SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Cash & Check Transactions | |
Reduce the number of cash and check transactions on campus. Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs |
Indicator | HigherOne Monthly Disbursement Preferences Report The HigherOne Monthly Disbursement Preferences Report is used to determine the number of paper checks that were processed the prior month for refund disbursements. |
Criteria | Decrease by 3% Decrease the number of partcipants receiving paper checks, as their preferred disbursement preference, by 3% each fiscal year. |
Finding | Checkless Reimbursement Process Completed The Student User Preferences for paper check disbursements decreased from 11% in the 2006-07 fiscal year to 3% in the 2008-08 fiscal year. However, the disbursements by methods remained at 9% of disbursees for checks. |
Action | Paperless Disbursement Process Completed With the changes to the Department of Education rules on disbursements, the Bearkat OneCard Services office has worked with HigherOne, our processing agent, to eliminate the check option for refund disbursements. As of June 1, 2008, all new students will only have the option of having an electronic method for disbursements. However a percentage of our students are grandfathered into the check option and will continue to receive a paper check until they graduate or change preferences. The goal of the OneCard Office is to go completely paperless and will therefore work with students to convert them to an electronic option with the hopes of being all electronic, with the exemption of students with special circumstances, within the next four years. |
Objective | Declining Balance Program | |
Develop and implement a new declining balance account for convenience purchases on campus Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs |
Indicator | Student Service Fee 2008-09 Funding Request Receipt of approval for funding from 2008-09 Student Service Fee Committee |
Criteria | Research & Secure Funding Research and secure funding from campus departments, Student Service Fee Committee, and/or any other applicable grants that might approve funding for this type of expenditure |
Finding | Declining Balance Program Put on Hold Due to the workload and a prioritization of work orders currently in progress,the Department of Computer Services indicated that they would not be able to provide the man hours or programming necessary to create the DBA system at this time. Therefore, the BKO Advisory Committee recommended that we not proceed with a funding request until the basic operational system can be developed. Therefore the OneCard Office and the OneCard Advisory Committee are working with Computer Services to determine an ETA of when the DBA could be developed. |
Action | DBA Operating System Creation Prior to seeking funding for the DBA account, the OneCard Services Office will continue to work with the VPSS, Computer Services, and the Advisory Committee to develop a timeline for creating the DBA operating system. Once this timeline is created and Computer Services begins production, funding initiatives will be sought. |
Objective | Incoming Freshman Campaign | |
Utilize marketing campaign to communicate with all incoming freshman on how to obtain a Bearkat OneCard and why it is important and necessary to have one. Associated Goals: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan |
Criteria | Freshman with Active ID Cards The criteria of this objective is to have 85% of all incoming freshman with active Bearkat OneCards as of 8/25/08. |
Finding | Freshman ID Campaign Completed 2469 students registered for summer orientation. Of those attending Orientation, 2308 of the 2469 students are currently enrolled students at SHSU. 2128 of the 2308 students have active Bearkat OneCards. This finding results in an 92.5% activation rate. |
Action | Freshman ID Campaign The 2007-08 Freshman ID Campaign was successful in reaching 92.5% of our incoming freshmen. Therefore we will maintain this as a goal for the 2008-09 fiscal year. In addition, we will continue to seek other methods of marketing and outreach to card our traditional incoming freshman as well as our non-traditional student popoulation who are not normally on campus. |
Objective | OneCard Semester Orientation Schedule | |
Continue to work with the University Center, SHSU Graduate School, and various colleges and departments to schedule education programs, orientations, and venues for which their students can obtain a Bearkat OneCard. Associated Goals: Goal 2 -Programming & Education |
Indicator | Bearkat OneCard Departmental ID Card Orientation Checklist Bearkat OneCard Departmental ID Card Orientation Schedule/Semester Calendar |
Criteria | Minimum Number of Departmental Sessions • Participate in a minimum of (1) Graduate School Orientation each Year • Travel to the University Center a minimum of once a month for ID card processing • Contact each department on the Bearkat OneCard Departmental ID Card Orientation Checklist each semester to schedule an orientation time |
Finding | OneCard Orientation Schedule Completed The Bearkat OneCard Services Department (BKO)participated in the Graduate Student Orientation on 8/21/08 and issued 54 student cards. The BKO office also participated in (8) Passport to Sam programs from 6/5/08 to 7/31/08. The BKO office participated in the UC Registration program on 8/7/08. The BKO office made (4)site visits to the UC to make ID cards and answer questions for SHSU UC student''s. Dates and times were arranged with the UC to ensure that class days (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc) were alternated to reach the largest number of students. The BKO Office opened the office for weekend hours on Saturday 8/23, Sunday 8/24, & Saturday, 8/30. The BKO office also contacted and made appointments to provide programs for each of the departmental representatives including CJ Master of Science cohort, Dietetic Interns, Residence Life RA''s, Student Activities for Sorority Recruitment, Band, Athletics for Football, Volleyball, & Soccer, MBA (Chair of Banking) program, Educational Leadership & Counseling,and International Student Orientation. |
Action | OneCard Orientation Schedule Due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment,we will continue to work with existing departmental representatives and program coordinators, as well as reach out to new areas, to schedule dates and times that are convenient for cohorts to conduct BKO Orientation programs for the 2008-09 fiscal year. |
Objective | OneReward Program | |
Continue to build the OneAccount Rewards program along the I-45 corridor. Associated Goals: Goal 2 -Programming & Education |
Indicator | Higher One OneSupport Progess Report Each quarter a request is made to Higher One OneSupport Administrators to request a quarterly update/progress report for the Division of Student Services Performance indicators. Included in this report is the request and status for participating OneRewards merchants. This report includes the number of participating merchants in our local area. |
Criteria | OneRewards Merchants Increase the number of participating OneReward merchants. |
Finding | One Rewards Merchants Completed As of the end of the fiscal year, as reported by Higher One, the OneRewards program for SHSU has 18 participants. |
Action | One Rewards Merchants The expectations of the Higher One OneRewards program have not been met by our contracted partner on this program. As a result, the Director of the Bearkat OneCard program has asked HigherOne to form an advisory panel (or utilize an existng committee if applicable)to conduct a business analysis of this program and make recommendations for change. The BKO Office will continue to monitor the status of the Higher One committee for this program and make recommendations as to the program on our own campus as applicable. |
Objective | Participation & Appointments | |
Monitor participation and appointments on committees, boards, focus groups, and task forces to ensure a representative participation. Associated Goals: Goal 2a - Inclusive Representation |
Indicator | Committee Appointment Log Bearkat OneCard Services Committee Appointment Log contains information that includes name of appointee, title, date appointed, and expiration of term. |
Criteria | Student Representative Have a minimum of (1) student representative on each committee the Bearkat OneCard Office is responsible for. |
Finding | Appointed Student Members Completed Objective: Appointed (3) student representatives to the Bearkat OneCard Advisory Council in October 2006 for one year terms. |
Indicator | Committee Appointment Log Bearkat OneCard Services Committee Appointment Log contains information that includes name of appointee, title, date appointed, and expiration of term. |
Criteria | Student Representative Have a minimum of (1) student representative on each committee the Bearkat OneCard Office is responsible for. |
Finding | Appointment of Student Comm. Members Completed Completed Objective: Appointed (3) student representatives to the Bearkat OneCard Advisory Council in September 1, 2008 for one year terms. |
Action | Maintain & Update Appointments Maintain and update the Bearkat OneCard Advisory Appointments for 2008-09 as needed. |
Objective | Increase Event Tracking User Satisfaction | |
Increase departmental satisfaction of OneCard Event Tracking program and reports Associated Goals: Goal 3 - Effectiveness Of Programs, Services, And Operations |
Indicator | Determine User Satisfaction ![]() ![]() ![]() Conduct user survey to determine satisfaction with OneCard Event Tracking program and reports |
Criteria | Percentage of Satisfaction with OneCard Event Tracking Program 80% of participants will indicate satisfaction with programs |
Finding | Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey Completed The Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey was completed by (8) respondents. 87.50% of respondents indicated that Event Tracking was moderately to very easy to use. 100% indicated that the overall even tracking request process was moderately to very easy to use. 100% indicated that the reporting data from the Event Tracking program was easy to understand. 100% indicated that the equipment was easy to use. 100% indicated that the BKO''s staff was able to assist with questions or concerns regarding the Event Tracking program. 100% indicated that the were very satisfied with the quality of service they received from the BKO Office staff on the Event Tracking program. |
Action | Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey Due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment, the Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey will remain in place for the 2008-09 fiscal year. |
Objective | Increase Student Satisfaction | |
Increase student satisfaction of OneCard program and services Associated Goals: Goal 3 - Effectiveness Of Programs, Services, And Operations |
Indicator | Determine Student Satisfaction ![]() Conduct student survey to determine satisfaction with OneCard program |
Criteria | Percentage of Satisfaction with OneCard Program 80% of participants wi11 indicate satisfaction with programs. |
Finding | Student Satisfaction Survey Completed There were 619 respondents to the Bearkat OneCard Custmer Service Survey. 75.44% of respondents indicated that they went to the BKO Office for an ID card. 91.56% of respondents indicated that they were Satisfied with the quality of service they received from the BKO Office. 96.11% of respondents indicated the BKO staff was courteous and friendly. 52.03% of respondents indicated the quality of the BKO program is excellent & 34.47% indicated above average. |
Action | Student Satisfaction Survey Though our expectations were exceeded in this area for the 07-08 fiscal year, due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients, staff training will continue in the area of customer service and assessment will continue in this area for fiscal year 2008-09 in order to continue to monitor our customer satisfaction levels. |
Objective | Money Management Programs | |
Develop a money management educational program where students can obtain counseling on matters related to personal finance, budgeting, retirement savings, identity theft assistance, and other personal financial matters. Associated Goals: Goal 4 - Money Management |
Indicator | Student Services Calendar Of Events Money Management Program dates posted on the Division of Student Services Calendar of Events on the SHSU website |
Criteria | Minimum of (2) co-sponsored events ![]() Sponsor or co-sponsor a minimum of (2) financial workshops, seminars, or guest speakers each semester. |
Finding | Money Management Programs Held The Bearkat OneCard Services co-sponsored Funny Money & the Ultimate Money Skills programs with Student Activities and First Year Experience in 2007-08. In addition, the Director of OneCard Services presented a 45 minute presentation on the importance of financial literacy to parents and students during the (8) Orientation sessions held during the summer 2008. The Director of Bearkat OneCard Services also presented as a guest lecturer to academic courses on campus during the Fall 2007 & Spring 2008 semesters. |
Action | Continue Money Management Programming Though the objectives for this fiscal year were exceeded for this objective, due to the success of the events and the interest among students Bearkat OneCard Services will continue money management educational programming for the 2008-09 fiscal year. However this objective will be under the new Student Money Management Center and will be a collaborative effort between the two departments. |
Objective | Student Financial Money Management Center | |
Submit funding request to Vice President for Student Services, President of SHSU, and the TSUS Board of Regents for the approval of the development of a Student Financial Management Center where students can obtain counseling on matters related to personal finance, budgeting, retirement savings, identity theft assistance, and other personal financial matters. Associated Goals: Goal 4 - Money Management |
Criteria | Student Dedicated Fee Approval by the TSUS Board of Regents for a student dedicated fee to fund the Bearkat OneCard Services Office and the Student Financial Money Management Center for $10-$15.00 per semester. |
Finding | Dedicated Fee Approved for Fiscal Yr 2009 The TSUS Board of Regents approved the motion in November 2007 for the Bearkat OneCard Services Office to receive $12.00 per semester per student in dedicated fees to support the OneCard Office Operations and the creation of a new Student Money Management Center. A temporary office location has been secured for the Fall 2008 and a full-time position has been approved and is posted on the HR website. |
Action | Student Money Management Center Office Development Now that funding has been secured for the SMMC, the goals for the 2008-09 year will include, but not be limited to, hiring personnel, developing policies and procedures for the center, and joining professional organizations and associations in this field. |
Objective | Conference Attendance | |
In an effort to share ideas and information to improve current programs and services and collaborate on new and innovative programs available to students, all professional staff members will attend a minimum of (1) local, regional, board sponsored, state wide conferences, or professional development meeting, during the year
Associated Goals: Goal 5 - Increase Communication & Networking |
Indicator | Conference Registration & Staff Report We will use the conference/workshop registration along with the staff report following the staff members return from the conference. Both indicators will be documented in departmental minutes and reported in the VPSS monthly report. |
Finding | Conference Attendance Completed All professional staff members attended a professional conference,staff development training, or workshop for staff development purposes this fiscal year. Therefore this objective was completed for the fiscal year 2007-08. Kristy Vienne attended and presented presentations at the Higher One Users Conference in September 2007, NACCU National Conference in April 2008, & TACUSPA Conference in November 2007. Kari Zella attended and presented at the HigherOne Users conference in September 2007. Vivian Carlson attended a Skill Path leadership development conference on May 22, 2008. |
Action | Continuation of Conference Attendance Because of the importance of professional conferences and presentations to understanding the current trends in our respective fields, this objective will remain in place for the 2008-09 fiscal year. |
Objective | Staff Development Programming | |
In an effort to share ideas and information to improve current programs and services and collaborate on new and innovative programs available to students, the Bearkat OneCard Office will sponsor a minimum of (1) professional development meeting each semester on a topic of interest of staff members, a timely issue in Student Services, or a campus wide issue of concern. Associated Goals: Goal 5 - Increase Communication & Networking |
Indicator | Staff Development Evaluation Form Staff Development Evaluation/Focus Group Summary of Findings |
Criteria | Professional staff to attend training Have all professional staff members in Bearkat OneCard Office attend each of the professional development meetings sponsored by the office each semester. If a staff member is unable to attend a professional development meeting an alternative program should be attended by the staff member. |
Finding | Staff Development Completed The OneCard Office offered training to all employees in CPR (April 2007) and Crisis Training (February 2008). |
Action | Continue Professional Development Programs Because of the importance of staff development and life long learning, this objective will remain in place for the 2008-09 fiscal year. |
Objective | Train Staff & Student Workers | |
To train Bearkat One Card office staff and student employees to be responsive to clientele. Associated Goals: Goal 5a - Customer Service Oriented Staff |
Indicator | Professional Staff Meetings Input and minutes from the weekly Bearkat OneCard Professional staff meeting notes |
Criteria | Professional Staff meetings Conduct a minimum of (1) weekly professional staff meeting. |
Finding | Completed Professional Staff Meetings FY 2008 The criterion for both the professional staff members and the students staff members of (1) weekly and (1) montly meeting held, respectively, for this objective was completed for fiscal year 2007-08. |
Indicator | Student Staff Meetings Monthly Student Staff Meeting agenda and minutes |
Criteria | Student Staff Meetings Conduct a minimum of (1) monthly student staff meetings. |
Finding | Completed Student Staff Meetings 2007-08 The criterion for both the professional staff members and the students staff members of (1) weekly and (1) monthly meeting held, respectively, for this objective was completed for fiscal year 2007-08. |
Action | Responsive to Clientele through Training Due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment, staff training and staff meetings will remain in place for the 2008-09 fiscal year. |