
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
General Business Administration BBA

1 Goals     3 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Capable Communicators And Decision Makers

Objective Decision-Making Competency
The student will use analytical and problem solving skills to make business decisions.
Associated Goals: Capable Communicators And Decision Makers

Indicator Business Decision Making  
General Business degree candidates will take the Texas Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills test in the required BAN232 class and again in the required MGT475 class.
Criteria Analytical Evaluation
The mean score on the TACTS critical thinking instrument for students in the senior level class will be statistically higher than the mean score for the student in the sophomore level class.
Finding Critical Thinking Skills
In the fall semester, 70 students (38 in the BAN232 class and 32 in the MGT475 class) were given the TACTS critical thinking instrument. The lower level students scored an average correct of 11.6 while the upperclassmen scored an average of 13.9. The mean scores are statistically different and consistent with previous years scores.
Actions for Objective:

Action Critical Thinking Skills
The TACTS critical thinking instrument will continue to be administered to students in both sophomore and senior level business core classes. The instrument continues to be evaluated in an effort to improve its reliability and validity.

GOAL: Capable Communicators And Decision Makers

Objective Speaking Competency
Students will be able to speak effectively before a group by connecting with the audience and organizing and presenting the topic accordingly.
Associated Goals: Capable Communicators And Decision Makers

Indicator Oral Presentation  
Students will give an oral presentation during the required GBA 389 course.
Criteria Oral Rubric  
At least 80% of sampled students must meet expectations on the oral presentation rubrics.
Finding Oral communication skills
Of the students in the sample, 98% met or exceeded expectations.
Actions for Objective:

Action Oral communication competency
Continue to monitor effectiveness of rubric and revise when indicated.

GOAL: Capable Communicators And Decision Makers

Objective Writing Competency
Students will be able to compose effective business messages using accepted standards of English grammar and punctuation, sentence structure and paragraph design.
Associated Goals: Capable Communicators And Decision Makers

Indicator Written Communication  
General Business degree candidates will respond in writing to a series of business scenarios during the required GBA 389 coursework.
Criteria Writing Assessment
At least 80% of sampled students must meet expectations on the business communication rubrics.
Finding Written Business Communication Capability
Of the students in the selected sample, 94% met or exceeded the standards.
Indicator Written Report  
Students will research a business topic and will write a well-developed, well-organized, and appropriately documented report during the required GBA 389 course.
Criteria Report Rubric  
At least 80% of sampled students must meet expectations on the report evaluation rubrics.
Finding Business Report Writing
Of the students in the sample, 62% met or exceeded expectations.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Communications Written Report
The assessment instrument proved to be unwieldy and too time intensive in the evaluation process. The instrument will be revised and will be administered during the 2008-2009 academic year.
Action Written communications skills
The assessment instrument proved to be unwieldy and too time intensive in the evaluation process. The instrument will be revised and will be administered during the 2008-2009 academic year.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111