SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Addition Of An Assistant Director Of Career Services Position To Staff | |
Career Services will hire an Assistant Director of Career Services who will be responsible for employer relations, job/internship development and enhancement of the part-time student employment opportunities both on-campus and off-campus. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Staff Hiring, Retention,Training And Development |
Indicator | Selection Of An Assistant Director Candidate Selection of a candidate for the Assistant Director of Career Services position posted with SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Criteria | Assistant Director of Career Services Hired Candidate chosen in the interview process is approved for hire by the SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Finding | Addition of Assistant Director Position Tabled Due to lack of funding, the addition of an Assistant Director of Career Services was tabled for 2008. |
Action | Request for Addition of Assistant Director The Director of Career Services will continue to request funding to hire an Assistant Director in the year ahead. |
Objective | Career Services Advisory Committe Activity | |
The Career Services Advisory Committee consisting of faculty representing each of the five academic colleges will continue to evolve and become increasingly more active. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development |
Indicator | Regular Meetings Of The Career Services Advisory Committee ![]() ![]() Advisory Committee meets at least once each semester. |
Criteria | Career Services Advisory Committee Members Meet Each Semester The Career Services Advisory Committee will meet at least once each semester during the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | Active Career Services Advisory Committee The Career Services Advisory Committee was active each semester as planned. The Career Services Director met with each committee member separately in Fall 07 to discuss their needs and then hosted a Advisory Committee Luncheon and Meeting on January 30, 2008. |
Action | Career Services Advisory Committee Action The Committee will continue to meet at least once each semester. |
Objective | Early Major/Career Choice Identification | |
Career Services will provide support to enable students to identify a major/career path their first academic year. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Collaboration With First Year Experience And New Student Orientation Programs Collaboration with First Year Experience, New Student Orientation and the SAM Center to initiate programs to encourage early identification of major and/or career path choice. |
Criteria | Evidence of Collaboration Program, event and/or service initiated during the 2007-2008 academic year through collaboration with First Year Experience and/or the New Student Orientation Program. |
Finding | "Ultimate Road Trip" Sponsored Career Services collaborated with the First Year Experience (FYE) program and Student Activities on August 29, 2007 to sponsor two presentations of "The Ultimate Road Trip" for incoming freshmen. Program is designed to promote their academic and career success and is produced by Over 30 students attended. |
Finding | Career Assessments Offered Sam 136 Classes Career Assessments were administered and interpreted for Sam 136 classes whose instructors chose to include this in the career-exploration segment of their syllabus. |
Finding | New Student Orientation Program Ongoing Career Services presented a PowerPoint program on "Choosing a Major that Fits" for each of the 5 sessions at the 8 Orientations held Summer 08. At the time of this reporting, 2,604 students and parents had attended. |
Action | Early Major/Career Choice Identification Action Career Services will continue to collaborate with the New Student Orientation, the First Year Experience Program, and the Sam Center to support early major/career choice among our first year students by providing and enhancing programs and services addressing this concern. |
Objective | Enhanced Employer Services | |
Career Services will increase employer participation and measure satisfaction in recruitment activities. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development |
Indicator | Employer Evaluations And On-Campus Recruiting Activities Reports Evaluations are distributed to employers at the conclusion of the job fairs and their on-campus interview schedules. Staff reports also include statistics measuring employer participation in these recruiting events and programs. |
Criteria | Employer Overall Rating of Job Fair The majority of employers will indicate either a "5" (Excellent) or "4" (Good) response in their overall rating of the Job Fair as surveyed in the Employer Evaluation distributed at the conclusion of each event. |
Finding | Employer Overall Ratings of Job Fairs Positive Percentage of Employer Evaluations indicating a rating of either "Excellent" or "Good": Career Expo - 71%, Fall Teacher Job Fair - 100%, Summer Camp & Job Fair - 80%, Spring Teacher Job Fair - 98%. |
Criteria | Employers Degree of Satisfaction with Services Coordinated by Department The majority of employers returning evaluations following on-campus recruiting visits will indicate that they found our services to be "Above Average" or "Excellent". |
Finding | Employers Satisfied with OCI 96% of Employers rated our On-Campus Interview services (OCI) as either "Excellent" or "Good" for the Fall 2007 recruiting season. 100 % of Employers rated our On-Campus Interview services (OCI) as either "Excellent" or "Good" for the Spring 2008 recruiting season. |
Criteria | Increased Employer Participation in Recruiting Activities Staff reports will indicate an increase in employer participation in Job Fairs, On-Campus Interviews, in Resume Referral Requests, and in Job Postings from the previous academic year. |
Finding | Recruitment Activities Increase Employer participation in Job Fairs, job postings, and on-campus interviews increased by 3%. (Resume referrals not included because approved employers now have access to Resume Books in Jobs 4 Kats and no longer need to request a referral from staff.) |
Indicator | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added To Jobs 4 Kats Through collaboration with SHSU Financial Aid Office, Career Services Jobs 4 Kats online job postings will include Work-Study positions. |
Criteria | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added to Jobs 4 Kats Students eligible for Work-Study positions will be able to locate those positions online through Jobs 4 Kats in the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | Work-Study Jobs Posted After hosting training sessions for Financial Aid staff, employing departments and Work-Study students in November 2007, the first jobs were posted in Spring 2008. Over 191 Work-Study jobs were posted as of 6/30/08. |
Action | Employer Services Action We will continue our employer services offered, but in response to employer evaluations, will do more to promote the Career Expo to the College of Business to increase student attendance and will revamp the Summer Camp & Job Fair to only include Summer Camps and not businesses. |
Objective | Enhanced Student/Alumni Services | |
Career Services will increase student and alumni participation and measure satisfaction in its programs and services. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development |
Indicator | Student Evaluations And Staff Reports Evaluations are collected from students at the conclusion of job fairs they attended. Staff reports also include statistics measuring student participation in Career Services events and programs. |
Criteria | Helpfulness of the Job Fair in Meeting Employer Representatives for Employment Opportunities The majority of students completing evaluations following Job Fairs will answer "Yes" to Question #2 which asks "Was the [Name of Event] Job Fair helpful to you in meeting employer representatives for employment opportunities?" |
Finding | Student Ratings of Job Fairs Positive Student evaluations indicated that the majority of attendees found the Job Fairs helpful in meeting employers for employment opportunities: Career Expo - 91% satisfaction rate; Fall Teacher Job Fair - 98%; Summer Camp and Job Fair - 84% and Spring Teacher Job Fair -98% satisfaction rate. |
Criteria | Increased Student Participation Staff reports will indicate an increase in student participation in Career Services programs compared to participation in those same programs occuring in the previous academic year. |
Finding | Increased Student Participation Counseling appointments, assessments administered, presentation attendance, Career Library visits, on-campus interviews, Jobs 4 Kats student accounts and Job Fair attendance indicates a 27% increase in student participation from the prior year. |
Indicator | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added To Jobs 4 Kats Through collaboration with SHSU Financial Aid Office, Career Services Jobs 4 Kats online job postings will include Work-Study positions. |
Criteria | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added to Jobs 4 Kats Students eligible for Work-Study positions will be able to locate those positions online through Jobs 4 Kats in the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | Work-Study Jobs Posted After hosting training sessions for Financial Aid staff, employing departments and Work-Study students in November 2007, the first jobs were posted in Spring 2008. Over 191 Work-Study jobs were posted as of 6/30/08. |
Action | Student/Alumni Services Action We will continue to develop programming designed to enhance our student/alumni services. We also will explore the possibility of providing some "niche" Job Fairs, specifically: An Agricultural & Industrial Technology Fair, a Criminal Justice Fair, Graduate School Fair, a Majors Fair and a Student Employment Fair. This would require additional staff to accomplish producing all these events. |
Objective | Increase Awareness Of Career Services On Campus Through The Addition Or Enhancement Of Programs. | |
Career Services will add or enhance programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Public Relations And Marketing |
Indicator | Scheduling And Promotion Of New Programs And Events New and/or enhanced events and programs planned during the 2007-2008 academic year designed to increase awareness of Career Services on Campus. |
Criteria | New Programs and Events Implemented Planned new programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus are actually implemented during the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | "Resume Rescue" Booth Added to Spring Schedule Career Services added another opportunity for students to have their resume critiqued in the convenient location of the LSC mall area by setting up a booth staffed by career advisors on 02/07/2008. Despite inclimate weather, 20 resumes were critiqued. |
Finding | Etiquette Dinner Initiated Career Services hired Diane Gottsman of The Protocol School of Texas to facilitate our first major production of an Etiquette Dinner for juniors and seniors on 04/03/08. 94 students attended the event in the LSC Ballroom. |
Finding | Summer Promotional Booths Career Services set up promotional booths in the LSC Mall Area during the Summer Terms for the first time to promote Career Services to summer school students. Popsicles were handed out and information dispensed to 105 students the first summer term. Another is planned the latter part of Summer II. |
Indicator | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added To Jobs 4 Kats Through collaboration with SHSU Financial Aid Office, Career Services Jobs 4 Kats online job postings will include Work-Study positions. |
Criteria | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added to Jobs 4 Kats Students eligible for Work-Study positions will be able to locate those positions online through Jobs 4 Kats in the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | Work-Study Jobs Posted After hosting training sessions for Financial Aid staff, employing departments and Work-Study students in November 2007, the first jobs were posted in Spring 2008. Over 191 Work-Study jobs were posted as of 6/30/08. |
Action | Promotion of Career Services on Campus SHSU will continue to add or enhance programs to increase awareness of our resources on campus. |
Objective | Increase Awareness Of Career Services On Campus Through The Addition Or Enhancement Of Programs. | |
Career Services will add or enhance programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Public Relations And Marketing |
Indicator | Scheduling And Promotion Of New Programs And Events New and/or enhanced events and programs planned during the 2007-2008 academic year designed to increase awareness of Career Services on Campus. |
Criteria | New Programs and Events Implemented Planned new programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus are actually implemented during the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | "Resume Rescue" Booth Added to Spring Schedule Career Services added another opportunity for students to have their resume critiqued in the convenient location of the LSC mall area by setting up a booth staffed by career advisors on 02/07/2008. Despite inclimate weather, 20 resumes were critiqued. |
Finding | Etiquette Dinner Initiated Career Services hired Diane Gottsman of The Protocol School of Texas to facilitate our first major production of an Etiquette Dinner for juniors and seniors on 04/03/08. 94 students attended the event in the LSC Ballroom. |
Finding | Summer Promotional Booths Career Services set up promotional booths in the LSC Mall Area during the Summer Terms for the first time to promote Career Services to summer school students. Popsicles were handed out and information dispensed to 105 students the first summer term. Another is planned the latter part of Summer II. |
Indicator | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added To Jobs 4 Kats Through collaboration with SHSU Financial Aid Office, Career Services Jobs 4 Kats online job postings will include Work-Study positions. |
Criteria | Work-Study Positions Will Be Added to Jobs 4 Kats Students eligible for Work-Study positions will be able to locate those positions online through Jobs 4 Kats in the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | Work-Study Jobs Posted After hosting training sessions for Financial Aid staff, employing departments and Work-Study students in November 2007, the first jobs were posted in Spring 2008. Over 191 Work-Study jobs were posted as of 6/30/08. |
Action | Promotion of Career Services on Campus SHSU will continue to add or enhance programs to increase awareness of our resources on campus. |
Objective | Addition Of An Assistant Director Of Career Services Position To Staff | |
Career Services will hire an Assistant Director of Career Services who will be responsible for employer relations, job/internship development and enhancement of the part-time student employment opportunities both on-campus and off-campus. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Staff Hiring, Retention,Training And Development |
Indicator | Selection Of An Assistant Director Candidate Selection of a candidate for the Assistant Director of Career Services position posted with SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Criteria | Assistant Director of Career Services Hired Candidate chosen in the interview process is approved for hire by the SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Finding | Addition of Assistant Director Position Tabled Due to lack of funding, the addition of an Assistant Director of Career Services was tabled for 2008. |
Action | Request for Addition of Assistant Director The Director of Career Services will continue to request funding to hire an Assistant Director in the year ahead. |
Objective | Staff Training And Professional Development | |
Career Services will provide training and professional development opportunities and encourage staff to attend these programs throughout the 2007-2008 academic year. Associated Goals: Career Services - Staff Hiring, Retention,Training And Development |
Indicator | Staff Participation In Training And Professional Development Career Services staff submits registrations and, if necessary, travel applications to attend training and professional development programs and events. |
Criteria | Participation level of Career Services staff attending training and professional development events 100% of the Career Services staff will attend at least one training or professional development program or event during the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | 100% Staff Participation 100% of Career Services staff participated in at least one training and professional development event or program during the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Action | Professional Development and Training Career Services will continue to promote staff development and training by encouraging individuals to attend at least one program or event each academic year. |
Objective | Baccalaureate Graduate Success Reporting | |
Career Services will design and implement a Graduate Follow Up Survey to administer to the 2008 graduating class. The results of the survey will indicate starting salary averages, industry/job titles, relevance of employment to graduates major/minor and length of time it took to secure the first job or entrance into graduate or professional programs. Associated Goals: Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Graduate Follow-Up Survey A Graduate Follow-Up Survey is developed and distributed to the 2008 graduating class. Information gathered is analyzed and reported. |
Criteria | Graduate Follow-Up Survey Results Obtained The Graduate Follow-Up Survey is designed, distributed and viable results are obtained and reported. |
Finding | Graduate Follow-Up Survey Designed A Graduate Follow-Up Survey was designed and Career Services is working with the Office of Institutional Research regarding its delivery and compilation of results. The first survey will be sent November 2008 to the May 2008 graduates. |
Action | Follow-Up Graduate Survey We will administer the survey in November 2008 to the May 2008 graduates and to every other graduating class following. The survey will be administered six months from the graduation date using survey software provided through SHSU Office of Institutional Research. |
Objective | Early Major/Career Choice Identification | |
Career Services will provide support to enable students to identify a major/career path their first academic year. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Collaboration With First Year Experience And New Student Orientation Programs Collaboration with First Year Experience, New Student Orientation and the SAM Center to initiate programs to encourage early identification of major and/or career path choice. |
Criteria | Evidence of Collaboration Program, event and/or service initiated during the 2007-2008 academic year through collaboration with First Year Experience and/or the New Student Orientation Program. |
Finding | "Ultimate Road Trip" Sponsored Career Services collaborated with the First Year Experience (FYE) program and Student Activities on August 29, 2007 to sponsor two presentations of "The Ultimate Road Trip" for incoming freshmen. Program is designed to promote their academic and career success and is produced by Over 30 students attended. |
Finding | Career Assessments Offered Sam 136 Classes Career Assessments were administered and interpreted for Sam 136 classes whose instructors chose to include this in the career-exploration segment of their syllabus. |
Finding | New Student Orientation Program Ongoing Career Services presented a PowerPoint program on "Choosing a Major that Fits" for each of the 5 sessions at the 8 Orientations held Summer 08. At the time of this reporting, 2,604 students and parents had attended. |
Action | Early Major/Career Choice Identification Action Career Services will continue to collaborate with the New Student Orientation, the First Year Experience Program, and the Sam Center to support early major/career choice among our first year students by providing and enhancing programs and services addressing this concern. |
Objective | Career Services' Web Site Overhaul | |
Career Services will, through the assistance of SHSU Computer Services, re-design and improve their web site. Associated Goals: Career Services - Technological Maintenance And Advancement |
Indicator | New And Enhanced Career Services Web Site Career Services Web Site is re-designed both in appearance and content to better promote our services and inform our constituents. |
Criteria | Career Services Web Site Re-Design Completed The Career Services new web site will go "live" during the 2007-2008 academic year. |
Finding | Career Services Web Site Re-Designed The Career Services web site was re-designed and launched Spring 2008. Work on the individual pages is ongoing. |
Criteria | Vault Online Career Library Added to Career Services Web Site The Vault Online Career Library will be made available to SHSU students and alumni through the newly re-designed web site. |
Finding | Vault Online Career Library The Vault Online Career Library will be added to the Career Services website in August 2008. |
Action | Career Services Web Site Development To Continue The Director of Career Services along with the assistance of Computer Services, will continue to add content to the newly-designed web site. |