Communicate Scientific Knowledge  
Criterion on communicating scientific findings was met. Changes instituted in the statistics courses over the past year appear to have worked well, as the percent meeting criterion rose over the previous academic year. The Department and the faculty members involved in the statistics and research methods courses will be consulted to determine if the criterion of 80% is perhaps too low and should be increased to perhaps 85% or 90%.

Criterion was not met with respect to Generating Scientific Knowledge. The instructor(s) in the course will increase the class activity to include more analysis of research articles, working on identifying appropriate statistical analyses, generating null and alternative hypotheses, and setting criteria for interpretation. Instructors in the course believe that this will help refine the students’ skills in critically analyzing and interpreting scientific data. In addition, members of the department teaching content area courses, e.g., physiological, psychopharmacology, social, developmental, will be asked to stress the research/scientific aspects of their courses.

Closing the Loop

With respect to broad-based knowledge, the research portion was fine but we need to increase the appreciation for the theoretical and social bases for the materials that are presented in our classes and especially in the introductory classes. The Chair will meet with the Director of the PACE Center and will meet with the TAs to discuss how TAs can better present the connection between theory and methodology and how the latter really is dependent upon the former. We also will strive to ensure that students appreciate that what they are learning in class has real value outside of the classroom and that they can, in fact, use the materials to which they have been exposed and learned are important in everyday decision making. If they can do this, then their perception of the value of their education should increase dramatically. One way of doing this is through "active learning" and even perhaps out of class assignments for the students to use what they are learning in class.

With respect to the Statistics Lab results, a greater emphasis will be put into factors involved in generating scientific knowledge. Steps to be taken include student analysis of original research articles, identification of the null and alternative hypotheses, analyzing and interpreting data, etc.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111