
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Computer Science, Department of

6 Goals     13 Objectives     9 Indicators     14 Criteria     14 Findings     14 Actions

GOAL: Assessment

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator OATDB Records
THe on line assessment tracking database maintains records on all assessment activities.
Criteria Assessment
The department will maintain assessment records on all programs and units within its purview
Finding Assessment
The department achieved partial success in managing assessment processes through OATDb.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
The department needs to complete the implementation of the alumni survey and establish an external review panel to feed more professionally oriented data into the curriculum planning mechanism.

GOAL: Assessment

Objective Budget
The department will establish, in consultation with the faculty, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request  
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning
THe appropriate budget planning was presented to the department in the February department meeting and subsequently submitted to the Deans office by March 1. The criterion for success has been met. No further action is required this year. The department will continue to monitor compliance.
Actions for Objective:

Action Budget Planning
THe criterion for success in Budget planning were met. No further action required this year. The department will continue to monitor compliance in budget planning

GOAL: Assessment

Objective Student Advisement
The faculty will provide competent, timely and accurate advisement information to existing students
Associated Goals: Assessment, Student Advisement

Indicator Advisement Logs
Criteria Advisement Records
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official advisement sessions and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Advisement records
Advisement records for the department are stored electronically and can be retrieved through the student advising update program on the Nell system
Actions for Objective:

Action Advisement Records
Advisement records are available on demand. The department needs to design and implement a mechanism for periodic review of advisement for quality control purposes

GOAL: Curriculum Planning

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator OATDB Records
THe on line assessment tracking database maintains records on all assessment activities.
Criteria Assessment
The department will maintain assessment records on all programs and units within its purview
Finding Assessment
The department achieved partial success in managing assessment processes through OATDb.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
The department needs to complete the implementation of the alumni survey and establish an external review panel to feed more professionally oriented data into the curriculum planning mechanism.

GOAL: Curriculum Planning

Objective Curriculum Planning Committees
The department will establish appropriate committee structures and protocols to maintain high quality and up-to-date curriculum offerings.
Associated Goals: Curriculum Planning

Indicator Curriculum Committee Minutes
Criteria Closing the Loops
The undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees will perform an analysis of assessment data in their first meeting of the academic year to set the agenda for curriculum changes.
Finding Closing the loops
This is the first year of coherent curriculum planning assessment data gathering. The data will be reviewed in the first meeting of the undergraduate curriculum committee/
Criteria Curriculum Committee Records
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all curriculum committee minutes and make those records available for on-site review.
Finding Curriculum Committee Records
The undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees documented their deliberations with minutes. The minutes are available in the departmental offices.
Criteria Curriculum Planning
The department will operate formal committees to review the undergraduate and graduate degree programs and feed assessment data into program changes and improvements.
Finding Curriculum Planning Records
The department maintained active curriculum committees for both undergraduate and graduate programs in 2007/8
Actions for Objective:

Action Closing the Loops
The department chair should monitor the review of assessment data in the first curriculum meetings of the new academic year to ensure the closing hte loops occurs in a formal setting.
Action Curriculum Committee Records
The curriculum committee records are on file as required. No further action required
Action Curriculum Planning Records
No action required.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Advertising
The department will develop tools and procedures for effectively communicating program information to potential students and their parents
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Advertising Review
The department updated the following documents; undergraduate catalog copy, graduate catalog copy, Saturday at Sam documentation, CS undergraduate program trifold flyer, graduate program trifold flyer, graduate program poster, departmental web site.
Finding Catalog copy
The Undergraduate catalog copy for the period 2008-2010 was reviewed and changes made as appropriate. Additional courses include CTE 233 Multimedia Technologies, CTE 333 Web Technologies, DF 470 Special Topics.
Actions for Objective:

Action Advertising material review
The criterion for success was met. tHe advertising review process is continuous and will be maintained for the next year.
Action Catalog Copy
Procedures are functioning as required.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator OATDB Records
THe on line assessment tracking database maintains records on all assessment activities.
Criteria Assessment
The department will maintain assessment records on all programs and units within its purview
Finding Assessment
The department achieved partial success in managing assessment processes through OATDb.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
The department needs to complete the implementation of the alumni survey and establish an external review panel to feed more professionally oriented data into the curriculum planning mechanism.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Public Relations
THe department will provide timely and effective communication of activities to internal and external agencies.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Public Relations
The department maintained a departmental web site and a web site for the Center of excellence in Digital Forensics. In addition the department provided bi-weekly updates in department Chair''s meetings and ad hoc notices to the department of Public Relations. However, there were no organized monthly reports issued as required by the Criterion for success.
Criteria Recruitment
The department will provide on-lie, postal and in-person information to prospective students
Finding Recruitment
The department was involved in two face-to-face recruitment efforts and provided on-line resources through the departmental web site to support recruitment. However, there is insufficient attention paid to both electronic and paper, mass mail outs or in-school visits by faculty to support recruitment.
Actions for Objective:

Action Public Relations
The department will initiate a monthly request for information to all faculty and students requesting updates on activities for submission to internal and external agencies. This will be implemented by email and as a standing agenda item in the departmental meetings.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Recruitment
The department will provide timely and accurate information regarding programmatic offerings and entrance requirements to prospective students.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

Action Recruitment
The department needs to allocate responsibility for off-site recruit to a single faculty member and to provide the time and fiscal resources to allow for the development of a high school and JC -based recruitment effort.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator OATDB Records
THe on line assessment tracking database maintains records on all assessment activities.
Criteria Assessment
The department will maintain assessment records on all programs and units within its purview
Finding Assessment
The department achieved partial success in managing assessment processes through OATDb.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
The department needs to complete the implementation of the alumni survey and establish an external review panel to feed more professionally oriented data into the curriculum planning mechanism.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Budget
The department will establish, in consultation with the faculty, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request  
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning
THe appropriate budget planning was presented to the department in the February department meeting and subsequently submitted to the Deans office by March 1. The criterion for success has been met. No further action is required this year. The department will continue to monitor compliance.
Actions for Objective:

Action Budget Planning
THe criterion for success in Budget planning were met. No further action required this year. The department will continue to monitor compliance in budget planning

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Faculty Performance Review
The department will provide university, College and departmental level policy documentation identifying acceptable faculty performance standards and the procedures by which performance is evaluated.
Associated Goals: Faculty Development

Indicator Faculty Review Portfolios
Criteria Faculty Performance review
The department will explicitly identify the professional expectations of faculty and staff and conduct an annual performance review of each member of the department.
Finding Faculty Performance Review
The department performed a transparent and comprehensive performance review of faculty and staff in accordance with university policy and policy ad procedure identified in the Departmental Promotion and Tenure Documentation (on file in the departmental office). The performance review documentation is on file in the departmental office. In addition, one-on-one interviews with all faculty and staff were scheduled and faculty were provided with summary reviews which were signed by both department chair and the faculty member in question and are on file in the departmental offices. Summaries of the performance review results were submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Performance Review
Faculty Performance review was conducted in accordance with university and departmental policy. No changes to current procedure are required.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Resource Allocation - Physical Resources
The department will provide the necessary office, classroom and laboratory space and equipment to meet the needs of both faculty and students
Associated Goals: Faculty Development, Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Resource Allocation - Travel
The department will allocate fiscal resources to meet faculty conference and professional development attendance.
Associated Goals: Faculty Development, Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

Action Resource Allocation - Travel
The criterion for success has been met. However, the department needs to examine whether or not a higher standard for allocation for conference attendance should be utilized in future and whether or not the university is providing sufficient funds to allow for the appropriate support t faculty.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Advertising
The department will develop tools and procedures for effectively communicating program information to potential students and their parents
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Advertising Review
The department updated the following documents; undergraduate catalog copy, graduate catalog copy, Saturday at Sam documentation, CS undergraduate program trifold flyer, graduate program trifold flyer, graduate program poster, departmental web site.
Finding Catalog copy
The Undergraduate catalog copy for the period 2008-2010 was reviewed and changes made as appropriate. Additional courses include CTE 233 Multimedia Technologies, CTE 333 Web Technologies, DF 470 Special Topics.
Actions for Objective:

Action Advertising material review
The criterion for success was met. tHe advertising review process is continuous and will be maintained for the next year.
Action Catalog Copy
Procedures are functioning as required.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator OATDB Records
THe on line assessment tracking database maintains records on all assessment activities.
Criteria Assessment
The department will maintain assessment records on all programs and units within its purview
Finding Assessment
The department achieved partial success in managing assessment processes through OATDb.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
The department needs to complete the implementation of the alumni survey and establish an external review panel to feed more professionally oriented data into the curriculum planning mechanism.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Budget
The department will establish, in consultation with the faculty, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request  
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning
THe appropriate budget planning was presented to the department in the February department meeting and subsequently submitted to the Deans office by March 1. The criterion for success has been met. No further action is required this year. The department will continue to monitor compliance.
Actions for Objective:

Action Budget Planning
THe criterion for success in Budget planning were met. No further action required this year. The department will continue to monitor compliance in budget planning

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Public Relations
THe department will provide timely and effective communication of activities to internal and external agencies.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Public Relations
The department maintained a departmental web site and a web site for the Center of excellence in Digital Forensics. In addition the department provided bi-weekly updates in department Chair''s meetings and ad hoc notices to the department of Public Relations. However, there were no organized monthly reports issued as required by the Criterion for success.
Criteria Recruitment
The department will provide on-lie, postal and in-person information to prospective students
Finding Recruitment
The department was involved in two face-to-face recruitment efforts and provided on-line resources through the departmental web site to support recruitment. However, there is insufficient attention paid to both electronic and paper, mass mail outs or in-school visits by faculty to support recruitment.
Actions for Objective:

Action Public Relations
The department will initiate a monthly request for information to all faculty and students requesting updates on activities for submission to internal and external agencies. This will be implemented by email and as a standing agenda item in the departmental meetings.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Recruitment
The department will provide timely and accurate information regarding programmatic offerings and entrance requirements to prospective students.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

Action Recruitment
The department needs to allocate responsibility for off-site recruit to a single faculty member and to provide the time and fiscal resources to allow for the development of a high school and JC -based recruitment effort.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Resource Allocation - Faculty & Staff
The department will provide appropriately qualified faculty and staff to meet the needs of the department and its programs.
Associated Goals: Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

Action Resource Allocation - Faculty and staff
The department needs to recruit an additional faculty member to fill the available positions. The department needs urgently to employ a Network Administrator to manage the equipment and laboratory space in use by the department.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Resource Allocation - Physical Resources
The department will provide the necessary office, classroom and laboratory space and equipment to meet the needs of both faculty and students
Associated Goals: Faculty Development, Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Resource Allocation - Travel
The department will allocate fiscal resources to meet faculty conference and professional development attendance.
Associated Goals: Faculty Development, Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

Action Resource Allocation - Travel
The criterion for success has been met. However, the department needs to examine whether or not a higher standard for allocation for conference attendance should be utilized in future and whether or not the university is providing sufficient funds to allow for the appropriate support t faculty.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Staff Performance Review
The department will perform a transparent and comprehensive review of staff performance on an annual basis.
Associated Goals: Program Stability

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Strategic Planning
The department will establish a strategic planning process identifying departmental strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Associated Goals: Program Stability

Indicator Annual Strategic Plan  
Criteria Strategic Planning Document
The department chair will present a strategic planning document to the February department meeting
Finding Strategic Planning Document
THe department prepared a strategic planning document for the 2009-2011 period
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Public Relations
THe department will collect summaries of activities from faculty and students and submit a monthly public relations update to the Public Relations department and to the departmental web master
Criteria Resource Allocation -Travel
The department will provide resources to all tenured and tenure track to allow for attendance to at least one International or two national level conferences.
Finding Resource Allocation-Travel
Departmental minutes indicate that all tenured and tenure track faculty who requested to do so, attended at least one international or two national level conferences. A total of 22 trips were organized and all tenured or tenure track faculty who requested travel funds were supported. In addition, travel for two Instructors and one visiting Assistant professor wee also supported.
Criteria Resource allocation - Faculty and Staff
The department will recruit and allocate appropriately qualified and skilled faculty to meet the scheduled demands of all degree programs and the administrative and technical staff to support the physical resources required.
Finding Resource allocation - Faculty and Staff
Existing faculty were allocated in accordance with their qualification. The department was successful in recruiting two of three available positions during this year but remain with an open position unfilled by a successful candidate. Administrative staff resources were appropriate to needs but there is a significant lack of technical support available
Actions for Objective:

Action Strategic Planning
The criterion for success in strategic planning was met. No further action required.

GOAL: Student Advisement

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator OATDB Records
THe on line assessment tracking database maintains records on all assessment activities.
Criteria Assessment
The department will maintain assessment records on all programs and units within its purview
Finding Assessment
The department achieved partial success in managing assessment processes through OATDb.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
The department needs to complete the implementation of the alumni survey and establish an external review panel to feed more professionally oriented data into the curriculum planning mechanism.

GOAL: Student Advisement

Objective Student Advisement
The faculty will provide competent, timely and accurate advisement information to existing students
Associated Goals: Assessment, Student Advisement

Indicator Advisement Logs
Criteria Advisement Records
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official advisement sessions and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Advisement records
Advisement records for the department are stored electronically and can be retrieved through the student advising update program on the Nell system
Actions for Objective:

Action Advisement Records
Advisement records are available on demand. The department needs to design and implement a mechanism for periodic review of advisement for quality control purposes

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